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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. We won't be interested in Austin, no point even thinking about it. If we do get another striker, its not going to be a big money signing, there was a reason Adebayor was obviously on the radar and its largely to do with the 'value' he in his situation represents. We aren't going to buy someone for big money now, IMO. If we do spend significant cash before the window shuts, it'll be spread across a couple of players. Personally I think we might sign another for a fairly small fee and then look at loans or frees to plug any gaps. Sadly I don't think any of this will see us sign a CB.
  2. Indeed. His teams inevitably are awful defensively. And his record in the transfer market IIRC is atrocious. Poor poor manager and Everton will have a long, long season to come.
  3. So far today I've had my PC inexplicably stop working, one the locks on the door break, the ironing board break, and the lawnmower break halfway through mowing the lawn. To say the lawnmower was considerably more broken after its first break down, is an understatement. If anything else breaks today it'll be sacrificed to the gods through the medium of fire.
  4. One of the most intriguing games we've had in years. No idea what to make of it. I could see us spoil Bournemouth's party in spectacular fashion, equally I could see us turn up and roll over with a whimper to a fired up promoted side. No idea. I hope I at least see the seeds of big strides toward improvement. There's potential there for sure.
  5. Fantastic 4 has not only apparently turned out to be shit - it's truly awful. Sitting at 9% on Rotten Tomatoes, it makes the old ones (themselves bollocks) look like masterpieces. And in the wake of that, director Josh Trank seems to be a collision course with making himself unemployable. This morning he basically through the movie, as it was premiering around the world, under a bus, with this Given that there were rumours that he was sacked by the Star Wars guys because he's a nightmare on set, and there were also rumours amounting to the same on the Fantastic 4 set which lead, in part, to them apparently binning the back end of the movie and starting over over his head, that tweet was probably not clever. It'd be a dumb move if Spielberg did it, but with with Trank's reputation, that's a career killer. I'm actually somewhat keen to see it now just to see how bad it is. Common themes coming out of reviews seems to be the fact it's a joyless grey pit of a movie, boring with little actual story, that wastes it's cast and, somehow, manages to **** up one of the best villains in all of Marvel's roster. Again.
  6. I can't help thinking we've more pressing areas to address than right wing. Like centre half. Don't overly rate Lennon but he would be better than we have in that position.
  7. I feel your pain, been in a similar situation myself recently. However that was hilarious to read! To this day I get bills for Tabatha Pugsley.
  8. They're even rebooting the shit films now? Can't wait for the Elektra reboot followed by Man Thing It's not the quality of the movie that prompts the reboot, it's Fox concerned about having the rights revert back to Marvel. They will keep churning these out every few years hoping one hits big whilst also being very aware that it keeps it out of Marvel's hands for a few more years. They'll keep doing this until one flops big style or the are falls out of the market.
  9. It might bring lies back from the right but little else. Corbyn won't win and if by some miracle he does he won't contest an election. In the mean time Burnham will whisper some left wing sweet nothings to cover his arse and the same game plays out again. Nothing will change.
  10. I'm not the biggest Deadpool fan so not really sure about that trailer... Could be worse I guess. Fantastic Four reactions are leaking out. In a development that will shock no one, its apparently shit. Please let this be what Marvel needs to get the rights back... **** Reed Richards and co, Marvel could do big things with Doom, and Galactus and the Skrulls...
  11. I would imagine Burnham would renationalise the railways immediately after he discovers the secrets of how to make humans fly and shortly after he gives all Labour supporters time machines.
  12. Really enjoyed Mission Impossible, a cracking little action flick with a sense of fun. Rebecca Ferguson is a very good addition. And is astonishingly beautiful. Which helps.
  13. The Batmobile is a blight on the entire game. That boss fight, and the other one before it, and 99% of what the Riddler gets you to do with it, is horrifically shite. Everything else is just bad.
  14. If we aren't seriously linked to, and ideally have signed up, a good experienced centre half this week I'll be concerned. Every other position would be nice to improve in, but we need a good centre half in short order. Another striker, winger, whatever we can sort in good time but the defence needs shoring up with some quality, now.
  15. Inside Out. A children's film that isn't really for kids. You know the recent trend for kids movies to have jokes that are specifically for the adults watching? Inside Out takes that idea, and decides that all the 'ideas' in the movie are for the adults, and leaves the kids with the simplistic ideas on top. The plot and storyline are nothing special, but serve as a skeleton for Pixar to hang ideas and concepts about emotion, childhood, growing up and developing as a person off of, almost all of which will be lost on its main audience. Ultimately not as good as everyone suggests it is, it is a 'nice' movie with moments to pull the heart strings and some good gags, but I can see some people not being satisfied by it due to the ludicrous simplicity of its main plot. The short beforehand, Lava, is so arseclenchingly twee that I'd almost recommend arriving late or taking a well timed shit lest you risk cringing so hard that your spine loops around up your rectum and have to watch the rest of the movie from between your buttocks. Horrendous.
  16. Too much money for a player thats on the wrong side of 26. All of our signings at the moment are about value. If we're spending significant money, it's because we think we'll see a return (or less likely, that it represents a good deal in our view). The older players go for will be frees and cheapies. Good player though.
  17. Their centre backs would walk into our team at the moment. Not that Baker would notice ZZZZZZZZZZZ True, but I think that says something about the standard of performance we expect from our CBs these days more than the standard of player Manchester United is likely to let us have. We'd probably end up with something better, but good? I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure Evans isn't the answer, and who else is going to be coming from them realistically? A loanee maybe? Valdes, Raphael, Carrick, Young, Evans, Smalling, Lindegard, Hernandez, Powell. quite a few players we could have been asking about My point isn't that there aren't players that we could realistically get from Manchester United that are good - they have players they seem happy to have some conversations about that would to our benefit, as you point out. My point is simply, looking at the CBs they might let us have, I'm not sure theres anything there that gets us what we need - a good experienced centre half. They have those players, certainly, but we aren't getting them. So you look at whp we might get... It's Evans, who I certainly wouldn't class as the solution to our defensive issues, or a loan of one of their youth players like Blackett. I'm not sure either of those options is what we need. If we're talking to them about another position, then I'd be a lot happier to see what happens. If we're talking to them at all...
  18. Their centre backs would walk into our team at the moment. Not that Baker would notice ZZZZZZZZZZZ True, but I think that says something about the standard of performance we expect from our CBs these days more than the standard of player Manchester United is likely to let us have. We'd probably end up with something better, but good? I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure Evans isn't the answer, and who else is going to be coming from them realistically? A loanee maybe?
  19. We need to hurl cash at a good CB. If the rumours of us talking to Manchester United about a player are true, I sincerely hope we aren't looking to them to sort our CB holes.
  20. This game might be a masterpiece but the bugs are indefensible. I'm now up to at least 3 missions that can't be completed, and more galling somehow 2 of those are DLC missions. This game has seen me have to quit and reload more then an OCD perfectionist on FM. Saving is most definitely your friend...
  21. Xbox One owners with Gold can get Ground Zeroes this coming month it seems. Very very excited about Phantom Pain.
  22. Southpaw. Might be the boxingiest boxing movie that boxed the box office. Nothing original in it, every cliché you could want, you know exactly every story beat before you set for in the cinema, but it's rather enjoyable. Gyllenhaal is pretty damn good in a role a little more physical than he's used to, and Forrest Whitaker is good too. Nothing special but if you like a good boxing movie you'll find things to enjoy here.
  23. Like Trent, suspicious of this one. Very happy if it's true though... It just seems wrong somehow. I could see it being a dry gag that had been lost in translation fairly easily. And journalists regularly follow the herd...
  24. His and our best times in recent years have been when we've played in a way that makes the most of his ability. He's not a clever player and his not gifted with great talent, but when he's allowed to be direct and we use his pace and strength (even though he is a yard slower now) he causes teams problems and he will get goals. Not prolific, but he will chip in his fair share. Unfortunately we've not done this consistently in years. Somehow manager after manager just decided pace belongs on the wings and made him a wider player which neutralises him as anything other an outlet when under the cosh. If Tim is prepared to make him more of a focal point again I think we'll see a resurgence.
  25. It's got the nickname the Daily Heil, and it's one it's earned. It's a ludicrously right wing tabloid that fashions itself as something more worthy. Is views serve between the intellect of the average word removed in a British pub to really quite subversively fascist, throwing in as much mysognist, racist, homophobic and every other vile and hatefilled perspective it can. It's readership is also the kind of person that views themselves as a little better than everyone else but firmly in the middle class and therefore above the Sun and the like, but in reality there's barely rizla between them. Basically, it's a gutter press rag that makes the world a little darker with every time it goes to press.
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