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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Dark souls main issue (besides technical flaws) is accessibility and ease of use. Both could be significantly improved.
  2. I just hope we can hold on to nincompoop, and tarnation, and fiddlesticks. And motherfudger for those moments when you're really ticked off.
  3. Wondered how long full on censoring of swearing would take to arrive. Sad day for VT.
  4. The new song by the National was released the other day. And sadly I'm not sure I like it Looking forward to the new Sigur Ros album though. Brennissteinn is epic.
  5. Details of the new Arkham game have been revealed. No Rocksteady as expected meaning this is the traditional 'farmed out crappy entry' in the series that every franchise has sooner or later. Even the few details revealed sound spectacularly uninspired.
  6. The thing that struck me when I saw her speak is just how utterly moronic she appeared to be. Our youth is **** if that is genuinely a typical example. And I say that as 24yo. **** hell.
  7. Because it's a terrible mess and reeks of cash in, mostly. Being a Ridley Scott movie, it looks utterly gorgeous but it's bankrupt in pretty much every other respect. Mostly because they let Lindelof loose on the script and the studio decided it would like to make a trilogy of Alien prequels before you got to Alien, despite the fact you can tell before the script was utterly butchered (and had what was clearly another film on Ridley's mind, the Chariots of the Gods thing he's fascinated by, crashed into it) that it was going to be a film that leads directly into Alien. Saying all that I enjoy it still but it could, should arguably, have been so very much more.
  8. I won't be shedding a tear for her. The best I might say of was that she was driven. But her politics was hateful and helped forge a culture of greed and 'I'm alright Jack'. I can see why many might celebrate her death. I wouldn't bemoan it. I don't think it deserves what I would describe as faux outrage out there, despite how distasteful it is. I more than suspect a few voices out there (not necessarily in this thread) crying foul about it would be keeping schtum had she worn a red rose. I'm certainly at a loss as to how shes deserving of such a lavish funeral.
  9. Second episode of GOT is anther decent if far from incredible episode. Enjoying a couple of new characters already though.
  10. Trance feels like exactly what it is - Danny Boyle making a TV series into a film. Alright and fun enough but nothing terribly special. I've just rewatched The Hobbit. Still flawed, the film is near reference on bluray and benefits massively from being in 2d and standard frame rate - the shifty looking CGI is completely gone. The second watch has revealed the film's odd nature as not feeling a film unto itself rather more, it's all set up, but it's still a fun romp. I also spotted this time that the reveal Jackson made of the next film, with Gandalf visiting the tombs of the Nazgul (something not in any of Tolkien's work) is referenced and set up in this film during the discussion of the Morgul blade. Which again shows how much this film is just a set up piece.
  11. In all honesty I found that the gameplay wasn't that markedly different from the original Bioshock, but it lacks the charm of the original and without that, the gameplay gets less of a free ride with me. I'd finish it before getting rid though, its a game that needs to be finished, even if I'd argue the final moments are not the earth shattering game changers many would have you believe.
  12. I just got Mumbles Head in the office sweepstake. I'm lead to believe its more likely to win the Findus Grand National.
  13. Read a lot of Ebert reviews over the years, sad they'll be no more. He definitely lost a little in later years but still one of the best critics around till his last.
  14. On that 4th Apple point, they actually went a little further than simply putting up a snide comment about the verdict and how great they are. They (rightly) got slapped on the wrist for that and told to place a specifically worded apology on their homepage. Which they did. But only after specifically altering their homepage layout to hide the apology by requiring the user to scroll down to see it, which nobody would do. They're a spectacularly unlikeable company.
  15. Stuff never just going straightforward at work, there's always some degree of complication. Not helped by me basically spending the last 2 weeks on my tod, as my department is 3 people and one is a sales guy so is rarely in the office and the other, my boss, is on holiday. Its amazing how isolated you can be in an office of 80 people when your team is basically it's own thing.
  16. It's a first person shooter with a powers system to augment the shooting (stuff like being able to shoot electricity to stun enemies, or throw fireballs, etc), set in a kind of steampunk turn of the 20th century USA. It's linear but not a corridor shooter like COD, and you do a bit of looting corpses and searching the environments for ammo and health etc etc. The major draw is the story and the world, personally as a shooter I find it a bit bland but the world is very well realised and the story will done for what it is. It stands alone from the original Bioshock, there's no plot that continues through. The extent of the connection is a few bits and bobs that will make people familiar with the original game grin (and maybe get a little more from it, although that is not a necessity and the game doesn't even expect you pick them up, they are there for you to find and see if you want to put the effort in. Totally not necessary to enjoy the game).
  17. Series 3 opening ep for Game of Thrones was alright. Very much a scene setter episode.
  18. Just finished it. End spoiler-y stuff Anywho... as I said before, I admire it but I don't love it. The gameplay isn't terribly engaging to me, bullet sponge enemies and far too many long winded 'arena fights' coupled to fairly average gunplay made sections feel a slog. Elizabeth isn't the greatest AI companion either. It's inevitably going to be overrated... personally I feel that the original Bioshock was an inherently more interesting game. A very good game, not the earth shattering release you might be lead to believe.
  19. 'Chicarito' drives me mad. His name's Hernandez, **** use that.
  20. Common or garden ignorance, alive and well.
  21. Nah, he means it. Or even if he doesn't, that's some motivational game he's playing. It's what separates him and his sides from the rest. They'll go out to smash Sunderland tomorrow. Of course there's always a chance they wont. If I was a betting man though, which I am, there's no way I'd put money on Sunderland. You shouldn't bet via "sods law" because it's rarely correct. Sunderland are absolute gash, Man United are in the winning zone, they'll want to smash records, they'll want to make a mockery of the City in particular by finishing as high above them as they possibly can and yes, I'm sure they'd **** love to win the title at the Etihad. Advertising or not that man knows the game and how to play it. I don't deny he's a very good manager and he knows how to use his press conferences and the media well... but this ('They celebrated Citeh winning, we'll remember that') is just rhetoric imo, building the game up more than anything. I don't think for a second Fergie is sending his team tomorrow with anything special on their minds - if they spank them, which they could well do, it'll be down to them just being a markedly better side than Sunderland have ever been, let alone the Sunderland side of today, not because he's got them fired up something special for this match.
  22. UKIP would definitely be in favour of it by the pint.
  23. Hopefully it all doesn't come to a head.
  24. It's just Fergie with his advertising hat on imo.
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