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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. The victim narrative peddled out here is starting to wear thin.
  2. I've ended up with a copy of Alien Isolation. I hate this kind of genre, but I adore Alien. No way I'll finish it but I'm seeing it as digital tourism almost.
  3. The Rock is genuinely a great 90s action movie. I can't think of a thing I'd change about it, even Nic Cage. That it's made by Michael Bay continues to be I've of life's great mysteries. In not even sure the 'enough shit' approach works, because in every element it's perfectly fine good action movie stuff. Even the characters are unanimously likable and there's none of Bay's patented pornographic leer - despite having a risqué scene.
  4. I'm more hesitant. I think had Marvel somehow got the rights back full stop, this could be fantastic. As it is, they've got some creative input and can incorporate him into the MCU, but I can't help thinking that Sony will throw spanners in there somewhere, as they will want to control it too much and it'll end up sitting uncomfortably with the rest of what Marvel have made so far. If nothing else though, if they can skip an origin story and shove him in Civil War in the vein of the comic, I'll be a bit more hopeful. You could instantly establish him without doing everything else and just get things going.
  5. Iirc Marvel do have a range of Star Wars comics out (or out in the near future). They'd had a Star Wars line previously as well, coincidentally.
  6. It's arrived today. Bought a flip case when I bought it as I other having something on a phone at least. Never been a fan of screen protectors though so well have to consider that one. Quite impressed so far. I think I'll fully migrate across tomorrow. Definitely a step up in size from the Nexus 4, but the depth makes it feel less substantial.
  7. A colleague just so happened to receive an invite today, I'll be making the jump tonight!
  8. Hopefully they'll do another no invite period again in the next month or so. If not, oh well.
  9. Thanks. That's where I'm leaning right now I think. It seems the best compromise. And it's the cheapest. Just need to get hold of an invite once my bonus comes around. A got at work has actually sent me 2 already but burgh times I've not been of the mindset to replace the Nexus. Anyone had any experience of buying the invites online? I don't mind adding a few quid to the price to save the hassle of trying to get one.
  10. I believe they might have introduced an IMEI registration system , I just can't recall whether I added mine, or if it was introduced after I initially set up the policy. Anywho... I can't see myself claiming as I can see the phone being retired shortly... Speaking of which - whats the smart money buy Android wise at the moment? I've been keeping a close eye on the OnePlus One, but that seems to have it's issues (I'd like a microSD, and the screen whilst good isn't the most 'shiny' of things these days), a colleague is trying to get me to pick up an Oppo Find7, but that is notably more expensive, has excellent specs, including a jaw dropping screen and expandable memory, but is on old software and I'd prefer a more stock Android experience (I'm happy to let Cyanogen slide), and Oppo have a terrible record of updating things. Ideally wouldn't to mess around changing the OS if possible. No interest in contracts and I think I'd need to take leave of my senses to buy a Galaxy phone or the like. Nexus was the obvious choice but cost and size is probably just too much.
  11. I also watched the Theory of Everything last night. Its not bad by any means but didn't grab me at all. Not that impressed by Redmayne either in truth. I much prefer the Imitation Game.
  12. Quite. Shame about his record on the footballing side of things, though. Indeed. Don't get me wrong, I wholeheartedly believe he should go as he's proving himself to be completely awful to new levels as ever game goes by. But he won't be sacked.
  13. Lerner isn't sacking a man a few short months into a new contract, in a period of belt tightening, who buys into the financial restrictions and has been instrumental in sorting things financially and keeping things ticking over. As said, he's not going anywhere.
  14. His attitude is pathetic. The moment things become difficult or things turn against him he gets entirely overcome by frustration and falls apart. That's why he will never quite stand as equal with Djokovic or Nadal or Federer. You can see him giving up as we speak.
  15. I don't think I've explained very well, the insurer would require it to identify the phone is my understanding, if the phone is dead for whatever reason and the physical identifying label has been rubbed off, as is the case, they would be unable the identify the phone, which leads to my concern that, besides theft/loss, the policy I've just renewed might not pay out.
  16. I know the code to get it, my concern is that the IMEI is required if I were to make an insurance claim. If I drop it in the sink or something or it completely dies on me, I'm concerned there'll be no way of finding the IMEI. It's still on the box obviously but that strength prove anything about the phone. Saying that the thing is basically mint so I can't see it being in harms way anytime soon anyway. Unless it does self destruct.
  17. And the end only changing the colour of the wave... And a brief shot of Shepherd if you do things exactly right.
  18. Fear my Nexus 4 might not be long for this world. In the past month I've started to occasionally get odd graphical glitches (almost like screen tearing) on menus etc, has taken to resetting itself randomly, or my personal favourite, locking up as if the proximity sensor is covered and not restarting until the power button is held down for about 5 minutes. Oh and it seems that the latest Lollipop update has broken something as I appear to be one of a number of Nexus 4 users who now seem to be, on occasion and at random, completely unable to use the phone as a phone. On making or receiving a call the phone is often completely silent, with neither end making or receiving a sound. Google appear to have made this a low priority for fixing. These all started becoming a serious issue about a fortnight after renewing the insurance on it as well. And it seems the IMEI details have rubbed off the back. Oh well.
  19. The idea you can just reject statue law is absolutely absurd. If that were true in essence it means you could reject most criminal law. Sound a bit like nonsense?
  20. I like Philomena Cunk but she definitely is better in small doses with Barry Shitpeas. The gag delivers increasingly less the longer it runs. On the other hand, Limmy last series was a painful watch every week, and the Morgana section this week was one of the most painful things I've ever had to endure via a TV. And terrifyingly you know it's not a one off.
  21. What part or parts was bollocks ? there are lots of people waking up to it, loads of vids on youtube etc some are just people wanting to freeload allso but when you read/watch genuine people who are trying to change things for the better then your whole view of it could change. There are some great stories of people who have changed things, like Karl Lens who is a freeman of the land and he had a down sydrome baby, he refused help cos he was making enough money to raise his child the right way and support his child himself, he had his child took away for 6 years cos he refused, fighting them through civil courts and he got no where cos the establishment can tie you in knots. he took them to whats called queens bench (common law court) he got his child back by the end of the day. Common aw ain`t just about Travelling (driving) about without having to have tax etc It's based on a (willful?) misunderstanding of the law. I have no idea who Carl Lens is but the Queens Bench isn't some miraculous revelation. It's the top division of the High Court. Nothing earth shattering about that. If this bloke choose to take his case to that level and won, good for him, the system worked out for him.
  22. From the very vague things I can remember reading about it years ago, the 'Freeman of the land' stuff is bollocks. EDIT - Yep, nonsense. Try it in court and your going down with some additional time for contempt if the judge is feeling particularly vexed.
  23. One of my favourite bits of stand up, funny and bang on.
  24. Please elaborate. The dog the Dambusters had was named after a racial epithet beloved of rappers. It's become a bit of a talking point over the years as they want to remake a Dambusters film and the dog is a surprisingly important element of the story (although ultimately it's name doesn't matter, but for accuracy...)
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