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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I swear they were selling helicopters on those old platforms in the summer.
  2. This is all because of my not wanting to wait till Thursday for something to come into stock, so I thought **** it and cancelled the order. Lo and behold, redo the order, next day delivery is **** Friday (how the **** does that work?!), or it's 17 **** pounds for Saturday delivery, or free if I leave it till Wednesday next **** week, in which case I may as well have not bothered with this whole palava in the first place. What the ****.
  3. 'Next Working Day delivery'. Friday... I'm ordering on Monday. The next working day, if I'm being kind given that it's 6pm, is Wednesday. Not **** Friday. And nobody is going to be around to sign for it on Friday. FFS.
  4. If they can make a game that doesn't run like a dog that's been hit by a bus I might stick with this one. In the first game I hit Blighttown and had a severe case of fuckthisitis.
  5. Oh and another thing - being unable to alter an order from a website (before it's been processed and despatched, obviously). I'm in the process of building a new PC and have 4 more components on order from a retailer. 3 are in stock and ready to go, but 1 is on back order. It should have come back in stock on Saturday but now it's saying Thursday. Theres a virtually identical item, in stock, ready to go. But the only way I can change and swap the items so I can actually shift all these huge boxes sat around the house is cancelling the entire order, which I'm utterly convinced will cause problems with Quidco or other things being out of stock.
  6. Day One of induction over and lordy lordy, I don't think I'll manage the week. They had us running round head office at one point, on what amounted to a treasure hunt. Grown adults, in a busy work place. 4 more days of this. It was described as week off by my boss, I think I'd rather be sat at my desk.
  7. I've seen it from the bus going round the back of Masshouse but it's hard to really tell anything about it like that. At the moment to me it just looks a bit less scruffy there. Should look good when it's completely finished and in summer I guess.
  8. IIRC Godwins Law has a caveat that the discussion must be unrelated to Hitler/the Nazis.
  9. Being on head office induction all week, 9.30 start today (with an informal buffet lunch!). All **** week. And all I've heard from everyone is that its bullshit. Even the lunch.
  10. I don't think the Ultimate Cut of Watchmen would add much in fairness. In Hobbit related news, the Torygraph has given it a complete shoeing.
  11. A title he won with the last kick of the last game, when he had the strongest squad in the league by miles. Sorry, I ain't impressed. Last years Manchester United were nothing on their best and neither did Chelsea shine, hence why their CL win was so surprising, they weren't much cop. Mancini just isn't any good. He's average at best. A talented manager makes Citeh a completely dominant force with the riches they have, Mancini had simply acquired a squad of good players, he doesn't add much to them on the field. Ferguson makes his squads better than just their talents suggest, as does Mourinho. Hell, even non greats manage that. Mancini doesn't. Hence that team being so flawed, it really shouldn't be but when it comes up against teams closer to it talentwise, it struggles far more than it should.
  12. I agree that that feeling of foreboding is missing but I think that is, in part due to the fact the film had to rattle along, there just wasn't the time to let that feeling grow. They try to do it with a few background references but it doesn't work. The other thing i think caused it refers back to the feeling Snyder hadn't got a **** clue how important it is to the atmosphere of the story.
  13. I genuinely like and enjoy it. I'm a fan of the graphic novel though. The extended version is great, even if watching it you can't escape the feeling Snyder hasn't got a clue about a single apect of the plot and has just copied what he saw on the page on the pictures.
  14. Exactly. His Inter side was rather like taking a prime Manchester United and removing all the competition. It'd be a travesty had he not won anything with that side then, they were the best team in the league by a mile. He's an incredibly average manager whose best probably came at the start of his managerial career (and even they aren't that impressive, the Lazio side he took over for instance was the remains of the team Sven had done a job on and spent a hideous amount on to claim a title. I contend, and barring him doing something particularly special probably always will, he really isn't 'good' he's completely average. I'm completely happy with that being branded 'bizzare', though I can't say I'd agree
  15. Watchmen looks incredible on bluray, actually. An excellent transfer.
  16. Dark Knight Rises bluray is basically reference quality.
  17. They've had another chap fill in a few times when Sir Patrick was ill, I'd imagine he might take up the job.
  18. He absolutely hated Germans, though I guess you can give him that as their bombing killed his fiancee while she was working on an ambulance. Sad loss still, you'll be missed Gamesmaster.
  19. That's been my stance for years. I didn't think he was any good when he was at Inter. I said on here he wasn't much cop when he signed for Citeh, and I've reiterated it numerous times since. It's not a kneejerk reaction by any means. Edit. Having checked my posting history, I've been saying he's not much good on VT alone since Feb 2010.
  20. Exactly. And frankly none of the achievements are that convincing, he has gotten lucky, he had only won serious things when he manages a team with an obscene advantage, and even then he had made hard work of it. The moment he has an equal rival he's found wanting. Just not that good of a manager whatsoever.
  21. It's Robs advice for all situations, a life philosophy for all really... Do Her Up The Wrong 'Un Words you can truly live by.
  22. Mancini has never been a good manager. Never even near it.
  23. A bloke in the office earlier had to explain to someone over the phone what the area code of a phone number was. And really wasn't getting anywhere. I think I got pissed off for him.
  24. The nurse was obviously taken out by Agents. The true story has been D-noticed... On a serious note, the radio station and it's hosts are rocket polishers. You never know what state someone else is in, mentally or physically, so doing something like this is deeply, deeply irresponsible, foisting such pressure and public notoriety on a person.They can't have expected it, but they put the woman in this position, they should reap what they sowed. words removed.
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