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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. That's Psylocke, in a look surprisingly close to the comics. She's supposed to be British but I'll bet that they drop that.
  2. Exactly my thoughts. Adebayor would be a lazy and thoughtless signing and ultimately a waste. No, not for a second.
  3. Looking at Apocalypse again it's a little bit Poundland Thanos as well... This is the character it's meant to be...
  4. You aren't the first and certainly won't be the last to say that...
  5. Apocalypse from Xmen Apocalypse revealed. Never much liked that character, but that's a really, really bad looking take on him.
  6. See you at the 2016 takeover thread. And the 2017 thread... And then...
  7. Margot Robbie should be a good Harley. Unfortunately what we've seen so far is not Harley, IMO. It's just a random crazy suicide girl. The Suicide Squad stuff just seems so try hard gritty and'dark' it comes off terribly, and that Joker... Christ. I'm willing to bet Deadpool is poor as well. He's a very divisive character, and veers between funny and irritating at will even if you like the character. Even just the descriptions of the trailer suggest they've turned the Deadpool-ness up to 11 and already some of it is really missing it's mark IMO. Apocalypse looks like it might be OK but having seen the rough trailer, the character of Apocalypse looks stupid in this world already. It'll be alright but in willing to bet ouit'sts the weakest entry in the series. Whilst we're whinging about comic book movies, Fantastic 4 is out in less than a month, and no one cares, looks particularly crap, and they've literally just binned the 3d version, which bodes well...
  8. As said before, I'll be dumbfounded if this happens. I just can't see why he'd join, and, going off the media, I think were he of a mind to join he'd be here now. I'll be shocked if he's in our team next season, shocked. We need a LB, true. I suspect we're already talking to them and Amavi is a distant memory.
  9. Iwata seemed to be genuinely nice bloke. He was the most un-CEO like CEO I can recall. The Nintendo Directs, Ask Iwata... How many CEOs do you think you'd see doing this? Hes a huge loss. His final days were spent dealing with the E3 fallout. It was only a few weeks ago hes heading a shareholder call explaining the companies future. He looked very ill recently but I hadn't thought for a second he was so gravely unwell. RIP Iwata. Thank you for so many memories.
  10. Really? Where did you hear this?Google "ISIS blow up baby", it's on loads of news outlets and sourced to the Iraqi Government. Makes no difference, they've murdered many thousands of men, women and children already without generating the kind of response that is necessary, one more baby - although sickening - changes nothing. There will never be a response either, much like there was no response when Israel murderd 551 children last year Its sickening and saddening how people get away with such things. ISIS blow up baby..."But, but Israel!... It's probably not even true!" Pavlov's dog alive and well. ISIS is a Jewish Israeli conspiracy anyway so they probably did blow up a baby, but it'd be Jews what did it.
  11. Whilst Suicide Squad looks shit (shocker, the comics daft as well), and that take on the Joker is atrocious, the laugh is ****' hopeless... this is better from Warner Bros.. https://youtu.be/w_Ky4KPzKwY I never thought I'd say so, but that looks fun. Guy Ritchie seems to be carving a niche with these comedy action movies, which to date I've rather enjoyed.
  12. Yeah Wayne Enterprises had a building in Metropolis which was destroyed during the finale of Man of Steel (there's no way they meant this but it's a nice way to use a criticism of MoS' finale to tie this movie into it) and people die, which sparks a retired Batman to put the cowl back on to fight Superman who he holds responsible.
  13. Depends on your point of view who is good and who isn't. Or if either are. In the comic anyway. The trailer gives you the explanation for why they are fighting. Bruce holds Superman responsible for the destruction of Metropolis and believes he represents a threat to the world.
  14. Very good card. McGregor is an interesting interim champion as said before, which is a change, both because he's a personality and a flawed fighter. A good wrestler or BJJ fighter will give him things to think about, as Mendes did. Rory McDonald's nose took such a beating he'll probably look like a different bloke next time he enters the octagon.
  15. Batman usually wins Superman may be incredibly, stupidly, powerful, but he's still a kid from Kansas in his head (usually). Whereas Batman is 'the Worlds Greatest Detective' and massively cynical, manipulative and usually exceptionally well prepared for any encounter they have - it's rarely a toe to toe straight fight between them. Batman usually has a way of evening the stakes - be that manipulating his surroundings, manipulating Clark to his advantage, or in at least one instance, a **** Kryptonite ring in his belt that lets him one punch Clark out of a fight. Saying that, this movie is inspired by a comic where they did effectively go toe to toe (with Batman in an Iron Man suit in essence) but even then he had his reasons for going about things that way... Whether this movie even follows that train of thought I've no idea. I'd be surprised if they did. EDIT - Batman famously defeats Superman in a about 3 different ways in the Hush story arc from comics - he absolutely batters him with the Kryptonite ring, distracting him with a toe to toe fight, then manipulates him in 2 ways at the same time - while they are fighting, Batman has Lois Lane kidnapped, and then threatens to drop her off a skyscraper (which he does), using both the love of his life and the fact that ultimately Superman is a wholly good man against him, Clark being a good man does not believe or even anticipate in any way that Batman is not a good man and will cynically do anything he needs to to bring about what he needs to happen, to the extent he will threaten the life of his friends love to stop him.
  16. It actually looks really good IMO Hmm... I actually think the first trailer was better than that. There's elements there I like though. It's wearing it's Dark Knight Returns influence on its sleeve - the spark that makes Batman come out of retirement is there but this time cleverly linked to a criticism of Man of Steel, there's at least 1 shot that's stolen wholesale from TDKR (the cop car scene, which in the comic happens right as Bruce goes back on the prowl for the first time and basically takes his rage out on any criminals he can find). Interesting to see this is a post-dead Robin Bruce as well - what's the betting Bruce retired when he ended up with the death of his sidekick on his hands? All that's good in that trailer is Affleck and Batman. I actually think Affleck looks intriguingly good here, and I was certainly sceptical. Otherwise... It's not looking bad at all but didn't wow me. The shoehorning of the Justice League stuff concerns, as Wonder Woman appears to be sticking out like a sore thumb, and all the rest will feel exactly like what it is, desperately trying to kickstart a cinematic universe in 1 movie when Marvel spent 5 films and 4 years doing the same. The trailer seems to confirm the rumours of who the villain(s) are. Which isn't good as It's also worth bearing in mind that Zach Snyder can do a couple of things very well. Firstly, he's very adept at putting together striking images. And secondly he knows how to cut a trailer. Combine those and his trailers are usually better than the final movie. Still, it could certainly be worse and I'm intrigued to see Affleck's take on an older, more mentally broken and vicious Bruce Wayne.
  17. I agree with the general point but how much if any do Villa compromise on price in order to get it done early? If someone won't pay the asking price then I really would keep him. The danger is someone offers the asking price two days before the window shuts. It's a dangerous situation. Maybe you tell him "if you're not gone with two weeks left in the window then you're not going at all". I think if we try to strong arm him he'll throw his toys out of the pram and we end up with no player and no money. We'll end up compromising if he's not gone by August IMO. If someone comes within spitting distance of the money we want we'll do it for the sake of getting it done and moving on with our own improvements. Of course the second he leaves every replacement gets 30% shoved on the price, which'll **** us over.
  18. It's going to happen so we need to get it done. We cannot head into the season with Benteke half out the door and us caught in limbo. Get the deal done, and move on with preparation for making next season less shit.
  19. I can certainly recall the bloke who electrocuted his balls with the Scalextric set. I'm sure I remember him saying he couldn't pick his kid up from school because he was worried someone would notice the erection and report him or something. I can also recall the listeners suggestions on what to do being hilarious.
  20. Terminator Genisys. ...Christ. I just... I dunno. What?! I don't know what that movie even is. Honestly. I'm not sure anyone making it did either. I mean... I dunno. It's not a bad movie. But so much of it shit or weird or senseless or strangely fan fiction-y or falling flat... It is bad? The script is crap, the start of it had a whole scene that... You know at the start of every Star Wars movie they have the scrolling text explaining the setting? Imagine if that was done as a dialogue between 2 characters but with absolutely no subtlety - 'Dave, it was a long time ago' 'yes John, in a galaxy far away I believe'. The acting is awful, not helped by the fact the script is hopeless of course. Emilia Clarke would be a secretary if she didn't look like she does, I'm certain of it. The plot is all over the shop. There's little things that are actually fairly interesting takes on a modern Terminator script. And the rest of it is shit. It takes elements from T1 and T2 and blends them up and vomits then over the screen. And somehow it stains the memory you had of the originals. The first 2 movies have real weight to them. This is fluff. It feels like an awkward cash in. There's bits of it I'm not sure actually make sense. It has awful moments of humour. It's weirdly bland and forgettable. It's not a Terminator movie in anything but name. It's not good. Don't. Don't even think about. Edit - I forgot something. There are a lot of moments in this movie that are meant to be humourous, which aren't. But you will get laughs. Personal favourites include watching Sarah Connor, well known badass and handy with a gun, have her eyes bounce around like she's tripping when firing a pistol in the least badass way possible, and the crème de la crème... If you were a super intelligent AI hell bent on wiping out humanity, and wanted to round humans up in camps to be exterminated, how would you transport them? Develop some kind of self driving van to drop the humans off, like what Google and the like is already doing? Bearing in mind its the future so you can be a bit advanced. Well don't worry, this movie has solved the question. What you do, is take normal lorries, and have endoskeletons (like what is inside a Terminator) drive them about, like some kind of chrome trucker. Minus the tan obviously.
  21. I'll be absolutely gob smacked if we sign this bloke.
  22. Yeah that was part of my issue with it. There are some leaps and assumptions. I agree to some extent, I don't think the Israelis are going to wipe Palestinians off the face of the earth, or even want to, whereas I think most of the Middle East would commit genocide of Jews in a heartbeat, but I don't think Israel is that bothered if, in defending itself, it kills more kids than it could do... Hence then being a state terrorist. And so on. I think there's some good stuff in there, it isn't without error though.
  23. Seeing Terminator tomorrow. I know it'll be bad but it's a evenings fun even of it's as hopelessly shit as it appears. Antman has been reviewing really well, which even I'm surprised about. With all the weird stuff in it's development and being an odd character for Marvel even, and really mixed word of mouth from previews a while back and trailers looking ropey that seemed based around the film being embarrassed of itself, I thought that was a nailed on miss from Marvel. Apparently not. Imax it is then.
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