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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. 'Our doubts are traitors And make us lose the good we often might win By fearing to attempt' I'd say I live by it but I don't. I'm an example of what it advises against to be honest. But once on a while its made me act differently when it might matter.
  2. I'm dipping in and out of things at the moment. Put a few hours into Lego LOTR the other day. It's... er... good...
  3. Some (well, all really, but still) of the arguments against were ludicrous. One MP, Stephen Timms, stating that marriage is for the purpose of children alone, only to have a Labour colleague, whose wedding he attended, point out she married long after there would be any chance of kids, thus suggesting her marriage was invalid, was absolutely farcical. As was his response - 'I'm talking about hundreds of years ago'. Er...? **** idiots. Not that this matters of course - the Lords won't let this fly and Cameron's not daft enough to invoke the Parliament Act.
  4. It definitely slows down a little in Mexico but picks up again after. Its a shame really as the moment immediately after you get to Mexico is one of the best moments in gaming, fullstop.
  5. Chindie

    Snow Watch!

    My boss just sent me email saying that up Yorkshire way its bloody heavy snow everywhere. I walked out this morning, meanwhile, to what amounts to a heavy frost really.
  6. Anyone watching the documentary? Its crap. But it is interesting to see that a society I'd never heard of, the Richard III Society, its apparently stocked entirely with mentalists.
  7. IIRC you can quit missions from the pause menu. I think. That hunting mission is a bastard. The best way to do it is to absolutely hoard the syringe crafting materials and make the hunting syringes that allow you to see all animals through terrain and the one that increases your damage inflicted on animals. It'll take a bit of luck but it's doable and satisfying when you nail it. Buffalo rifle. Head.
  8. I always quite liked Chris Huhne, he usually came across fairly well (well, compared to his peers...), I thought he might have made a half decent Lib Dem leader.
  9. Always a favourite. On the hairdressers thing, Rev's right - it's such a truism that hairdressers almost always have pun names that Pratchett and Gaiman made it the subject of a footnoted joke in the (frankly brilliant) book Good Omens.
  10. Band of Brothers, but not as good. It's more disjointed (based on 2 different accounts of the war in the Pacific) so you don't have that engaging story thread throughout, lacks the really striking likable characters and lacks the great moments that made Band of Brothers so enjoyable and at times touching. But it's still a perfectly decent watch and somewhat gets over just how utterly horrific the Pacific theatre was. It probably should have been better. Speaking of HBO WW2 miniseries, they've just confirmed they're doing another one. Masters of the Air, based on the US bombing campaign of Germany, inspired by the book of the same name which follows a specific company through the war (whose name escapes me). I still wish someone would do a British one. We had a very different experience of the war to the US and there are some incredible stories that could be told.
  11. Iron Man 3 teaser during the Super Bowl... *Runs around room waving arms wildly* Hurry up and be May, damnit!
  12. Chindie

    Top Gear

    The musical road raised a chuckle, come to think of it.
  13. Its down to a couple of things. He was an incredible boxer, basically had everything and a flamboyance with it, where other boxers ducked and weaved he did it with style and flair and arrogance. But he was also able to create a mythos. Outside of the ring he got embroiled in controversy, he was able to sell himself better than anyone has ever been able to and he basically elevated himself beyond simply an incredible boxer into a legendary figure. He had the talent by the bucket but he also had the personality and the mythos, ultimately, to make himself more than that.
  14. The Overeem ko... he was out about 5 seconds and 10 punches before he hit the deck.
  15. Yes, I know. I'm displaying derision for it.
  16. Chindie

    Top Gear

    Oh and the moment they mentioned Calexico, I couldn't stop hearing this song in my head
  17. Chindie

    Top Gear

    They'd done that anti-sleep hearing aid thingy before. Completely run of the mill episode - totally fine. They didn't do much with the main feature, but it wasn't a hideously unfunny piece like they've managed before, the news wasn't much cop... for once the star in the reasonably priced car was probably the most enjoyable part - though in fairness that may be because I just like Mick Fleetwood. I will admit to a groan on the totally tired 'They've drawn a cock' thing, though - done too many times and not that funny to start with. Not a classic, not bad, ultimately.
  18. This actually comes out in a couple of weeks. It still doesn't look all that good and it's positioning itself as a proper sequel to Aliens is looking increasingly daft. Also, my earlier issue raised, same enemy all game, has seemingly been solved. They've chucked in xenomorph variants. Sigh. I hope they've done the entire Kenner toy line, for kicks. I need to see the Killer Crab Alien in a supposedly canon game.
  19. Looking forward to it - should be a cracker. New series of the Ultimate Fighter has some potential as well. Unlike the last series.
  20. He'll have been sold before the stadiums empty on the final day. A deal is probably being brokered as we speak.
  21. Chindie


    Another match, another result cementing something we've known for some time - we are down. We're not turning it around, there will be no miracles. The team is hopeless and doomed.
  22. He's a very average CB. He'd be pretty good in a run of the mill Prem defence, and on the bench at any club with a top end defence. As it is he's the best in a bunch of no hopers.
  23. Hopeless player, and a rocket polisher. His current situation is hilarious.
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