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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. The extent of my interaction with American beer is a single pint of Sam Adams. As a first impression it wasn't a good one, I'd feel sorry for the flames if you'd used it to douse a fire, a truly vile pint. I spent most of Thursday evening on Ubu, Mad Goose, Lord Marples and Butty Bachs. All lovely.
  2. There is literally nothing that could do that. Suffice to say, it's not really for you Mike.
  3. It was fantastic and has been a massive global success. I didn't think it had been that successful? it didn't review very well and struggled in yank land which was largely blamed on a lack of a huge star in the lead role It didn't do well domestically but was a massive success worldwide. They've already commissioned a sequel. oh I can't wait Hey we can't all have the same taste. Some people actually liked Inception. I wouldn't be so sure about Pacific Rim getting a sequel, it wasn't that great of a success worldwide and it's comparative failure in the US (it's actually surprising it did as well as it did in the end, but it still didn't make as much as it really needed to domestically) will count heavily against a sequel. Del Toro has talked up a sequel but thats not a surprise, and Legendary giving the nod for a new script to be knocked up isn't saying much either. Ultimately, it won't become the flop people thought it might become, it'll make money, but it won't be enough of a return for a studio to risk dropping similar money on a sequel imo, sadly. Edit - Speaking of summer blockbusters, the Wolverine is due on blu-ray in a month or so and looks like it'll be coming with an extended cut. The film struck me as a movie that had a lot left on the cutting room floor but it seems only 10 or so minutes has been deemed worthy of going back in. There was originally talk of it being as much as 40 minutes, which would be mad, but there we are. The extended edition, in a particularly dirty bit of marketing, is only on the 3d release, however. Also, Gravity is currently destroying the US box office. Might be worth a trip to the Imax when it's out over here. In my own movie watching news, I watched the Crow for the first time in years the other night. It's still a quirky movie, but stands up well as a very 90s bit of modest budget gothic action. Cracking soundtrack, striking design, simple fun. Theres supposedly a remake coming but I don't think you could make a film that delivers like the original today, a lot of the charm is that grunge, gothic metal vibe from the time period it came from, and the darkness inherent from the knowledge you're watching a bloke who was shot and killed on set. I thoroughly recommend a rewatch if you've not seen it recently, it'll make you want to listen to the Cure all week.
  4. As said above, do not spend more than a fiver on a HDMI cable. HDMI cables either work or they don't, and as such paying over the odds for a basic cable is a fools errand. Unless you have specific needs from the cable (i.e. non-standard lengths, angled connections, etc) you can easily a get a cable for £3. Amazon Basics stuff is more than good enough. On the Kinect, I can't reiterate enough, do not buy one. Don't even let the kids buy one. They are SHITE, as the rows and racks of them second hand in CEXs and Game stores across the land will attest. I used to work in a very small branch of Gamestation, and even there we had a couple of shelving units full of them and a quick grab shelf full of them in a cupboard next to the till, all barely used. They require lots of space and perfect conditions to work at all, and even then they are spotty. And thats before you get to the range of games, all awful. And games that utilise it without requiring it sum it's gimmick nature nicely up. Complete and utter waste of glossy plastic, space, electricity, man hours...
  5. You shouldn't have any issues with connecting them both up, assuming you have a spare HDMI port on the back of the telly you'll just chuck the Xbox through that. Don't spend much on a HDMI cable. And don't buy a Kinect.
  6. Yeah I can't say I've ever heard of that one. I work in the insurance industry and it's certainly never been mentioned. It also couldn't be a global thing, as I'm fairly sure a number of countries worldwide don't do the whole standard fortnight holiday thing - I understand that it's very rare for US people to take a two week break for instance.
  7. Chindie


    People aren't wearing enough.
  8. Its a year old. It's the footage they used to announce the project at SDCC in 2012. Its the first footage of it most people have seen, and thus worth posting I think as people might be interested, as it is also a nod to the direction the film is supposedly headed in. The first trailer is due to drop in a month, it may be the case that they just use this. Either way, I'm not sure what your comment there is meant to bring to the table.
  9. Nuneaton represent! Who is Gojira fighting in this one? Ghidorah? Mothra? Mechagodzilla? Americans? JSSDF? THE WHOLE OF HUMANITY?! It might be ok. But it won't have Don Frye in it, will it? What a fantastic man. Put on an acting masterclass in that film. I've never seen Final Wars, sadly... I believe the new film basically has Godzilla against everything. He's an anti-hero force of nature, the world is ravaged by these massive monsters and he's the **** off king of them all and basically stomps around being a problem for humans and other monsters alike. The clip shown at SDCC this year had a big mantis thing attacking an airport, and then all of sudden Godzilla's foot stomps down and it absolutely dwarfs the mantis thing, presumably the mantis then dies.
  10. http://vimeo.com/76176358 Even in a 90 second long teaser, I absolutely adore the atmosphere to that. Nice use of the haunting 'wailing' piece from the 2001 score too.
  11. I owned an S2, and as much as I liked that phone, the thing did feel cheap, it was far too light and made with materials that simply did not inspire confidence that they were anything other than flimsy and, well... cheap. Plastic doesn't have to be like that though. I own a Nexus 4 these days and that's, at the end of the day, still heavily plastic based but feels so much better in the hand and has a reassuring weight in the pocket I appreciate.
  12. Chindie


    You seemed to be addressing me from my first comment here. I explained that I personally have not suffered any issue today but did last night, when o2 customers were not. The issues affecting some today aren't my concern and I haven't suggested otherwise so I wondered why you would make reference to them as if I had. I know the issues today are affecting all o2 based networks. Yesterday's problems did not.
  13. Chindie


    I'd been with Orange myself for about 7 years before I moved to Giffgaff back in May. I'd never had an issue with Orange but I felt I wasn't getting much for my money any longer, and in fairness I wanted to get out of the contract cycle. Theres a lot to commend Giffgaff for, they're good value and seem keen to offer customers a good deal, but it does also appear they are fairly unreliable. I've luckily only lost an evening's service this week, some people are experiencing their 3rd outage inside 7 days on the other hand. I'm surprised anyone would stick with the service that was party to that.
  14. I'm gonna hazard a guess at no... unless most of the world is giving the US military more respect than it deserves, if they did want to launch a coup I don't think it'd start with someone trying to ram a barricade.
  15. Chindie

    GTA 5

    I found that 'egg' but I didn't notice any benefit? That event on the map plays out pretty much like the film does, but over the space of about 2 minutes... Theres a small(ish) cash reward that you stumble on when you find the scene.
  16. Chindie


    I can't say I see what you're getting at.
  17. Chindie


    I've not been affected by issues today. I was unable to use my phone for the entirety of yesterday evening, which was an issue with Giffgaff as O2 was unaffected. I tend to be fairly unforgiving with any service that fails me.
  18. Chindie


    If it goes out again I'll be off. I don't religiously use my phone, but I want to know that when I need to, it will work. For all the pluses of Giffgaff, at the moment they cannot guarentee that. My previous providers had never caused me a problem on that front.
  19. Yeah Agents of Shield was fairly disappointing. I somewhat hope it's just an effect of it being a pilot episode (which are always weird) but I had real issues with it. It really needs some minor superhero back catalogue characters in there, because faceless 'Hollywood beautiful' cardboard cutouts with far too much Whedonism going on is not keeping me with it, and hopefully some more bold characters will kick start it. Still, I want to like it so I'll give it all the chances to win me over
  20. O2 is apparently entirely unaffected. If I weren't affected, watching the sub-policital party standard damage limitation messages on the giffgaff thread dedicated to the problem would be hilarious. As it is, theres only so many times you can hear 'It's broke, we're working really hard to fix it, thank you for your patience' said different ways before you want to know precisely what is broke, and what they're doing to fix it. I guess I should be thankful - apparently this happened last week to. I didn't notice then.
  21. Giffgaff appears to have blown up today. Must admit, not terribly impressed - I've never had an issue with a mobile service provider until now. It's quite frustrating.
  22. My job has a 'busy season' where we do pretty much all of our business, which ended today. Which should be brilliant, we've all worked hard and theres been late nights and early mornings for all of us, and it's been an uphill slog since day one. But instead it's a bit shit. Combination of things - you've got that feeling of emptiness where, for the last 2 or 3 months we've been busy working upto today, and now it's gone. And we had a couple of crap moments today, some business that has turned into an issue, and I've had let a couple of potential clients down because I simply couldn't help them, which now leaves them in very awkward positions. Instead of walking out of the office tonight elated, I feel a bit dour.
  23. This is going to be one of those matches where the gap between a team with ambitions of staying up, and a team with ambitions of trophies, is shown up in stark clarity. They're going to waltz through us and knock in a handful barely breaking a sweat.
  24. Rush is a brilliant film. I'd have a liked a bit more on the track action but otherwise it's brilliant.
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