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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. But apparently shorter than a knats Johnson.
  2. From my limited knowledge of the Justice League, they tend to sideline Superman ala the Hulk in Avengers, or throw kryptonite at the plot like a really bad person.
  3. Sony has previously offered a service to allow you to download versions of physical games you owned for a fee (introduced for the Vita IIRC to head off complaints that they'd introduced a new media format for the PSP and then dumped it on that consoles replacement). However it was very half arsed and limited (i'm not even sure they implemented it outside Japan, in truth, and few games actually offered it). So basically, you'll be buying again. Guarenteed. Anywho, this announcement left me indifferent. I don't really care. Nothing grabbed me about it - the games were usually graphically impressive but not absolutely jaw dropping otherwise, and nothing else caught my attention. I agree the 'Look! Move! Remember the Move?! You can still buy and use one you know!' and 'Vita! LOOK! You really need one!... please buy one...' was desperate and probably aren't going to achieve anything (theres not a chance the Vita will ever be 'a thing' without a marked price drop and change in the market, for instance). Oh and that controller... it looked like a Logitech product, and not in a good way. The touch pad is daft. So yeah... I don't think I'm buying a PS4. Oh well. Microsoft won't be any better, mind.
  4. I'm massively curious about Cloud Atlas. It's the most expensive independent film ever made and did terribly in the US, but it looks so... unique, that I can't help but be interested. Everything I've heard about it basically says you'll ever love it and admire it and absolutely loathe it. It's one of those I can't help thinking I won't get the chance to see at the cinema though.
  5. Cap is meant to be a supremely gifted leader, holding a team of egos together and organising and inspiring them. The film really struggled to make that obvious because it had to spend time bringing the characters together and having them squabble - in the end they only have 2 scenes that even vaguely nod to Cap being in charge. The most useless character in the Avengers is Hawkeye. He's such a useless presence that the comics had to resort to making him do 'badass' stuff to make him vaguely relevant (despite the fact they became increasingly daft - Hawkeye traditionally had perfect aim as his only standout ability, they then started fiddling with that to the point he, at one point, is able to incapacitate some guys holding him hostage by flicking finger nail clippings at them). Even Black Widow is more useful than that. Saying all this, the problem that's always plagued the Avengers is that theres basically not a situation you can come up with for them that can't be solved by the Hulk or Thor (both being so strong that pretty much nothing can stand in their way). Which is why the movie sidelines Hulk and uses him sparingly, and Thor is given a fairly backseat role thumping things.
  6. **** today has been long winded. Up at 5, train before 7, in Manchester for half 8. Training session all day with what sounded like the cast of Corrie and Emmerdale, and only just got back home. An hour long wander of Manchester while waiting for the train home has left me wondering what the fascination is.
  7. I get to go to Manchester tomorrow. For a training course. ...sigh.
  8. Constantly. The jumped up little shit **** deserves it.
  9. His defence appears to be that, rather than being a murderer, that he's a paranoid idiot.
  10. Insurance sales administrator. It's alright. I'm lucky that I'm in a new team (dealing with a specific type of insurance for specific clients) for the company so, provided things go well and I can pick stuff up, I should be able to work up in rank pretty easily. I think I'd go mental if things stayed as they are now for a serious length of time, it can be incredibly tedious. Thankfully my boss is a great bloke and understands that I'm ambitious and that the bulk of what I do is mindnumbingly dull, so has kept adding things to my workload that are different, which is already taking me away from that job title.
  11. Has the RE 1.5 code finally released then? That's been talked about for **** years.
  12. More Guardians of the Galaxy news/rumour came out this week. Jason Momoa (Drogo in Game of Thrones and Conan in the piss awful remake) is one of the choices for playing Drax the Destroyer, which again I have no idea whether would be a good choice or not. I do know that Drax will be absolutely central to the plot if Thanos is the villain, though. He has the ability to track and locate the purple death loving bastard.
  13. You don't like cutaway collars? Why on earth not? Just don't like the look of 'em.
  14. Cut away collars. And, related, trying to find a half decent white double cuffed shirt.
  15. Beavers are hard to find in RDR, and not helped by the fact they do appear more often at night and become really **** hard to see. Persevere. I found them right at the northern edge of the map just west of the forest filled with bears, where the river is. You tend to find a few together IIRC.
  16. The work placement thing is a couple of steps away from being a decent policy. If it's going to force people to go work for multimillion pound businesses, at least make the business give them a wage of some sort - as it is it's effectively the government broking slave labour for retailers. It could also do with taking into account what the claimant brings to the table - if you've got a graduate, who isn't going to be aiming for a retail job ultimately, take that into account and get them some office experience which is ultimately going to play to their strengths and also help them more as it will give them experience that is more likely to get them a job. If it's a 16 year old straight out of school who has no aptitude for anything and just needs some work experience of some sort, 'shelf stacking' for a bit and genuinely earning a small amount of money might be more suitable. This would make it rather more like a government backed work experience program, and actually help the jobseekers, and not what it currently is - a punishment policy designed to discourage claimants, fudge unemployment figures and curry favour with a few choice CEOs no doubt friendly with some choice ministers. In other words, what I think it should be will never happen, it'll be scraped before it even approaches what it should be.
  17. I raise you Expendables 2 - surely the worst film ever ever to grace the big screen.... Not even the tongue in cheek dialogue could save it! Expendables 2 is rubbish, true, but theres enough enjoyment in it and it's reasonably well made for what it is - rubbish but competent rubbish. AVP:R seems to have been with cinematography designed to obscure how utterly awful it is, vast swathes of the film are actually verging on impossible to see, the framing and lighting of the scenes being so awful.
  18. ...go play Frog Fractions for a while. Flying spliffs is de rigueur once you've played a bit of that game.
  19. If anyone wants a laugh, one of the worst films I've ever seen, Aliens vs Predator: Requiem, started on 4 about 20 minutes ago. Don't worry, you'll have missed nothing. So bad a film, the Predator is reduced to being a cleaner.
  20. Agreed. Sadly I don't think he will go abroad. Has 'Spurs signing' written all over him in big neon letters IMO.
  21. If we survive we'll be fighting relegation anyway I fear. I would stake a pretty penny that Benteke is not an Aston Villa playee come the end of next transfer window.
  22. Went for lunch with my boss and the new sales guy, which was really nice, had a couple of pints of ale with it and ever since I've felt absolutely shite. Knackered, fuzzy head, tired eyes.
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