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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. That's a fairly bland trailer on first viewing. Looks completely OK. And a slight shame that the big shock moment is so obvious the trailer basically gives it away.
  2. Latest GOT episode is a corker, and sets up some interesting stuff for coming eps too... Excellent
  3. I think you'll find I was in the thread long before you were.
  4. Unless it's in the Bible, of course, in which you can believe every word, 'cos that shits gospel.
  5. Just saw Oblivion. Unsurprisingly for a film that appears to have had its plot devised by putting every script to every sci-fi film ever in a tumble dryer and filming what came out, its spectacularly average.
  6. Yeah you could live pretty much anywhere in the city or its outskirts and get to Colmore Row with ease.
  7. Playing a character called Yondu, which means they're going obscure with that film. Will either be fantastic or absolutely hopeless.
  8. I'm a comic fan, that pic does not give me any optimism for a film I already had doubts about based on the characters they're going for. That's a poor character from Spiderman's rogues gallery anyway and that picture does not fill me with hope for the design they're going for (ie his Ultimate line look. Although frankly any design they go for for that character is not especially good). I know about on set pics and so on, I still can't saythat that pic makes me hopeful.
  9. ... well, my optimism for the film was suffering when I heard some of characters, but that pic I think kills it stone dead. Daft character, done badly by the looks of that. Not even sure Giamatti as Rhino can save it.
  10. Getting a doctors appointment for 1pm. Too late to really have the morning off, too early to have the afternoon off, so I'm having to go into work for 2.5 hours, come home, then go back for another 2.5 hours to go home again. This is especially annoying as I hate my commute.
  11. And Boston Police are saying the Post is talking out its arse.
  12. Agree that it looks like it'll be a non al Qaeda sympathiser. There was a lot of stuff surrounding the race to do with the Newtown massacre apparently - right wing gun nut possibly? Whoever, a sick individual.
  13. Rolling news at moments like these is always fairly despicable. I suppose you can only be thankful it wasn't worse.
  14. If its a terror attack, the aim is have a lot of people watching, not necessarily a lot of people dead.
  15. You definitely have to approach everything deliberately. Even the most feeble enemy in the game can quickly kill you and mistakes are punished harshly. You train yourself to that kind of approach in that opening area of the game proper and come to appreciate it later.
  16. Elysium trailer dropped a couple of days ago. You can tell immediately it's from the director of District 9. It's quite an old school trailer, keeping it's spectacle to itself and playing up the films concept/set up/plot. Anyway, I love the ideas already, not so sure about some of the look of it which I couldn't level at District 9. Matt Damon's look is a bit... hokey.
  17. Dark Souls isn't for everyone, no. It's not so much that it's difficult - the game is about patience more than anything - but it punishes failure harshly. I walked away from it due to an area of the game a few hours in that is verging on broken technically, with an absolutely appalling framerate that served only to make the games little annoyances unbearable. I've got the PC version on Steam but never gotten round to trying again. I recommend sticking at it, and getting the Drake Sword. It makes the opening hours a little easier.
  18. If some people find Ding Dong the Witch is Dead offensive in current context I find myself being even more in favour of is being played. Don't like it? Don't listen and get on with your life. The same is true of this whole thing. Some people liked the woman, others despise her, both have their merits dependant on personal circumstances. Ignore the side you disagree with and get on things, as there is nothing constructive to be achieved here so entrenched are views.
  19. Its good but should have been better and faaaaar shorter. Suffers from nothing really happening other than a load of set up. You'll enjoy it more if you love the Lord of the Rings and just want more of that world, albeit a much more family friendly one.
  20. Thatcher's funeral has postponed the Iron Man 3 premiere in London. Iron Lady beats Iron Man...
  21. Chindie

    GTA 5

    It was available for preorder back in November 2011, I should know, I did a couple!
  22. The woman in Greggs this afternoon holding up a lunchtime queue because she wanted an appropriately warm sausage roll.
  23. Yes, mostly the ui, it suffers hideously from typical Japanese menu design and slightly odd decisions throughout its design. I've no issue with the game's gameplay as such (I rather enjoyed it, in truth), but coupled to the awful technical flaws the very Japanese ui ethos really put me off. It is weird that Japan has trouble with ui.
  24. Bristol. Bristol Temple Meads. The KOA Picanto driver who pottered nto the city centre at 7am this morning nd made me late for a train. Ultimately costing me another 50 quid which I can't claim back maxing I'm 47 out of pocket after expenses.
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