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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. It'll be so different to a 'proper' Elder Scrolls game you may as well not bother if you want to get the Elder Scrolls experience.
  2. In. And I sincerely doubt the referendum will ever happen. Its posturing as Bicks said, that will come back to bite us/Cameron if we ever really need to get something from the EU in the near future, and help the Tories a little, but little else. You're naive if you think something this important and far reaching is going to be decided by Joe Public.
  3. Chindie

    Snow Watch!

    Boots, actually. I take office shoes to work with me and change them whenever I head out. The pavements, particularly near my home but also a number in the city centre, are like ice rinks.
  4. Chindie

    Snow Watch!

    This weather can **** off now. I've had enough of not being able to walk anywhere without the constant spectre of cracking my head on the pavement.
  5. Despite saying otherwise I've started reading the books. Only about a quarter into Game of Thrones but roundly enjoying it. Knowing what's coming constantly is a bit of an annoyance and I don't think GRRM is that good of a writer in truth but its enjoyable enough. Can't wait for the series to return though.
  6. I'm strangely not interested in any of those. Lincoln is Spielberg in Oscar baiting mode as far as i can tell which is usually tedious, regardless of an apparently top DDL performance. I have absolutely no interest in the propaganda movie Bigelow has put out. And the Last Stand... Bleh.
  7. By hard work I mean she's apparently very difficult to talk to, one word answers and what not. We shall see I guess.
  8. Chindie

    Snow Watch!

    Quieter than usual but nothing on Friday.
  9. Your money is safe, trust me. I was out with a couple of guys from work last week and found out she is apparently hard work.
  10. This thread acts as a fairly regular reminder that i don't meet many women. My friend group rarely go out properly anymore (cinema trips usually these days), besides which I'm useless at that game, and beyond that I'm either at work or at home. There's a girl in the admin department that might be of interest, gets on the same bus as me and glances over when she heads out of the office past my desk, but I don't think I've spoken to her once (after nearly walking into her turning a corner in the office i think i said 'Oh, sorry') and have nothing to do with her department. I think I qualify as hopeless
  11. Chindie

    Snow Watch!

    Walking around town on my lunch was a **** nightmare today - the pavements were horrendous. The worrying thing is the slush and compacted snow wasn't going anywhere and with temperatures like they are, it's all going to freeze and turn the city centre into an ice rink.
  12. Season 2 isn't as good - it suffers a little because, unlike the first series where you've got a basic story thread that runs through the series and things that ping off from it (Ned's story being the backbone of it all) the second series has about 8 different stories all going on at the same time and there isn't the core focus story arc of a single character to pin it all together. But it's still pissing good. I'm really keen to rewatch it in prep for season 3, but the bluray isn't out till March . There are some stunning episodes and moments, and a few nice new characters (of the tens it throws at you!).
  13. The effective length of a pass is proportionate to the players world classness. Barry Bannan passes nanometres. He only looks to be passing long thanks to quantum mechanics. This also explains why he also often passes to no-one - he's passing to a player who is both there and not there at the same time. Or some other such nonsense.
  14. Chindie

    Snow Watch!

    Well, I got in. I think I need to send 3 emails and make a call and then I'm kinda twiddling my thumbs. I might do some database tidying. My boss is working from home, as expected. Today its going to be a long one. At least the roads should be better for the trip home today.
  15. Chindie

    Snow Watch!

    I'm not looking forward to the trip in, either. Especially as it took me 3 hours to get home the other night. And also because I know the boss won't be in and, based on Friday, that there'll be next to nothing to do given no clients will be in either.
  16. No, the film was a flop - it cost **** all on the scale of modern action movies but didn't make a penny, it struggled in the UK and did badly in the US and other territories. They're flogging off the props on eBay soon. The only way it'd get a sequel would be if it did absolutely obscene money on home media. I think the best bet for more live action Dredd would be to hope someone like HBO fancies a crack at a miniseries. But that won't happen.
  17. Unusually my experience of a film was a improved just a little by the audience when I saw Gangster Squad. The film's alright, forgettable stuff really, but the woman behind me's whispered but still excited reactions to everything will forever mean that film sticks with me. God why doesn't he take them off?! Take them offffffffff!!!! Oh my god it's a set up... I think it's a set up... it's a set up oh god! Is that Sean Penn? It's Sean Penn. I don't like Sean Penn do I? Well thats alright then. It genuinely got funnier as the film went on, and at the end she turned to her partner and completely dead pan said 'I quite enjoyed that' before the credits had started rolling, the final scene still playing out. I think he knew, to be honest. We knew she'd enjoyed it, anyway.
  18. I've rewatched Dredd over the last couple of days too - stands up to a repeat viewing or two. Brilliant fun. The 2D transfer on the bluray is rough as a badgers todger though. Has moments where, considering it's a pretty cheap film all in all, it looks fantastic, and then other moments where it's in knock off DVD territory for picture quality. But still, such good fun, start to end. Really disappointing we won't see Karl Urban donning the helmet again, he knocks the character out of the park.
  19. I'm not nervous, I'm just not looking forward to the horror show about to be served up. Nervousness suggests a belief that something might go well - I know it won't.
  20. Chindie

    Snow Watch!

    The city centre is eerie - its nearly silent and there's next to noone on the streets.
  21. Chindie

    Snow Watch!

    My boss left an hour ago concerned about his trip home, and we've just had an official email saying we can leave 1 if we've concerns about getting home. Think I'm going top have my lunch break and see what's what. I've got my eye on the West Mids travel service alerts constantly - the merest sniff of a service issue for a bus I can use and I'm out of here.
  22. Blockbusters have been going through a long, lingering death for years. Only slightly more surprising than HMV, really.
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