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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Too young to really recall him, but a decent innings all the same. You're in danger of becoming VT's Grim Reaper/Obituaries Column, Mike
  2. A team that sets the pulse racing. Through the sheer panic it induces.
  3. NASA does have them, the film takes some liberties with how they actually work in space however - you wouldn't be able to use it as Clooney does in reality.
  4. If I felt like we could sack Lambert and bring in someone who would immediately make us a better side, I'd be all over letting him go. Unfortunately I look at that side and the realistic prospects of us adding to it to improve it and I just don't see what any manager we could bring in is going to do to make it any better. The squad is shit. And there's not enough money to really do anything about it, and there won't be for the foreseeable.
  5. Vlaar is injury prone - he picks up a lot of minor injuries season to season, and pretty much always has done to my knowledge.
  6. May as well say we're bringing in Messi in January. That's about as likely to happen as this.
  7. I left this for a while and have gone back last couple of days for a couple of hours. With that break the problems with the combat are really stark. They've buggered it up. It's nowhere near as brilliant as it used to be, which is absurd. Ruins the enjoyment of it.
  8. I don't really see the appeal either. Until this year I'd never actually 'been' to the market, just walked through it to get to do other things. This year my team at work has spent a couple of lunchtimes having a drink there, otherwise I've still just struggled my way through it. The beer wasn't much cop, it was expensive, and at the end of the day you're drinking in the street. I'd rather be drinking in an actual establishment, either sat down or standing enjoying nice surroundings (indoor or out). It makes that whole area of town an absolute nightmare to walk around as well, meaning I effectively end up trying to avoid it.
  9. Troll 2 is infamous, theres clips all over the place. It is awful but is the epitome of a so bad it's good movie, because it's hilarious.
  10. That was the apparent inspiration, but so far it feels like the inspiration extends as far as 'Batman and Superman in the same film, they don't get on'. If all the rumours are correct they're using it as a kicking off point for a Justice League film which will only end in a mess. There's a reason Marvel agent 4 years setting up the Avengers.
  11. Rumours that Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones) is going to pick up a part in Batman v Superman. Best guesses so far for the character are Superman villain Doomsday (who is rubbish in a way only the 90s could develop) or Justice League member Martian Manhunter, who is a stupid character. Film is increasingly guaranteed to be a mess.
  12. Spending the night on some crappy hotel in Manchester for a training course tomorrow whist feeling rough.
  13. What utter drivel, do you know what semantics means? This is not an argument of semantics? It only becomes an argument of semantics when someone doesn't know what they're talking about and makes it into an argument of semantics. But as you appear quite an aggressive chap, I'll let your terrorism () win for now, as I've got work bright and early.
  14. Because those words describe different things.
  15. It's not an argument of semantics. As I said before, freedom fighter and terrorist are not mutually exclusive. Mandela was both. He fought for freedoms and for a time used terrorist methods to do so. Calling him a terrorist simply describes the activity he engaged in.
  16. You seemed to suggest that only people that disagreed with his aims would describe him as a terrorist. That isn't the case. I agreed with him. It does him a disservice as it neuters him, as well as shys away from honesty.
  17. Not quite. If you know what 'terrorism' means, he was a terrorist. Even with all the difficulties in defining the concept, Mandela was one. Even if you agree with his aims and methods, he was one. It's inescapable. Undoubtedly he also fought for freedoms and fought a great evil. He was, if you agreed with that aim, a freedom fighter. For me, that was certainly the case. But we shouldn't flinch from the first part. Trying to paint him as not a terrorist in a way does the man a disservice. I have no doubt he was a thoroughly good man throughout his days, so it says something of the fury he must have had back then to turn to force. We shouldn't whitewash him as some saint without flaw, all love and compassion. He had rage and that got him to take that action. Mandela will always be a complex character because of this. He did great things and became a rightly supremely respected figure, but he also was a terrorist in his younger life and it's difficult, for many people, to ever truly call that activity justifiable, no matter the justness of the cause. I know I struggle with it - I respect the man, and he was a immense figure for good and was front and centre in overturning a disgusting regime, but I would remain uncomfortable supporting that early activity despite agreeing wholeheartedly with his cause.
  18. It's not a misappropriation. Terrorism is a methodology - a tactic, a way of getting what you want to happen. Freedom fighters are often terrorists - we just feel that they have valid/just aims and, flinching from the valid description of them as terrorists, we use a term we feel more comfortable with. Mandela was a freedom fighter. He was also a terrorist. He chose to use a terrorist methodology to fight the South African regime of the time. I don't think you should flinch from calling him what he was. You can take the edge off and feel more comfortable calling him a freedom fighter as well, but he was a terrorist. That doesn't take anything away from what he achieved afterwards, which was utterly laudable.
  19. He was a terrorist - he used that methodology in an effort to bring about his (just) aims, it's something you can accurately say he was. He subsequently achieved astounding things and will be remembered for them down the ages.
  20. Avatar, Life of Pi, Dredd. All (iirc) filmed in 3d in the first place, not converted, and end up working best. You'll probably find that you watch 3d films as the exception rather than the rule, incidentally. 3d is generally ropey, and even when is better it's quite gimmicky. Pacific Rim might be worth a shout. The 3d is converted, but the film itself is very much 'show off the telly' stuff with lots of striking visuals (loads of neon and top rate CG). Dredd was the first 3D blu ray I picked up. Looks fantastic! Funnily enough the 3d transfer of Dredd actually blows the 2d out of the water. The 2d on the bluray looks hopeless, noisy with bizarre colouration and loss of detail. The 3d is impeccable, which is saying something for a film made for by bugger all at today's standards.
  21. Avatar, Life of Pi, Dredd. All (iirc) filmed in 3d in the first place, not converted, and end up working best. You'll probably find that you watch 3d films as the exception rather than the rule, incidentally. 3d is generally ropey, and even when is better it's quite gimmicky. Pacific Rim might be worth a shout. The 3d is converted, but the film itself is very much 'show off the telly' stuff with lots of striking visuals (loads of neon and top rate CG).
  22. Bloody Clap clinics, always the same. It's almost worse. Hairdressers. There's also only 1 other customer in here, but 4 staff. Ones having her hair done by another, ones a lacky and the other is actually working. Sadly the one working is clearly miles away from finishing whatever torture she's doing to the other customers hair. I **** hate waiting.
  23. Places that can't keep to appointment times. I have an appointment at 12, I can see that there no chance in going to be seen any time soon. So that leads me to sitting here, for the indeterminate future, waiting. Which pisses me off on a whole different level.
  24. Gal Gadot (who?!) to play Wonder Woman in Batman vs Superman. Increasingly looks like WarnerBros want to'do an Avengers'but either don't have the faith in the characters or don't want to spend 4 years setting it up properly. So instead they're going to do all the set up in one movie.
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