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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I'm fairly sure that's conjecture at best. Lip plates have independently developed in numerous cultures, including those entirely removed from Africa, and the common thread is, like many forms of primitive body modification, that it acts as a rite of passage. And not solely, across those cultures, for women. A number of Amazonian tribes had their young men wear lip plates. I don't think you can derive from that much beyond its a combination of physical identifier of increasing rank/ status in their society, and a fairly basic form of tribe identification (and associated assistance in othering).
  2. I would certainly wait for reviews of the Crew. It's early word of mouth hasn't been glowing, and Ubisofts record recently hasn't been flawless.
  3. Details of the next one out already. Assassins Creed Victory, Victorian London setting. What odds a Jack the Ripper side activity? Also, in before 'We've been working on this for years'. Please, Ubisoft, give this series a break for a year or 2 and actually come back with something fundamentally new. I think we're all tired of increasingly rote reruns of AC2.
  4. I'm feeling absolutely awful, wide awake having spent the night apparently trying to turn my lungs inside out, but because this a short month and some arsehole is being a word removed, I've got to go into work to get a bunch of shit done that I'm going to end up worrying about all month and probably end up having to cancel holiday over. **** bollocks. I can still barely speak as well.
  5. You can get away without watching the first Cap film, but I'd probably recommend watching both. The first film is absolutely an origin film, and has this brilliant 'boys own adventure' feel to it due to the setting and the style. Chris Evans is very good in the role as well. The second film is better overall and very enjoyable as it melds a pulpy old fashioned political thriller style to a modern action movie. It's not flawless (the titular Winter Soldier isn't in it enough which leaves the film without a recognisable antagonist) but overall it's probably one of the best Marvel films for me.
  6. I headed down to London today for some business relationship meetings. I woke up and was out of the house early despite being in a cold sweat with a cough so bad it was hurting my kidneys whenever I had to hawk up a lung. Got down there, went through the maze of Euston and Bank stations, went to the first meeting. Ended up in a coffee shop, dripping with sweat, couldn't hear a word that was said and even sat down had dodgy balance. Left, found out that was the only meeting. Lost my voice on the way home. Tried to warm up some food once I got back and damn near set it alight. Today hasn't been great. And I still can't talk.
  7. Wouldn't it be easier to just use the facilities at home, or work?
  8. What I find interesting is how a good number of people seem to be more disgusted by property damage and looting than the killing of an unarmed civilian. Really !! You've followed the story and actually know what happened ?? ... Those people on the streets really have no reason to be there from what I've heard of events that took place ( cue the police and autopsy results are lying posts ) In fairness on that one having seen some of the officer in questions testimony of what happened, I'm not sure his story is the whole story, let's say.
  9. All PlayStation Plus subscribers need to do to feel better every month is to look at Microsoft's offering. Xbox One owners get Worms. 360 owners get something called Raven and that SSX reboot from 2 and half years ago that nobody played. It's almost like they felt forced into offering it and decided to do it completely half arsed...
  10. I have the Nexus 9 and I like it. Its a big upgrade from my nexus 7 2012 edition. I think most of the sniping was down to the price being so much higher than the Nexus 7, I got mine for £289.00 from Currys with an O2 Priority code but I think they have reduced the price by £10.00 and if you order online you can use a code to knock of an extra £20.00 Thanks. That was my thinking as well in truth. An iPad is out of the question. The 2012 Nexus 7 is really showing its age so it needs retiring, the Nexus 9 seems the best step up. He doesn't want a Samsung device and the Sony tablets don't inspire either so there isn't much choice. Don't like the price but I think we'll be keeping an eye on the deals this week and leading to Christmas - it can't be selling well, that's for sure. Though perhaps they always expected that...
  11. Funnily enough quite literally as I posted that one of my colleagues resigned. It's a long story but basically a combination of things, right now we're on a very quiet period doing files and tidying up after a busy period. It's tedious, barely occupies the mind. In a busy period we're working all hours of the day (8 to 8 not uncommon, day on day) in a very stressful situation. I'm not very well paid (a colleague was shocked when I intimated aroundabout where my salary lay). I'm tired of it. I like the people but the job is shit and the money makes it difficult to put up with. I have a degree but it's not vocational, I picked it as it opened doors to many fields but in reality it's just a degree.
  12. I work in a specialised part of the insurance industry, and am also at the point where I either need to be paid considerably more or need to get out before I lose my mind. I'm getting to the point where I'm struggling to care, which is something I've never even had come into my mind before now. Coasting through a day waiting for 5.
  13. The similarity with Assassins Creed is in the framework of game ('climb tower unlock section of map, go here get mission, farm animals for upgrades'), otherwise they're fairly different. Far Cry 3 was pretty good overall, although perhaps outstays it's welcome, so if you fancy an open world shooter to mess about with its hard to go wrong.
  14. I'd wager you probably aren't going to like Interstellar, Mike. Guardians of the Galaxy is probably the movie I've enjoyed most this year that I can recall.
  15. Anyone managed to go for a Nexus 9? My dad's in the market four a new tablet as his 2012 7 has died a death. Read the reviews which I mostly read as 'we expected more but it's not necessarily a bad machine' more then anything else. Must admit I kinda like it myself in all honesty.
  16. It performs badly on the Xbox One as well (and doesn't shine on PC either). One of the development team contacted a few sites a while back and put it very plainly that it wasn't a case that they were favouring the Microsoft platform, it was actually that they were struggling with it full stop. It was apparently barely playable at all only a couple of months back. Basically, the thing is a mess full stop. They also appear to have tried to hide some particularly grim 'microtransactions' (hard to use that word given that one is £99, apparently) in the review copies by not drawing attention to them, explaining them or allowing them to work properly before release. Oh and they embargoed reviews until 12 hours after release. Couple that to the fact it's apparently a very dull rerun of the same old Assassins Creed, with a dull character dull storyline and the same missions... It's a dog. The series needs to be put down.
  17. Is apparently a buggy broken poorly optimised (ppb all formats) mess. I wish they'd put Assassins Creed out of its misery. It could have a brilliant series in someone else's hands. Instead it's got 1, possibly 2, really good games, and a load of bland rushed out cash in annualised dross.
  18. If this is the part of the game I'm thinking of...
  19. Interstellar isn't Nolan's best, that's for sure.
  20. Why, who would you suggest fits those values better? Liberty - I think all parties offer this. I don't think a party offering oppression would get many votes to be quite honest, it's just not a popular idea. Equality of opportunity - No party has done more for equality than Labour. Low / Minimal taxes - Income taxes have been lowered for some, yes, including the very highest earners and corporations, at the same time new taxes are created to make up for it, not to mention the increase in VAT which added up probably out weighs the small tax cut for the lowest earners. Small government - Not quite sure what you mean by this? Small as in nobody takes any notices? Easily slapped down by Angela Merkel? That kind of thing? Small government is as it sounds, really. It's a combination of fewer, smaller departments in government, and a general desire to reduce bureaucracy through having less politicians and policies. 'Big Government' would be a government that expands into all areas of day to day life and legislates all areas of everything, small government is one that reduces itself to 'vital' areas of governance. It's more of an American idea, these days, and become associated with general 'anything to do with governance is suspicious' mindset. It's a typical link to conservatism as, in general, big government means more people to do more stuff required, meaning more tax to pay for it, and generally assumes more meddling in peoples affairs which can be/is an attack on liberty.
  21. Cap 3 is being pitched as Avengers 2.5, so it looks like they want to make the phases a little less distinct next time and more blended together. Given what we know if both films, they might both have some far reaching consequences. As for Captain Marvel, they're doing the Carol Danvers version which is probably the most recognised. Might need to reconsider the costume though...
  22. Marvel's future slate had been announced... May 6th 2016: Captain America: Civil War November 4th 2016: Doctor Strange May 5th 2017: Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 July 28th 2017: Thor: Ragnarok November 3rd 2017: Black Panther May 4th 2018: Avengers: Infinity War Part I July 6th 2018: Captain Marvel November 2nd 2018: Inhumans May 3rd 2019: Avengers: Infinity War Part I No real surprises in there but a few very exciting announcements. Inhumans is an interesting addition, talk had been that Marvel effectively want to substitute the Inhumans for X Men in their established storylines. Great to set Black Panther in there, they've been hinting at that in the movies since Iron Man 2.
  23. They're showing it with the original soundtrack on the red button, apparently. Watch it with the original soundtrack, it's a vital part of the film and it's atmosphere. The redone soundtrack might be an interesting diversion for fans of the film, but your first watch should be as it's intended, IMO.
  24. Also just back from the Babadook. It's not a classic but a decent change of pace for a modern horror film. Agree that its greatest success is in creating a horribly bleak and uneasy atmosphere that permeates every inch of every frame. It's not frightening but it's very creepy at times. I think it's theme it's pretty obvious throughout and it smacks your about the face with it at the end, which is perhaps why many will walk out a little disappointed with it in the end. But an enjoyable evening with a horror movie, I've not said that in years.
  25. I would like to second these sentiments. Looks proper. I watched the trailer with trepidation, hoping for not too many spoilers. There is an unnecessary reveal, but it does a great job of selling the film. Cinema then home to sleep with the lights on I reckon. Can't wait. Looks great. I've said before that horror is a funny one with me. Generally I don't like it, because I think horror is so so easy to do badly, and so 95% of horror films put there are crap. But when its done right, it's fantastic. Going to see this tonight. Genuinely excited. Also seeing this tonight. Quite intrigued, not normally a horror fan.
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