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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. The Shining is the only film I've ever watched that has made me feel uneasy watching it. That it does this on every rewatch is astounding. Shelley Duvall being a bit ropey throughout didn't even hurt it. The Exorcist is great... But I think Kubricks film is probably the greatest horror.
  2. Er, best part of a grand, maybe a little more. But that includes getting a new mouse and keyboard, new monitor etc etc. I wanted to PC game again and my old desktop was basically dying and 6 years old... I'm happy with the investment. It's good to use Steam in anger again. My library has grown to a silly level already, my new build coincided with the Steam Christmas sale. Nice timing!
  3. I've recently built a new PC and have been enjoying being part of the glorious gaming master race.
  4. Possibly my favourite gaming experience of this generation, RDR. Savour it, it's fantastic.
  5. It's not even the way she says it (which is annoying in itself). It's that what she's saying it's completely pointless to anyone with a brain. 'See you later, what does that even mean?'. It means exactly what it sounds like it means. **** oooooooofffffffffff.
  6. I was quite enjoying it as a well made bit of near future sci fi with nice ideas, I liked the look and the world it had created. I liked the performances, generally, too. For an hour and a bit I really enjoyed it. It makes a really, really daft change of direction then that seems totally superfluous and actually doesn't do anything for the film positively, beyond giving an excuse to have a couple of SFX scenes that you get the feeling the film makers hoped would be somewhat iconic. The end of the film knocked the shine off it markedly, but I still think, for that first 2/3rds, it's a decent watch that belies it's budget. It was actually cheaper to make than Dredd.
  7. I'd increasingly consider that to be a bit of a Hobson's choice.
  8. Looper. Brilliant and then kinda shits out the good will it earns for no good reason in the final 20 minutes. Well worth a watch but crikey it makes a plot turn that undermines everything that came before it a little.
  9. Try Not to Breathe is one of the more underrated REM songs, it's absolutely brilliant.
  10. Chindie

    Top Gear

    It's never going to be as good as it was, it's evolved into a different beast, but it made me laugh and I enjoyed it. They've done worse episodes. The last Christmas special for a start.
  11. You can get receivers for wireless 360 controllers to connect them to the PC. I use one. Ebay is your friend on that front. It's totally worth it and really opens the door to turning your PC into a super powerful console if you hook it up to the TV. A lot of games play better on a controller tbh. Do it.
  12. Indeed. I'm not particularly down on Lambert. I don't think he's done a particularly good job but I get the feeling he may have under better circumstances. I also feel that nobody could do anything with this squad, in truth. Ultimately I'm unmoved by Lamberts future - where he sacked or he to walk, I don't think I'd shed a tear. Equally, I wouldn't go out of my way demanding his head because... well... I don't think it's going to make the damnedest bit of difference.
  13. Fair enough. I would be harsher - I don't think many of the younger purchases have covered themselves in that much glory, for instance, despite Bennett standing out as particularly poor. But fair enough - the main issue stands regardless, the squad is hopeless.
  14. The PS3 version of Skyrim borders on broken, does it not? Bethesda just do not get on with that console - Fallout 3 was ropey too on it IIRC. Arcade racers - I'd second the call to look at the Criterion boys work. Need for Speed Hot Pursuit can be picked up for no money these days and is great cops and robbers themed racing fun, and NFS Most Wanted is well held. Do not go near the motion stuff - its rubbish and theres **** all available for it, and of that very little is good.
  15. Exactly. This team is shite and is around about where it deserves to be. Lambert carries the can for some mistakes and in some instances making it a little worse, but on the whole we've got an awful squad. That is predominately down to the owner. Lambert takes flack there in that much of what he bought hasn't performed, the mitigating factors being whether he could have bought better with the requirements and budget or not.
  16. No, I don't read the Guardians film reviews. There's been more than enough talk to make me decidedly suspicious of the film. That a debate about some aspects of the film exists is enough to set my alarm bells ringing and is enough to prevent me from seeing the film. A feeling that isn't helped by the fact I didn't particularly like the Hurt Locker.
  17. I wonder how much lens flare he can muster in it.
  18. That McDonalds coffee advert. Particularly the section with the group of 'everyday average teenage girls in modern Britain' which has the bit where the one girl says 'He said 'See you later'. Like, what does that even mean?'
  19. I couldn't walk on the pavements around me this morning and just now after getting off the bus. Had to walk in the road - the pavements are simply not passable safely.
  20. They were just a fantastic band. They suffered after Bill Berry left, a couple of albums aside, but for a very long time they're just unparalleled.
  21. There's not a chance the pricing model of retail titles would alter in the unlikely event they introduce anti-preowned measures.
  22. Those **** drag along luggage cases things. **** nightmare - make every pedestrian with one infinitely more annoying and inevitably the idiot dragging one doesn't actually need to be - You're at **** work, if you need a bag shove it over your bastard shoulder.
  23. No worries, always happy to put the degree to some use It's that kind of thing that shows just how intangibly complex the entire organisation is, which in turn makes the question of 'In, or out?' a far more complex question than it appears. It's actually slightly difficult to comprehend what the organisation actually is. And when the work it does has some very intangible benefits (to your average man on the street, the benefits it is able to bring to him tend to be far less obvious than the bad stuff the papers tell him about. Things like allowing the director of the company he works for to far more easily serve one of the largest consumer bases in the world, itself part of the one of the largest economic areas there is, which secures his job ultimately. What he does see is a load of Poles in the city centre and stories about cucumbers not being straight enough - which are usually hoaxes) the question is daft. And theres not a hope in hell of making a sensible debate come about in the run up to a referendum, because you simply can't adequately explain the rights and wrongs of the situation in quick simple terms. What can do is scaremonger and mislead though - on both sides of the debate. But thats all by the by, the referendum won't happen, precisely because the politicians in the mainstream know leaving would be a nightmare and theres a chance the public would vote to leave.
  24. It's not that simple unfortunately Bicks, with regards us voting for MEPs and that being an example of the EU being democratic. The European Parliament is just one segment of the EU and has a comparatively weak role in the whole organisation - I may be slightly out of date but it's major role a couple of years ago was predominately to sign off the budget for the EU and whatever legislation the institutions above it sent down to be ratified. Oh and to supervise the organisation, whatever that means. The Commission and the Council of the European Union are not democratically elected to office and hold far greater power than the Parliament. The only other democratically elected element of the European Union is the European Council (the meeting of member heads of state along with 2 EU Presidents for a chat, in essence), which for all intents and purposes is powerless. The EU does have a democratic deficit, even generally as a supporter of the institution it really has got to improve it's accountability.
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