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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Tying a bow tie. I'm going to tear the **** word removed of a bastard thing in half soon.
  2. Yes. To get round that comics were they do fight effectively play up Superman as thick, Batman levelling the field by being smarter (supposed to be The World's Greatest Detective after all). Batman has a Krpytonite ring for such occasions, which I think Superman gave him, just in case. Daft, I know.
  3. The Justice League is generally shite, basically. They'll try to do a movie if Batman v Superman thing works (it won't), but it's destined to be rubbish because the characters are crap.
  4. Been done loads of times in the comics. The comic the film is inspired by sets it up by having Batman become an increasingly viscous righteous vigilante and Superman becoming a government agent/weapon. Eventually they come into conflict as Batman acts in the manner he feels is justified for the greater good while Superman acts 'for the man'who doesn't like what Batman is doing. IIRC they had one storyline where Batman gets turned on by the entire Justice League when they discover he'd plotted contingency plans to take out all of his allies should they go rogue, including Superman. In fairness all comic book team ups tend to have the heroes go toe to toe at some point.
  5. Blow is very pretentious but I think Fish is just a but mental. Fish may be a little mental but he's certainly a pretentious arse too.
  6. I can't watch Indie Game the Movie without my brain constantly reminding me that both Blow and Fish are pretentious dicks.
  7. 3 is your favourite AC?! I know you said to liked it but crikey, I cannot comprehend anyone saying that!
  8. AVB being shown up is nothing less than hilarious. He's always cut a bizarrely pompous and arrogant figure, seemingly regarding himself as some sort of higher thinker in the game, when he's never psychically proven himself as anything other than basically OK.
  9. Taking my work shoes off this evening to discover the sole on both shoes has split entirely. I like the shoes but always hated the soles - they were cheap and made me sound like I was wearing high heels whenever I walked anywhere. but as they're only a cheap pair of shoes theres no point paying to put a decent replacement sole on. And I **** hate buying shoes.
  10. Why? Assume he means because it was the first for xbox 360? If it was i wouldnt even know i dislike racing games. Yeah spot on, I do understand people being pissed because there are less cars than Forza 4, but on a completely new system things like this are to be expected. Of course there will be DLC and I'm sure in Forza 6 and so on the base amount of cars will be improved vastly, but at over 30GB it's a hefty amount of content and the gameplay is meant to be really good. Looking forward to see how the vibrating triggers help. I don't buy what you're saying at all. The file sizes aren't bigger because devs are all of a sudden working 4 times harder than last gen, it's because more powerful games on more powerful consoles are always going to be bigger. There were games last gen that were around 40GB in size. They are quite obviously holding cars back, to make more money off people. It's disgusting IMO. Whatever is on the disc or available at release date should always be included when you buy it. I can accept DLC being made after the game, like GTA for example, but they are obviously just trying to whore money out of you. It appears they can't even do maths correctly when trying to rip you off, unless they are banking on people buying the largest one without realise it isn't 'value for money' I'm sure I read that Gran Turismo 6 is doing the same kind of thing too. I just won't buy them. Going back to this for a second, somebody on NeoGAF has decided to do the maths on how much all of the content in Forza would cost. There is a Google Doc going around with the price of all the cars in the game. (link) The in game currency exchange works on a sliding scale so you get better prices if you buy more tokens. If you buy tokens at the worst exchange rate (ie, buying lots of small packs of tokens) then according to GAF it would cost $2700 to buy all the cars in the game. If you bought tokens at the best exchange rates (ie, buying the big packs of tokens) then it's "only" about $2200. (link) There are two cars in the game which cost 10,000 tokens (Ferrari 250 GTO and some Lotus F1 car) so they would require a spend of $139.97 (1x 8000 tokens @$99.99 and 2x 1250 tokens at $19.99) in order to buy. I make that £86.25 at current US dollar to pound sterling exchange rates. I'd imagine ingame exchange rates are slightly different, but bloody hell, those prices are obscene. You can unlock stuff in game of course but even that has been screwed around with in order to push people towards spending more money. Also from GAF: Thats completely obscene. Disgusting - the developers clearly have utter contempt for their fanbase.
  11. They can have a policy of only refunding, but I would be surprised if they did so across the board on consoles. I'm sure a family member of mine has replaced a console with Asda before now. I'd be fairly sure it'll be a stock thing and they've just initiated a policy in the time being too only refund.
  12. The law dictates that any goods you buy are required to work for a reasonable period. In England that's 6 years for an electronic device. If in that period the device stops working, the retailer is required to offer you replacement or refund. Asda clearly don't have any stock to replace items with so offered a refund. It's nothing to do with exchanging it, the staff member was clearly in the wrong there.
  13. Noooooo! You're covered under the Sales of Goods act. I can understand sending it back to Microsoft now in order to get a replacement faster but after the stocking issues are sorted (in the next 3 months or so) you'll be able to take it back to the retailer and get a replacement immediately, The warranty wont cover you for anything the Sales of Goods act doesn't do (I've never known one to cover deliberate misuse). The warranty has to be bought within 45 days. I know you get a standard year out of it, but getting an extra 2 years after that would be nice. Bolded- I have already tried to return it to Asda and they only offered me a refund. Check my other posts. The law gives you 6 years 'warranty'with your retailer for an electronic device. Asda offered you refund because they haven't got any stock, not because they won't replace it in future, as RunRickyRun had said. You're going to give Microsoft 60 quid for something the law gives you for free.
  14. That's positively constructive compared to that job. It was basically just abuse.
  15. Telesales for a burglar alarm company. Lasted a day. Shitty little room, full of desks with phones, you were given a pile of paper filled with telephone numbers and just had to ring them. We were trained to basically put the fear of god into anyone we called, which sickened me, and then I noticed a theme with the numbers we were calling. They were all elderly. The pay was rubbish and was exceptionally heavily weighted to a commission, to the extent I think today it wouldn't be allowed by a regulator because it essentially was such a weighting towards sales it would easily encourage you to do anything to sell. The managers (vile individuals) waltzed around placing incredible pressure on to you to sell, to the extent that more than once someone was absolutely screamed at in front of us all, or worse taken out of the office door and given an almighty dressing down, the kind of complete roaring slating you swear the fixtures and fittings are moving just a little from the sheer vocal force outside the door. As such, the atmosphere was vile. A few of my mates joined up at the same time and stuck with it, I found out that that was a common thing day to day, and if you didn't pull the weight on sales quick enough you were unceremoniously dumped, a blessing no doubt from what I saw in that single day. I got home that day, having spent half of it being given what can only be described as an attempt at brainwashing that calling these people and trying every trick in the book (mostly just terrifying them) to sell them the shitty product was ok, and the other half ringing only elderly people (some of which were in a sheltered housing scheme, from my calls) who I couldn't bring myself to try to sell this thing to, I felt absolutely disgusted with myself and didn't go back. I will never do a telesales role again. I have to ring clients once in a while for my current job, and I still dislike it just a little because of that day.
  16. I've seen a fair few reports of issues with consoles across the gaming forums I browse. I don't think it's an enormous problem, but I think it might be bigger than first appears.
  17. You'd be better off burning the £60. You're covered with the retailer for 6 years for nothing. It's unfortunate that Asda are unable to directly replace consoles at this moment in time, undoubtedly due to stock issues, but in future they should be able to replace with little fuss.
  18. Chindie

    Doctor Who

    Seeing it from a "casual viewer" perspective, there have been much, MUCH better episodes and I can see why some people didn't get it (I was wavering myself in parts which as I've said, underwhelmed me). From a Dr Who "fan" perspective, it was a homage to the past and some of it was utterly brilliant. As said, I'm not a fan but I do know a little about Dr. Who, so not entirely in the dark. Besides the cameos, and what seemed like a fairly half baked plotline tying into the founding mythos of the character, that felt to me the epitome of what in any other show would be considered a fairly low point of a series, a slow episode where little happened. A bit like one of the weaker monster of the week episodes in the X Files, for example. It just so happened that this one had a mythos building storyline slammed into it and some cameos, it seems. But again, I just don't get it I guess.
  19. Chindie

    Doctor Who

    I think that that has suitably reassured me that I simply don't get Dr Who. I watched it as there was all the hype and a bunch of people I work with are fans. I've only ever seen 1 episode before this properly but know a bit about it all. From my perspective that was more than a little rubbish, the highlight being a phoned in John Hurt.
  20. Quite a lot of talk of dodgy disc drives...
  21. Saw it at the Giant Screen in Brum, so not officially an Imax any longer but still very impressive. First film I've seen where it felt like the film made genuine use of that screen size, very immersive.
  22. Thats a bit nit-picky, Chinders. I doubt many people would be able to tell you the distances between Hubble and ISS or whether they orbit clockwise or anti. That aside, I'd agree with your use of the word spectacular. The science issues are more to do with things like inertia etc in space. One particular moment breaks the laws of physics for a moment of drama, let's say But that aside, it's spectacular. The plot's exceptionally thin, the characters are cardboard cutouts, it's got some very on the nose imagery... But its one of the impressive films I've seen in sometime, the effects are incredible and I've still got the marks in my arm to prove how tense it all is.
  23. Thats a bit nit-picky, Chinders. I doubt many people would be able to tell you the distances between Hubble and ISS or whether they orbit clockwise or anti. That aside, I'd agree with your use of the word spectacular. The science issues are more to do with things like inertia etc in space. One particular moment breaks the laws of physics for a moment of drama, let's say
  24. Just watched Gravity at the Giant Screen. Utterly spectacular. The science is wonky and it's a bit on the nose at times but blimey it's pure spectacle.
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