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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. No. The danger of him being called a terrorist was what he was doing and the basic discourse he tried to surround it in (the flag etc). Anyone doing the same thing would get that label - look at Norway all too recently. I don't think there's much in this 'Muslim therefore terrorist' thing.
  2. You can be both. Depends what his aim ultimately was. Terrorism is just a methodology, a way of getting what you want. I would lean towards saying this was just a random nutter. He was described by his lawyer IIRC as someone blinded by fervent ideology but also as someone who felt they had nothing left. I'd be surprised if he really had a genuine political goal. He was a criminal who lost it and seems to have made a pretty crap attempt at tying into a cause seemingly as a bit if an after thought.
  3. We'd be missing a rabid Jehovah's Witness. Nowadays they'd just stand there looking gormless waiting for someone to ask them question, as opposed to copy and pasting as an opening offensive.
  4. An Iranian refugee with a bit of a rap sheet. Even his lawyer appears to have suggested he's a bit nuts.
  5. This will turn out to be a lone nutter (perhaps quite literally). Probably a recent convert to Islam at best and very little planning or organisation.
  6. Chindie


    Indeed. Ultimately, what can the last episode say? He's not getting let off (and was never going to be) and they aren't going to end it with some revelation of who they reckon did it (even had they wanted to). At best the lawyers from 5 episodes or so back might have stumbled on a theory but even then, they can't reveal much. Do they go meta and end it with a bait and switch about the nature of the show and it's following and the voyeuristic quality it has? And can they really do this again? It's inevitable that people will want closure and they may not have realised they were never going to get it. Which will kill interest in this second time around.
  7. Chindie


    Been avidly listening to Serial. Not too sure what to make of this weeks episode, felt like the most plainly filler episode of the series, and didn't really bring that much to the table. Next week is the final episode and I'm left wondering exactly what we're going to have got from the series. There doesn't appear to be much more to say and obviously there's no further revelation to be had. Is the show destined to be hollow navel gazing, interesting but ultimately futile?
  8. I don't disagree with you, but I think The Hobbit's main problem is it's just too long. There's absolutely no need for it to be 3 films. One 3 hour film would probably have done the job. It just feels so drawn out. Oddly, if anything, the new one feels rushed. It's the shortest of the Middle Earth films, at about 2hrs20, and feels like they got through a lot of plot development to quickly. I think the extended version of this film will be considerably longer. The beginning was also clearly originally intended to be in the last film, but was city and shoved in as a pretitle sequence here to ensure people actually went to see this film.
  9. People who dislike Peter Jackson's interpretations of Tolkien's work should probably avoid The Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Armies, lest they have a coronary.
  10. Worth bearing in mind that the 3DS has technically been replaced. The New 3DS is already available in Australia and is fairly easily imported from a few retailers, and is effectively a UK spec machine.
  11. I believe there's N64 tracks on it already. There's a few retro tracks on it I think actually.
  12. Why do you take any notice of the texts?It's your day off: ignore them. Good point. I guess I don't want to let anyone down. I try to do my best for everyone, clients and colleagues, and try to help as much as I can, so I feel like I should respond. Saying that, it is getting harder to care. It's my personal phone as well, which should annoy me as well. If they need me to be contactable away from the office they should be giving me a phone.
  13. links a playable charachter no way?!! He's a DLC character. They're releasing 2 DLC packs, each containing 3 characters and 8 new tracks and some other bits and bobs. Link's in the first one which they released a month or so back. Theres a deal where you can buy both packs now and get multicoloured Yoshis and Shy Guys as a bonus.
  14. Started seeing what the job market is like I guess.
  15. Port but with some extra bells and whistles. They fiddled with the graphics (largely I think as a demo into what they might be able to do with the hardware and also to get some experience of stuff like HDR lighting), added in some details like a sail to make sailing less of a hassle, chopped up the Triforce quest from the end of the game, which is notoriously a shit and tedious time waster they threw in when they ran out of time the first time round and had to cut some dungeons, so you can now do it far quicker, and also chucked in a bunch of things using the Gamepad (map screen, shocker, inventory screen, shocker, motion control aiming with the pad, etc). It's basically a HD tart up with some streamlining. If you liked the game originally it's now utterly gorgeous (not that it wasn't already) and has been improved a bit.
  16. Usual suspects. Super Mario 3d World Legend of Zelda Wind Waker Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (if you like difficult platformers) Hyrule Warriors (if you're a Zelda fanboy and like Dynasty Warriors) Supposedly Wonderful 101 is good if you can 'get' it, otherwise it seems a bit of a mystery to many. Bayonetta 2 if you like hack and slash character action stuff (i.e. Devil May Cry). You can get a double pack which includes the first game (which wasn't released on any Nintendo platform) with some Nintendo additions (costumes etc). Pikmin 3 is an acquired taste but many love it. Zombi U is about the only survival horror esque game on the system. Apparently has some clever ideas, again a bit love it or hate it.
  17. My experience of Sam Adams to date is such that I don't think I'd pour it on someone who was on fire, lest they get some in their mouth and suffer the horrendous taste. As such, that there probably wouldn't be on my wish list for booze any time soon.
  18. I have a day off today and have my boss texting me about where we are with some renewals and if I have them all invited. I've explained before I can't invite them as the insurer has requested numerous extra details before putting forward any terms. His text is going on about how crucial it is we get these all renewed to our final numbers - I already know this, but what am I going to do about it? I've requested the details from all the clients, explained the policy ends soon and we need thme to get back to us, get a price and renew, and it's my day off. Increasingly I'm feeling like I don't want to do this shit anymore. It's incredibly stressful for a long part of the year and I'm laughably underpaid, have been given very little instruction as I've been required to pick it up as I go along and spend most of the day treading on eggshells as you worry about anything going wrong. And weird stuff is happening in the wider business. Oh and my colleague who resigned? Her job had to be posted on the company intranet for internal vacancies. I saw the predicted salary and it made me sick. Quite literally more than double my salary. No wonder she was shocked when I suggested where mine was.
  19. Pretending you're more intelligent than you are by utilising arguments, style etc that you've heard or seen but don't truly understand or sincerely believe in. Usually has the goal of making the person look better than they are rather than trying to bring anything to the debate.
  20. Isn't, and has never been, a genius. That we're as close as we are is testament to that. We're awful, with a manager nobody would utter the word 'genius'about in the same breath, and we're in touching distance.
  21. I see a lot of people going mad over the PlayStation event tonight, but I dunno... For me anyway, there's nothing there that convinces me to buy a PS4 if I wasn't already planning to. The FFVII thing was ludicrous. A port of a HD upres of a 17 year old game that everyone who wants to already has played... That they played that up as a major announcement is absurd.
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