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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I've got a Nexus 4 and I've never hit the home key accidentally while typing (or swiping), ever. In fact I think my only complaint with regards typing/swiping on the Nexus 4 is that the prediction when swiping is shite, in my experience. Much to the amusement of my friends and loved ones.
  2. No. The moment Lambert said we'd enquired but nothing else, this was about as confirmed as dead as you can get, imo. The rest of this appears to have largely been fueled by liars on twitter and lazy papers reading forums and said twitter liars to fill the inch that isn't about Bale/Rooney/the Ashes in the back pages at the moment.
  3. I love Mugen. I just watched Green Arrow face off against some Ryu hack. Green Arrow will be missed. From the getgo Ryu-hack was machinegunning hadukens and launching into insane hurricane kick combos, absolute obliteration.
  4. We need a rabid Jehovah's Witness to spice things up again.
  5. Microsoft established Gold as a nice money spinner - they were never going to place anything in front of the paywall that threatened the paywalls viability. Hence the complete lack of surprise that anything, even bloody Skype, is going up behind the paywall. I'm waiting for the version of the console with a meter on it. You pump 50ps in at a steady rate to have it work, there'd be a whacky 40s style pneumatic system pumping the coins straight to the Microsoft money pit, and it'd use the Kinect to work out when you're walking past so it could pump up the power and suck £20s straight out of your wallet as you go out the door, on the sly.
  6. The smart thing to do is to not preorder one. Do not buy one day and date. Hold off. The launch line up isn't going to be incredible and it's going to be expensive and have teething problems. Just wait for a couple of months, if not longer.
  7. No I actually just spent an hour trying to find out where on earth you'd got the numbers from and I'm damned if I can find out, and I'm normally quite good at those things. But ultimately, it does seem like a waste of time, really, doesn't it? I can produce as many arguments as I like, until those Dutch cows come home, you've made you mind up and you ain't budging. So why waste my time? And you've already shown you're going to throw strawmen into the game so it all seems rather futile really. You go believe what you like. You go support odious tosspots like Bloom. I'm sure it'll make you happy. Enjoy.
  8. New Thor: The Dark World trailer dropped today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npvJ9FTgZbM It's lacking... something somehow. It could be a good thing and they're not giving it all away in the trailers (unfortunately at least one of the films big moments is so obvious they don't even try to hide it), or the whole film might be a bit lacklustre. Also some of the CGI looks shit. Still, 2 months from release, theres time, especially as it's been a fairly troubled production. But it looks ok and looks like it want's to play with Thor's universe a little more than the first did with it's fish out of water story. Not sure about the flanging on Ecclestons voice either. This isn't the footage ComicCon audiences saw a couple of weeks back, either - that had a few notable moments that this trailer certainly does not have.
  9. So Chindie how can you justify us giving aid to China, India and south Africa?! All with emerging or already huge economies?! Can anyone justify us spending more on foreign aid then on our home office budget which includes policing and counter-terrorism which has been cut to £8.3bn?? Do only guardian readers post in off topic?? :-) Ah, I see. We're going to conflate my being ok with amounts spent with my believing the system is perfect. Lets not play this game. I'm not sure where you're getting your figures from for the rest, but I don't really care to be honest. All any further dialogue would achieve is a waste of electricity and bandwidth, amongst other things.
  10. This is also a man who reeled off 'ein reich, ein volk, ein fuhrer' during a debate in the EU Parliament while a German 'colleague' was talking. He's a clearing in the woods. But they all are. UKIP are a parade of clearings in the woods.
  11. Did you bother to look at how much we spend on, oh... just about anything else? About 1% of our entire expenditure goes to foreign aid. I'm not going to get too upset that we spend 1% of our entire expenditure trying to make some of the rest of the world a bit better and hopefully making them into customers, or clients, or perhaps simply just not enemys or problems down the road. No I don't think we spend too much on aid. I think we spend a decent amount.
  12. As I said in the initial thread this was mentioned in when it was announced, it's shit.
  13. Britain also places foreign aid fairly damn close to the bottom of it's spending agenda. We spend a fraction of a percent on foreign aid compared to what we do on pretty much anything else. But the average arse scratching moron on the street (or this intolerable tosser, Bloom and his ilk) doesn't give a **** 'cos they 'ate forners.
  14. Makhachkala is in a part of the Russian Federation called the Republic of Dagestan - it's one of Russia's grimmer areas, next door to Chechnya, It's not a particularly well developed part of a not particularly well developed (on the whole) country, and is also subject to long running low level guerrilla violence spilling over from the Chechen conflict. As daft as it is, in that scenario, transporting players to and from Moscow probably isn't that surprising - the players are not going to live in Dagestan, thats for sure.
  15. Thank you. It's going to be issued by a bulk sending company so we don't need to worry about that front.
  16. Chindie


    Tigger one of those rare anti-gravity cats I see.
  17. Chindie

    Top Gear

    Probably the best episode of the series so far. Which is about as far from saying a lot as you can get. The caravan skit worked because it wasn't so obviously scripted, they weren't playing up to it so much that it becomes intensely unfunny because they're trying too hard. Even the bits that obviously where gags (the tip, dogging) had a far lighter touch that is much easier to enjoy.
  18. Yeah. The best answer I got in the office was to put in some javascript to do the job but that throws up it's own issues, not least of which office antivirus software is going to see an email with javascript in it and immediately set off neon lights and sirens blaring "VIRUS! VIRUS!", or spam it immediately which would be enough of an issue anyway. Anywho thanks for the help, it's not the biggest deal to not be able to do
  19. External, mass mail. Aim was for the recipient to be able to just click a link to send a response email to us ('If you're interested, click here and we'll be in touch' basically).
  20. Unfortunately that appears to be about the only way to do it. I was hoping Outlook might have an option to do something similar buried in it somewhere. Bit frustrating as we wanted to make life easier by having a button that fired back an email to us from a mailer, rather than something that just opened a reply email that you then needed to send (one extra click I guess but also reduces a bit of the... mental hassle of firing off an email to someone you don't necessarily know very well). Oh well, cheers.
  21. Nintendo don't play the power game anymore. They decided that they were better off marketing themselves at the casual market and banking on the standard love for their franchises rather than go all out for power alongside Microsoft and Sony. So instead they make profitable hardware based on established architectures they can bring in more cheaply. Hence the Wii U isn't a generational leap - its about as powerful as a 360 but appears to be weaker than that even in some respects.
  22. Don't mind P3te, he'll have you believe Nintendoland isn't a mini game collection. Also worth noting that in that list there only 6 are actually out (and of those, 1 is actually just an expansion of one of the other titles), and it is far from certain that all of those titles will be good - even the Nintendo first party ones, which are no longer guaranteed classics. As said, unless you managed to get one for an absolute song, and were prepared to risk being disappointed with it, you'd be completely certifiable to buy one.
  23. Quick question, and I suspect I already know the answer to be honest... Is there any way to insert a link into an email from Outlook that, once clicked, will automatically send an email? I know it's very easy to create a link that will open a reply email that you subsequently send, but I need to be able to cut out the second click, i.e. the single click sends an email response. I appreciate that Outlook is rubbish but unfortunately I have to use it, and Google hasn't really proved helpful at all which leads me to think the answer is no. Any help is much appreciated though.
  24. Been waiting to see what you had to say. I think it looks poor from the trailers, but so far the reviews seem to be pretty positive. I'd break it down more but I'm absolutely shattered and, tbh, there's not masses to say. It's fine. It's the closest any X-Men film has come to getting Wolverine's rage at times, and it really is a very straight story. Villains are weak, the ending is daft, bit too much Jean, but half decent action looks nice and as said, surprisingly funny. Worth a trip if you like character, kids will dislike it as it's fairly slow.
  25. I should never be listened to on any relationship matter... However... I knew of no couple that survived uni where the couple was separate. You soon both realise that you've basically been given free reign and the relationship inevitably dies.
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