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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Chindie


    ...I wasn't actually referencing anyone in the thread, you needn't be so aggressively defensive.
  2. Chindie


    Stoned people are some of the most boring individuals you're ever likely to encounter. They just beat out stoners not currently stoned who insist on giving you the discourse of why drugs should be legal, that you've heard countless times before in the exact same terms usually from the same people.
  3. **** knows, the Heil on Sunday is playing it up. Apparently it's not exactly news to the Commons, as a few MPs seem to know about it (Chris Bryant in the main it seems, who rather desperately seems to think it's enough to 'sink Cameron'. His wishes won't be granted), and involves a middle aged couple who aren't cabinet members. Not that it should really matter. What about, you know, the running of the country? And it's general direction? EDIT - the only way this can really possibly matter is if it throws up some conflict of interest/ dodgy dealings stuff regarding legislation and the like. A few commentators seem to be suggesting it could be in the neck of woods and as such is explosive, but I'll believe it when I see it.
  4. Buckle yourselves in for much pointless parliamentary posturing over an MPs private life - someone in the Tory party (of standing that's going to do Cameron no good, apparently) has been caught with their trousers down. I expect much to be made over what is ultimately, from a parlimentary point of view, frippery but an easy point of attack that'll wash with the unwashed masses, because the important stuff to get the knives out for is much more difficult to really get at.
  5. My usual complaints about shoe shopping have arisen again. I simply can't find any I like that are worth buying.
  6. You basically have nothing to lose by asking her for a coffee. Unless you do it like a crazy person, of course. If she's interested, she'll say yes regardless. If shes not, you've not lossy anything and you've gained the knowledge that you needn't waste your time and move onto the next one.
  7. I don't think they'll talk prices at e3 unless they intend to launch at a low price. They might mention a subsidised model but they won't straight up give a price, imo. It's an announcement thats pretty much doomed to lead to poor publicity as whatever price they say is going to sound expensive, unless it really is daftly cheap. Which it won't be. So prices will get announced quietly closer to launch, and they'll leave e3 to trying to get some hype up for new titles. They'll be all too aware of Sony's PS3 launch where the price went down like a shit covered lead balloon.
  8. We should send scouts to the Aland Islands based on that map. Apparently the rest of Finland is shite but the Alands are right in the zone for the next hot prospect.
  9. If it was all private second hand sales there'd be no issue. The problem is the fact that there are companies like GameStop making BILLIONS per year for buying second hand games for buttons, then selling them back for a fiver under the RRP There would be an issue if it was private second hand sales only. The fact of the matter is that the industry sees (in a pathetically simplistic manner) every second hand sale as a lost sale for them, which is nonsense. It doesn't matter if it's you flogging something on eBay or you walking into your local games retailer and trading in a recent release to knock the price of the latest new release to a more palatable level, they see that as a loss when it's resold. They would combat it, as far as the industry is concerned a person buying a second hand copy of a title is little better than a pirate. Gamestop isn't making billions - it's profit was $50m odd in Q1 this year. They would need to have a stonking next 3 to see BILLIONS in their coffers. And they're not buying for buttons and selling for a fiver under RRP. Only newer releases and popular titles sell at that level, and those titles aren't bought for 'buttons'. They get bought in for a reasonable price - never as much as the customer might like and not as much as they could get for a private sale, but I won't bemoan a business looking to make a reasonable profit. The emotive nature of your argument doesn't help your argument, it weakens it. I used to work at Gamestation, as most of you would know. The second hand market is good for the industry and good for the consumer, and frankly I can't look at any attempt to combat that as anything other than holding the consumer in contempt, coupled to greed.
  10. Karen Gillan (the redhead that used to be in Dr Who. The one with the legs) has been added to the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy, along with John C Reilly and Glenn Close. The character that Reilly is rumoured to be playing also suggests that they might either be trying to put Nova into this film (which would make sense, he's been associated with the Guardians quite a bit in recent years, and he's also become a bizarrely popular character with kids from a few of the Marvel cartoons... but would also mean this would end up being a film with 6 major protagonists in it that we've not yet been introduced to, which sounds like a recipe for a mess) or they're looking to seed Nova in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for a coming movie with a nod to his origin. Saying that, I'd also stake a bit of money on Reilly possibly being brought in as a voice actor, despite the rumours. He makes sense for Rocket Raccoon. More generally, the cast on the film is getting absurd, and they've not even cast a couple of the main characters yet. Looking like it's going to be a proper ensemble piece. Still on a knife edge if it's going to be good or shite, imo. Butr it's certainly going to be one of the weirdest films of next year, certainly for a blockbuster.
  11. Went to the dogs tonight, for the first time. Wanted to back number 5 in the 8th. Placed the bet, number 5 won, I then discover for some reason the woman had placed the bet on 5 in the 10th... ... which didn't win.
  12. I heard Alan Smithee is going to direct it. It seems destined to be an Alan Smithee joint, tbh
  13. I'll be upgrading from my S2 soon, got a Nexus 4 on the way. I'm also shifting from Orange to giffgaff, finally. Somehow I'm not looking forward to the cancelling-can-i-have-my-pac-code conversation...
  14. I think, rather like a lot of these things, it was a bit 'US only'. No idea if it took off, or even got implemented, but it was definitely there.
  15. Don't forget the weights and measures damnit!
  16. More on the intrusion in to our living rooms from some Aussie drip It also seems to have been confirmed that the Kinect can see you in the dark...it watches while you sleep... The TV achievements stuff isn't new - that was first shown when they announced a partnership with the UFC for the 360. As for the seeing in the dark, yeah it has an IR sensor amongst other things. It can see quite a lot of stuff, able to work out your heart rate for example.
  17. Misleading title there. What he actually says is you can turn the system off, which of course includes the Kinect. That's not exactly a revelation (shock horror you can pull the plug on it...) nor is it exactly a a rebuttal to the stories that the thing is constantly listening and watching and monitoring. It's quite clear the console has been designed to be usually left in standby/sleep, with the Kinect sat waiting to hear a command. And when it is on it basically a monitoring device with the potential (if not already realised) to report numerous things back to base... Very much damage limitation PR.
  18. Now discovered left shoe has a leak. And the bus was early for once, when I was merely on time, so I'm soaked. Right down to my left sock. **** today.
  19. Today, generally. Work isn't going that well, a running theme recently for one reason or another, I'm strangely tired, have a niggling headache, feel nauseous, and my stomach feels grim which all combine to me feeling hungry but uncertain about the trip to Tesco 30 seconds away (lifts permitting). if I do go grab something I'll then feel strangely self conscious as I take my hour lunch at my desk browsing the net on my phone so will get back to work early. I could do with just going home.
  20. Iron Man 3 is now the 5th most successful film of all time. Meanwhile elsewhere in Marvels stable, the composer for Thor 2 has left the project and allegedly the director won't be far behind... which would make him the second or third director to quit the thing.
  21. Legitimate concerns? Just now is the first 'legitimate concern' we've heard. Before we were just told how I'm more dangerous than the BNP, the liberals have ruined this country and immigration has destroyed this country. If they're legitimate concerns, then your standards are extremely low. Yawn . Here we go again . Excellent retort. Please continue to enlighten me with your intelligent and well reasoned debate. Thats the thing though, we don't need to. That and we can't be bothered to argue with a man who lives in cloud cuckoo land. Yes. They would never have been if I was in power though. They were born in Britain. What would you have done with them when they were born? They'd never have been born in Britain. What'd be your reasoning for not allowing their parents into the country?
  22. No the greatest threat to England is the liberals, damnit!
  23. Well theres a glass half full answer Destro.... As in Destro from Action Force? Wonder if Skeletor is in it? Second sequel made by a different team, a nice little perfect storm of things to make it not be a success IMO . I'll still play it as I've loved the series but I'm not expecting it to be the highlight. Strangely enough the portable version might actually be brilliant, the team behind it has form. Destro? You mean Deathstroke? Hes a DC universe villain/occasional antihero, a 1 eyed assassin with a penchant for blades but equally happy with a gun or 3. He's not a top tier Batman villain, but then nine revealed so far with this title are.
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