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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. You can pour liquid nitrogen over your bare hands, quite safely. The girl appears to have been unfortunate enough to drink a flash cocktail too soon after the liquid nitrogen was added. It evaporates off very quickly. Perhaps the barman added too much. It would be extremely difficult to drink it alone.
  2. I only ever set foot in a bank when somethings gone wrong. And then, to prevent more things going wrong, I have to put on the 'Englishman abroad talking to Johnny Foreigner' tone to make sure there can be absolutely no misunderstanding. A lesson learnt from the time I walked in to increase my overdraft by £1,000, was cheerily told by the woman behind the counter that she could do that there and then for me without having to book an appointment, and shortly afterwards discovered she'd actually reduced my student account overdraft by £1,000 and put me severely in arrears and incurred me numerous fines. On the plus side I got to go back in a few days later and, for once in my life, got to do the outraged customer thing.
  3. Of course not. There needs to be some serious thought about the kind of precedent thats being set with this sort of thing. Besides that, I really dislike this developing culture of causing 'offence' (whatever the **** that means) being some kind of heinous crime. Grow the **** up.
  4. I, because it's pretty I think, decided to buy Prometheus on Blu-Ray and got the disc over the weekend, gave it rewatch last night. It's still completely daft on a second view. Pretty but bloody hell the flaws... Anyway, there are a number of alternate and deleted scenes on the disc, though they are seperate from the film (no extended cut here). Sadly, as I suspected might be the case, theres no saving this film. The extra scenes are, in the main, alternate takes, and you can really tell why they were excised. A few feel really, really amateurish - an alternate scene in the finale plays out almost exactly as the same scene does in the eventual release, but with a slightly shifted setting and with a polar flip of tone that, well... it plays out like a comedy, in truth, so bad is the dialogue and how the little moments play out in it. I almost, almost, have to believe it's a comedy outtake of the scene because I can't believe Ridley would for even a second considered wasting time filming that seriously, intending it to part of the final moments of the film. Much of the rest of the deleted scenes are simply scenes from the film where a few seconds here and there have been carved out, which leaves you feeling a strange sense of deja vu as you watch the cut material thinking 'Hang on... that's exactly as it was in the film...? Oh no wait, this 5 second bit here was chopped...and this line here too...'. There is a single scene that goes some way to solving a problem I had with the film, the revelation Idris Elba has that feels so jarring in it's suddenness is eased a little by a chat he has with Vickers in the cut scenes, but still it doesn't really help with the feeling it's a revelation pulled from thin air. Most of the cuts are taken from the third act (which is where the wheels really fall off the film) but little is added by them. Theres an extended final action scene that perhaps could have stayed in the film,watching it made me revisit the scene in the final cut as it made me notice that the it had clearly been carved up in editting for cinema release, but despite playing out as final action hurrah of the movie its completely unbelievable given scenes just moments earlier. I think the film is still worth a watch if you've not seen it, but go in knowing you're about to watch a missed opportunity. Then turn your brain off and go 'Daww, it's so pretty!'. It really is a polished turd.
  5. And Dishonored has reviewed pretty much universally fantastically, 9s more or less across the board. Sold. I would link to the GiantBomb QL but the chap heading it is a terrible presence in any capacity and manages to make the entire thing quite supremely boring.
  6. Chindie

    Mobile Access

    You're not alone on this, I suffer the same problem. If you check a topic on your computer and then visit the same topic on your phone on the mobile browser, it will skip to the last page you viewed when you click(not really a solution, but, you know... you can also do the same thing by choosing the 'Full site' option at the bottom of a page and clicking the last page, although that then may cause you issues with getting back to the mobile site). This is an issue I've encountered with another site that uses the same mobile site style that VT has moved to, in fairness. I'm glad it's not just me and my phone though!
  7. I like Bond. But the Sky movie channel thing is absurd. There are... 22 official Bond movies I think, available for home release, and most of them are pretty old, and in some cases elements of them are in the cultural psyche (the theme and a number of the title songs could be played to anyone in the Uk and they'd know them instantly, regardless of being a Bond fan or not). It's a completely ridiculous move and, in all honesty, I can't believe Sky will make a penny off it. Everyone's seen Goldfinger countless times, everyone's seen Live and Let Die and I could probably do a passable 1 man stage show of Goldeneye despite having never owned the film on any form of home media or having recorded it. I liked what ITV used to do with Bond. Over the spring and summer they'd chuck 1 on a week, on the same dead spot on the schedule, and call it Bond season. I actually bothered to watch the Roger Moore travesties because of that. I can't imagine I'd ever watch a Bond movie channel in a similar vein.
  8. She has a fairly powerful voice but her voice has no range - all of her songs have the same notes and stress her voice in the same way, to my knowledge (I'm not exactly a fan, not my thing). But I do agree with you that it's also a pathetically boring song. It really doesn't go anywhere. It's all intro, all foreplay, and really boring with it too. It's very flat. Theres no excitement. It's a ballad to boredom with an orchestra. It also appears to have had the tune written by taking the bars of all the classic Bond songs, cutting them out, shoving them in a tumble dryer and recording whatever the first 20 bars that they pulled out afterwards where. I swear you can actually pick little bits of Diamonds are Forever or Goldfinger out of it. I've just listened to it again, I've actually done her pronunciation a favour. Skyfall is rather more like 'Skyfaw'. Eurgh.
  9. The new Bond song. It's a hideous by the numbers 'traditional' Bond song, which is bad enough (it feels exceptionally hackneyed). But the way Adele pronounces everything on it is extremely annoying. Skyfall = 'Skyfoe-ull'. Crumble = 'CrumbOOOOOooooOOOOwl'. Tall = 'Torwl' (very close to 'towel' in fact). This is the end = 'Dis iss de end'. **** off. Plus her voice isn't even that good, she has no range.
  10. The only thing the authorities have been clear about with this entire case is that they do not want any details surrounding it being leaked. Now that's not unusual, every case demands this, but I don't remember another time where so little was known about a crime (all we know is a little girl vanished in a small rural Welsh town and they arrested a chap who happens to own a car that possibly matched a description given by another child of the car the little girl got into) and where the police have so clearly stated 'Do not threaten the course of justice by revealing anything to the press'. I suspect there is a lot more behind this than has come to light - they released the picture and details of Mark Bridger exceptionally quickly, and they are being extremely careful about what is revealed about the case. There was some talk that they had found some evidence of the girl in his Land Rover, but that appears to have fairly quickly drowned beneath other elements of the story. It's not impossible to convict for murder without a body, but it would require more evidence than the public is aware of. As said before, I would not be surprised if a body never arose. If the body was dumped in the Dovey, in flood, it could well be in the Irish sea by now. The search will move away from Machynlleth soon imo, heading towards the Dovey Estuary proper, Ynyslas and Aberdovey.
  11. Well, exactly - he could have 3... but he doesn't. He doesn't look to be a great finisher to me. He seems to get into scoring positions less because every time theres an attack, he does the right thing, and more that once in a while he manages to stumble onto the right position to me. And really seems to just lack that edge a really good striker does, we've had 2 air shots already and some missed sitters. At the moment we've seen far more bad, when we get down to the important stuff for a striker, than we have the good. I think we'll see far more games like yesterday than we will where he bangs in a corker. in all honesty. I genuinely would be surprised to see him get more than 10 league goals.
  12. Chindie


    Its hard to argue that we shouldn't be worried. We look shite.
  13. I would be shocked if he got anywhere near 10 league goals for us this season.
  14. I think it's looking increasingly clear he's going to be sold. I don't think it's entirely down to Lambert just not fancying him either.
  15. They share the same art designer, hence the distinct similarity in some respects of the design - the thing that struck me most was the strider-esque enemies and some of the use of 'metal' in the art design. Interestingly enough I really like the style of HL2 and the obvious lineage there is part of what makes me so disappointed they've gone with such a starkly stylised direction with the games aesthetic, had this had bit of the more realistic HL2 style I'd have been absolutely sold on it in looks alone. It seems to be basically Deus Ex, a fairly open first person world with a largely free approach to solving things - go stealthy, go brutal full frontal assault, talk your way out of things, it's up to you, and providing you with tools and upgrade paths to develop your own style. The nod to Assassins Creed is a red herring - the only resemblance is the game features an assassin. I definitely have my reservations about the game but I also think theres potential for this to be an absolute barn stormer. Won't be for everyone though, Deus Ex wasn't, even if it matches the potential.
  16. Chindie


    I think we'll go down or grasp safety by the skin of our teeth.
  17. I'm increasingly concerned that he's a bit of a donkey.
  18. I think we'd be exposed at the back regardless of line-up, sadly.
  19. Dishonored out this week. Looking forward to it, though the studio hardly has a flawless record and I'm not at all sold on the art design (I like the ideas, I'd have preferred it to be just a little further from cartoon-y). But its a modern Deus Ex with Victorian-esque fantasy setting, it has more than a little of the atmosphere of the newer Discworld novels about it. Fingers crossed it's a good'un.
  20. Every single chant based off of Sloop John B. Seemingly every club in the league is guilty of using it, and it gets on my **** whick.
  21. Spurs all day long this one. Their wingers will have a field day and our defence isn't exactly flawless. They'll coast to a win by a couple of goals.
  22. I've never had a tag. Never had one naturally arise.
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