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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. You know things are bad when the moaning about the fanbase starts
  2. The 12 goal maulings can't be attributed to Guzan, in actuality he's about the only player to come out with any credit from those games. I would genuinely fear that the scoresheet would have been worse with Given in goal.
  3. Chindie

    Doctor Who

    The assistant used to be in Emmerdale. My mom never did quite cotton on to why the period the new Who assistant was on the soap coincided with my being able to stand watching a second of it. She's also in the Captain America movie for about 2 seconds.
  4. I've been feeling like death since Christmas Eve. That night I genuinely had fever dreams, which was crazy, and since then I've basically grabbed the odd hour of sleep here and there, barely eaten anything and have used up a small forests worth of tissues. I've actually been able to feel it move around affecting different bits of me. Its hit my stomach today which hasn't been pleasant, and that's been backed up by the ever present sneezing, coughing, and runny nose. I had to take today off sick, which isn't great as none of my superiors are in and thus I've not been able to notify work, beyond leaving a message... Might have to do the same tomorrow unless the night rapidly heals me.
  5. A History of Violence, on the Eastern Promises note.
  6. The Time Person/Thing of the Year is decided on whoever/whatever was most newsworthy, isn't it? (Hence Hitler having won it way back when) I can't think of anything that outdoes Obama for this 12 months, really.
  7. They're still one of the most effective ways to project power though. They've always had drawbacks (an aircraft carrier alone may as well have a target painted on it, so they end up needing vast investment in support craft to look after it, and they are fairly prohibitively large resource dumps, hence so few nations having any, and so on) but if you wish to maintain the ability to impose military might across the globe, the aircraft carrier is amongst the best ways to do it... It's arguable that they do have an empire... just a different one to the old fashioned notion. And it's also arguable that they wouldn't trade their 'empire' for one even vaguely like the former British Empire.
  8. In fairness, quite a few Dutch fans said when we bought him he's not actually any cop. Lo and behold, he goes to a more difficult league and struggles. He might improve a little if he got to the point were he looked like a stiff breeze wouldn't blow him over.
  9. I've had to take today off - I've had the worst cold imaginable and it simply will not go away.
  10. Chindie


    As said by numerous people before - this thread will be relevant all season.
  11. One conservative commentator made one of the daftest suggestions I've ever heard in the wake of the school shooting. She suggested that kids be taught to run towards a gunman and try to overpower him. Words fail me.
  12. Flying Pickets as a left field suggestion.
  13. Played it to death this time last year, and now I've got a decent PC again, it's been bought and installed and now loaded up to it's eyeballs with mods. I fully expect it to keel over when I start it up but either way, I'm going to enjoy this...
  14. Its just Fergie playing the media, trying to take the focus away from the result.
  15. No. I genuinely hate kids. Don't like ebay much either in truth.
  16. A website is desperately trying to prevent me giving it any money. I've signed up specifically to buy something from them, I add the item to the basket, go to checkout, and my basket suddenly becomes empty. Perhaps it's an omen...
  17. I wonder if Mayan prophecy believers will borrow a trick from the Jehovah's Witnesses and pretend all this didn't happen when nothing happens...
  18. Sold. If it goes into the steam sale, it's bought.
  19. AC3 is basically that series jumping the shark. The formula grew stale after AC2 3, but the latest iteration is just pretty ropey. Disappointment of the year, I think.
  20. How's it run on PC? I really liked elements of the game when I was playing it on the 360 but general performance issues, and especially Blighttown, killed any chance of me getting into it properly. But with the Steam sale and it maybe appearing, I think a good word on the port might make my purchase certain if it pops up in the sales...
  21. I've just bought Arkham City GOTY on Steam. £4.99, seems wrong not to.
  22. Apparently pretty woeful, Rushdie too involved had lead to it becoming a mess that's overly long overly stuffed and really dull.
  23. I was in Greggs yesterday, getting lunch, and a woman just shoved a pushchair over my foot. Not a word said, nothing. Then the woman on the till called if anyone was waiting, which I was, so I had scramble around the pram, accidentally nudging a woman looking at the sandwiches (Such a small nudge I didn't even know I had) leading her to indignantly proclaim 'Excuse me...!'. This all pissed me off, and today I'm not going to Greggs.
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