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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. You're using the tragic death of hundreds, including children and infants, to make a point about your feeling of victimhood? That's actually made me a little angry. Disgusting. Do you have no sense of decorum? Or is your apparent victimhood more important right now?
  2. It might be a great game, but it isn't a likely to be a large scale console seller/killer app, because the Souls series is most definitely not for everyone, and is fairly niche still even within the gaming community.
  3. Chindie

    Top Gear

    Torygraph reporting Clarkson will be sacked tomorrow.
  4. Why would it change mid-term? If the Conservatives win this election it'd mean he'd stand down after the next election in 2020. The new leader would need to be in and have established a 'standing' as leader both by the party and by the nation (if they have any intention of winning). That would mean a mid term change. You would also have the issue that Cameron's standing and legitimacy would be questioned and no longer respected, particularly in the domestic political sphere, if it was widely known he's on his way out, which again would force the party to change sooner rather than later. On paper it shouldn't be like that, as technically our vote is only for a party, but practically it doesn't work like that. The Tories would have a new leader mid term. They'd be nuts to contest an election with a completely new face front and centre. Would they? Or would it give them a good opportunity to freshen up their image after 10 years? They're highly unlikely to be popular at that point - it will give them an opportunity to present themselves as a clean break, if it so suits them to do so. The issue would not be so much whether the leader is tarred by the Tory stench, I think. My point was the public would not vote for an unestablished face, and so on. They wouldn't vote for someone who hadn't shown themselves capable as a party leader and also had time to reveal more of themselves in the limelight. Hence, if it is the case Cameron has no interest in a third term, they will replace him midterm in the next Parliament to establish a new leader in good order to contest the best election. Who that leader is, I've no idea (there are numerous awful choices, and many bad ones, it is the Tories after all), but it's very unlikely they'll be someone who isn't already in the upper echelons of the party and therefore is likely already tarred with party's current predicament.
  5. I'd love to invade a pub. I'd annex the Ubu pump and claim lebensraum up to the Becks tap. And proclaim autarky due to the inherent scratching and peanut supplies.
  6. I've taken that stuff before. Weird tasting, chalky with a incredibly mild barely noticeable almost citrus taste. Drink a litre and a half, nothing happens. Keep drinking, toilet becomes best friend for the evening. They asked me how many sachets I used when I got to the hospital next day. Looked extremely surprised when I told then all of them...
  7. Saw that earlier. Genuinely put me off a little. Don't like the Batmobile, don't like the art design much somehow, didn't like some of the new mechanics. Strange as I love Asylum and City, and Origins was an OK, if broken, tribute act.
  8. Possibly. I've always felt that Cameron doesn't actually like being PM very much. I think he likes the status and the power, of course, but he seems to treat the nitty gritty of the role with contempt. He seems to resent being interviewed (see his regular 'finish what I want to say and then storm off camera' routine), his PMQs performances are always ill tempered petulant displays, and whenever he's going on about anything outside of grand statesmanship (I.e the less eye catching stuff) he seems to deal with it with near boredom and sarcasm. I could see him jacking it in, there only so much grandstanding a PM can do, unless there's a load of conflict to get there fingers into. He appears to despise everything else.
  9. Why would it change mid-term? If the Conservatives win this election it'd mean he'd stand down after the next election in 2020. The new leader would need to be in and have established a 'standing' as leader both by the party and by the nation (if they have any intention of winning). That would mean a mid term change. You would also have the issue that Cameron's standing and legitimacy would be questioned and no longer respected, particularly in the domestic political sphere, if it was widely known he's on his way out, which again would force the party to change sooner rather than later. On paper it shouldn't be like that, as technically our vote is only for a party, but practically it doesn't work like that. The Tories would have a new leader mid term. They'd be nuts to contest an election with a completely new face front and centre.
  10. My dad passed away suddenly just under a fortnight ago. My mom died suddenly last May, and we'd not really got over that, and now dad's gone as well. It's not that pisses me off though. It's the sorting everything out. Papers and bills and contracts and agreements, and just clearing the house. It's horrible. It just doesn't end.
  11. Mine has 2 very different meanings, derived from an Old English nickname. One means nun-like, which was either used as a genuine description or sarcastically, the other means 'by the stream', apparently. It's supposed to have first appeared in Worcestershire, and doesn't appear to have traveled much in the UK as it's stayed most commonly in the Worcestershire/Warwickshire/West Mids region IIRC. Away from the UK, it seems to have ended up most abundantly in Australia, so it's likely a few distant relatives way back when weren't terribly nun-like...
  12. I'd describe myself as a social libertarian, like a lot of people here. Don't cause other people harm, leave people alone to live as they wish, but have a state safety net to support the people. Which a lot of the anarcho-capitalist libertarian community would then tell you means I'm not actually a libertarian. The (former?) CEO of Sears in the US is a big fan of that branch of libertarianism, and used Randian ideas to change the company's structure to save it. Instead he's damn near killed it. Inb4argumentsearsproblemshavenothingtodowithlibertarianismnorrepresentanyfaultofit.
  13. Looking spectacular. And a great end shot stinger.
  14. I applied for a role last night, something I did a few years back that is basically the other side of the coin for the easier half of my current role. Opening salary is considerably more than I get now. I look at that and can't help but think it reiterates the need to move. If that did happen, i'd feel a wrench as, in general, my current role is with people I like and respect and I've been treated very well over some difficult times recently, but it all has to be underlined with the salary, which is shit. Really shit. Fingers crossed.
  15. I'd be amongst the happiest people on earth at my age (mid-20s) and picking up over £30k. I think a mid-20k wage at my age is good going. Funnily enough probably around what I should be paid. As it is I've but even broken £20k. **** everything.
  16. That's genuinely the most right leaning I've ever seen a Political Compass result come out, without someone taking the piss.
  17. Chindie

    Top Gear

    Gillian Anderson. Just.. Gillian Anderson. That laugh...
  18. I've watched it, its dumb but fun. First couple of series were good, especially the integrated back story Latest season is a bit too ridiculous though but still watchable. Cheers, pretty much what my mate said. Completely cheesey and OTT but ridiculously entertaining. First season is on Amazon Prime so i'll give it a go as I fancy something lightweight for a change. It's very lightweight and pulpy, but I enjoy it. It's basically Batman Begins extended over the length of a TV show. It lives and dies on how likeable you find some of the characters because the storylines aren't classics and the acting in some respects is... weak. I also think it would far more suit a shorter run series to series. As for the series... 1 is by far the weakest, troubled with a poor overarcing villain and lots of origin stuff. Series 2 is far better, a good villain, good action, and less obvious filler. 3 thus far sits somewhere between the two. On paper everything's there to pick up where series 2 left off, but it's often felt disjointed and has an absentee villain who should be a vicious and daunting figure, instead he's just constantly mentioned. The action has gone down a peg as well. Saying all that, it opens up the Flash in series 2, which is joyful television and strangely works alongside Arrow in the same universe despite how opposed their tone is. Worth your time, but don't expect earth shattering telly.
  19. Appears MakemineVanilla has taken over your account there Ikantcpell
  20. I work in the insurance industry.
  21. It's not even 10 on a Sunday and I'm sat here dreading tomorrow. I'm so demotivated at this point I can barely face it, which is absolutely and entirely out of character for me. Looking forward to Friday already. Half of the job is mind numbing tedium, the other half stress inducing horror. Running through my head everything that might be an issue this week (some out of my hands, others not). I'm not even paid £20k. I'm dying to see something else come up do I can leave and hopefully be more satisfied and better paid.
  22. Regarding the potential problems with the wider tournament, won't the Qataris do what they do with everything else they're seemingly unable to be any good at and chuck oil money at foreigners to do it for them in their name? Same as their athletics team, which realistically could be called the African All Stars.
  23. A bloke on neogaf has measured, to the second, roughly, the split of gameplay to cutscenes and QTEs in the Order 1886. His numbers bring it to be 57% gameplay, 40% cutscenes, and 3% QTEs, over a 5hr30 total play time. Apart from looking pretty I'm not sure what the hype was based on work this game. It always just looked like GoW mixed with Underworld in a Victorian setting.
  24. I got called, in the space of 2 days, by about 4 recruiters the other week. Very odd, I hadn't changed anything on any online job site or anything. Excellent timing by them though because every day that goes by at the moment is another day towards me trying to find out how strong the glass is in our office by hurling myself headlong at it.
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