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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I've just booked tickets for the Giant Screen for Man of Steel. I'm not expecting a masterpiece (it is Zach Snyder after all, and Goyer's not exactly a great writer either...) but if it's pretty and fun and a laugh, and at least makes Superman somewhat exciting, I'll be happy.
  2. First trailer for part 2 of the Hobbit, the Desolation of Smaug http://youtu.be/fnaojlfdUbs ...a wild Smaug appears!
  3. Jesus. If thats what Nintendo have to bank on right now - the Wii U is **** doomed.
  4. Haven't seen anything beyond reaction but if it all plays out as suggested, well played Sony. Well played.
  5. Yeah I missed MGS. I used to adore the series but I can't help feeling this might be a have that game that feels tired. And dumping Hayter is near unforgivable. But I'll seek the trailer out and hope it makes me feel like I did when MGS 1,2 and 3 were announced. It needs to be mad but in the right way...
  6. You didn't like any of it? Not even the Battlefield stuff? Nope I don't play Battlefield. Even if I did I think I'd still be tired of modern warfare bang bang shooty stuff. It's all so homogenised, dull grey affairs that don't excite. What are you looking for then? What kind of game is going to wow you? Something new, something that appeals to the gamer I was when I was 12, something exciting. Instead everything we get is either in the 'Yo Bro!' category (99% of that EA conference, all the CODs and FIFAs) or 'Kidcool' category - basically summed up by stuff like Skylanders and a lesser extent whatever the **** that Insomiac thing was. In the 2 conferences so far, only the Witcher 3 has piqued my interest and thats hardly earth shattering stuff - just a well made, none bullshit filled, attractive little RPG building on a solid foundation forged 3 years ago with Witcher 2's announcement.
  7. You didn't like any of it? Not even the Battlefield stuff? Nope I don't play Battlefield. Even if I did I think I'd still be tired of modern warfare bang bang shooty stuff. It's all so homogenised, dull grey affairs that don't excite.
  8. If you've played in a clan match on BF3, you'd know how wrong you were. Yes there was dramatical effect put in, but saying stuff like 'get out of the building, it's coming down!' or 'Give me cover on the left' or 'get me a heli strike on Delta' - is not new. I don't doubt that what they were saying was 'game accurate', but I'm not at all convinced people actually sound that rehearsed when actually playing. Because they don't. The whole thing was scripted as all hell. They may as well have shown a video. Well, they pretty much did...
  9. I really don't know why they bother doing these faux natural things. The guys 'playing' BF4 right now sound absolutely nothing like they're actually playing a game. It's actually worse than the horrible staged 'natural conversations' they have with guests.
  10. That Bruce Buffer intro was either the best, or worst thing I've ever seen at E3.
  11. Does anyone actually pay attention to the things they announce with FIFA anymore?
  12. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha... ...ahahahaha. Yes, LETS GET ON WITH IT!
  13. In game footage, presented in a manner you'll never see in game, thus making the video largely pointless. Thats Basketball and MAdden, here comes FIFA... And Messi.
  14. It's that guy from the Xbox One launch who used lots of words to say nothing, yay! Dragon Age... now theres a series that should have done better. OK this is the worst thing ever.
  15. Star Wars Battlefront SHOCKER. Yawn. And here's the obligatory NFS.
  16. This looks like one of the worst things ever made
  17. Game of Thrones finale was a nice way to end the series. Not the big hitter of many episodes but very much felt the end of a great deal of little arcs and plots we've had running for a season (or in some cases longer). Now, to wait for series 4!
  18. With MS coming in at £430, theres a distinct opportunity for Sony to release a more powerful console, for less...
  19. I'll watch the EA one. Maybe. It's not going to be earth shattering but watching Evil try to pretend it's not might be funny. General reaction from the gaming press out there on the price of the Xbox One is disbelief. In the baaaaaaaaaad way.
  20. That wasn't as good as Microsoft needed it to be. I missed a few bits getting back from work but what I did see did not wow me. Few things looked that good, few things justified the nonsense that Microsoft is chucking at this console and few things inspired me to reconsider my stance on it. I think the only thing that genuinely had me was Witcher: Wild Hunt, and thats on the PC anyway with less bullshit (although in a nice touch from the CDPROJEKT chap, he pointedly said the word optional with regards the bullshit). Sony can walk away with this conference supremely easily. Anywho, next up, EA. We'll get more Battlefield, more Titanfall, and then the ubiquitous Madden/FIFA/NFS annual updates. It should be a new engine year for FIFA chaps, so get yer money on that. EA will also absolutely hurl the word Cloud at you, like it's some good thing and not a disguise for DRM.
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