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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. It's an ok game. It's basically Borderlands crashed into Diablo with a dash of MMO. The mechanics are there, the framework isn't, and the loot chase, if it doesn;t grab you, probably means you should trade it in.
  2. You're talking to a 9/11 'truther'. I'm not sure it's worth the bandwidth.
  3. Europe doesn't have a defined border. You'll be here until the end if time arguing where Europe ends and what is and isn't Europe. Traditionally the geographic limit ties in with the Ural Mountains, but that cuts through a bunch of countries meaning you start to get a rather vague definition of its limits in really terms. UEFA definition includes a country nobody on earth really thinks is European, Israel. This is actually a genuine problem for the EU. By the by anywho...
  4. Haha. Is horrified at Islamic law in the UK, tells us how great Israel is by stating Islamic courts exist in Israel. Doublethink.
  5. I'd be lying if I said I had much interest in the answer, because I can probably guess it regardless, but I wonder if our resident Israeli might be quite so horrified to learn of Jewish law being present in English law? Because that already is. English law allows civil disputes to be settled by any agreed third party. Lots of orthodox Jews turn to Jewish courts in cases of family and business disputes. If another tract of people suffering from another religious affliction wish to have their own brand of tinpot religious court, what's the difference? Both are ultimately subject English law. I'm not surprised that that is the reaction though. Israel must surely popularise the Islamic bogeyman, or none of them would be lining up to blow apart children or drop experimental munitions on one of the most densely populated regions on earth. And they might have raised an objection at bulldozing the homes of generations of families while they were still sat upstairs.
  6. The US isn't solely responsible for al Qaeda - they're not directly responsible for that group in any way, really. Al Qaeda means 'The Base' or 'the Database', which was derived from a contact book of Mujahideen fighters from the war against the Soviets in the 1980s. A few of those Mujahideen fighters rose up again in the late 90s in response, in part, to Western interference in the Islamic/Middle Eastern world. The US involvement with the group is only that they provided arms to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan in the 80s to assist fighting off the Soviets - particularly notably giving them Stinger missiles to take out Soviet choppers (not an unusual decision, at the time, the Cold War had both sides quite openly supporting various sides in numerous conflicts that kicked off throughout the period). That some of those men survived the Afghan invasion and became radicalised and struck out against the West isn't something you can lay at the US's feet - unless you wish, a little harshly, to suggest they should have expected a development of an international terrorist brand name to be brought about by their own global self interest.
  7. Israel using DIME and flechette munitions in Gaza. Complete words removed.
  8. I did. My dissertation was focused on it and it was a fairly regular feature of most of the courses I took.
  9. I guess the use of collective punishment by Israel and it's effectiveness would depend on what the aim is. Is it to tell 'Palestine' to behave and pack it in? Or is it to encourage them to give up and accept, at best, a life as second class citizens, unwanted peasants making the place unpleasant for 'Israelis', or better to simply clear off? All this Israeli shit always has the undercurrent, like all terrorism, of trying to get what they want politically. And sadly, for what little is left of Palestine, what they want is land, with no non-Jews on it. Even when Gaza isn't being flattened by high tech weaponry (worth looking up some of the stories about that - its on record a missile was once used to kill an opposition leader whilst he was in his home. Which happened to be part of a communal block. Which in Gaza means it's riddled with people because they're squeezed in everywhere. Israel didn't care...) their day to day life is shit. Doing something as apparently simple as crossing a check point is at best an ordeal, or at worst will leave you dead. Sadly Palestine has it's share of idiots happy to give Israel an excuse to put this all into action.
  10. 3-0 Liverpool. It won't be a complete spanking because it won't need to be, we'll focus on keeping the score down and forget any other aspect of play.
  11. MMORPGs based on the current rote template are dead.
  12. Public Enemies does have a very odd look to it at times. The bigger issue, for me anyway, though, is Mann's tin ear. The audio mix on that film is awful.
  13. Chindie

    2014 Holiday Plans

    Been told by my boss that our team needs to be more organised for hols this year, so looking at a trip away for 2 a bit earlier this year. Annoying thing is we dunno where we want to go, really. Cyprus last year was very nice, Paphos is a lovely place for a week great weather and food (cheese aside) and let us chill and relax. Wouldn't mind a similar vibe. Think I'll try and copy my boss as well, last year he had a big hol before our season kicked off, a smaller break in October and a couple of long weekends between. I kinda wasted my allowance instead...
  14. It's brilliant. The UK version has a card which arguably is an 'I Win' card, but it's still a fantastically funny dark little game.
  15. No I don't bother with the cartoons. I know loads of the canon of a lot of the characters though. Just realised I've actually gotten confused with my Ant-men. Scott Lang is the second one and he's basically the boring one, a pretty thief turned good. The pervert anti hero is the third one, whose name I forget. I reckon they might meld then together for the film, there's more comedy potential in the third one. A rumour surfaced today for another potential Marvel Phase 3 movie, Dr Strange. Apparently Johnny Depp fancies the role. Would be a terrible decision. Potentially interesting movie though, very different to what else they've done so far. Done properly it'd be like the star gate section of 2001 for 2 hours.
  16. Yeah that's the story from the comics basically. The second Ant-man is essentially a bit of an anti-hero, he's a thief and a pervert who uses the suits power to further his own ends. The original Hank Pym Ant-man is more interesting but his character arcs are often darker. He's a more useful character for the Avengers too - Pym spent a lot of time in the comics as the Avengers team scientist, really. Saying that, he is one of the few superhero characters to have numerous alter egos, there's more to him than just Ant-man...
  17. Michael Douglas cast as Hank Pym, the original Ant-man, in Ant-man. That's an odd one.
  18. Arsenal will be licking their lips at the prospect of playing us tonight.
  19. Appears that this video informed at least one opinion in this thread.
  20. I sincerely doubt it was ever alive.
  21. It's testament to how many performances have been unutterably shit.
  22. The toilets at work piss me off. My bladder appears to be in perfect sync with the cleaner, who basically shuts the loos while he cleans them meaning if you need a piss you need to go up or down a floor. This is annoying as it seems to happen every time I need a pee. Secondly, theres always some absolute horrors in there, which seem localised to our floor in the building. Be it your basic floor being absolutely soaked apparently making a game attempt at being a swimming pool or ice rink given how slippy it gets, with the odd paper towel strewn about for good measure, to strangely broken toilet seats with completely clean breaks bifurcating them perfectly, to a wall by the urinals being crusted in smeared snot or one of the toilet cubicle walls basically having shit on it. This is before you consider the time I walked in and was presented in one loo with what appeared to be a heavily charred cauliflower clogging the loo, whilst also having apparently been marinaded with a contents of a skunks glands. It's **** disgusting.
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