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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Yep. And yet I enjoyed myself seeing it. Rubbish but entertaining. And the 3rd(...?) biggest film of all time.
  2. If that's the case best start enjoying being a Prem team because there's not enough goals in this team to keep us at that standard for long...
  3. There must be a better value proposition than Charlie Austin out there. I like him as a player but the money bandied around, the concerns over him, etc, must mean any money we have (which will be less than QPR are asking I'd wager) could be better spent elsewhere. So we need a striker. And we can't break the bank and we have to spend carefully. This could be the most important signing we make of any this summer. I hope we name that signing and we do it smartly.
  4. Michu is an injury riddled wreck. His ankle is nearly done.
  5. In fairness, he isn't going to release a statement saying he agrees he's a ticking timebomb crock or the like. While Gold has gone too far, he does pick up injuries.
  6. why not? who else could we get? I'm struggling to think of names who would come to us We aren't going to spend the money he'll cost for a 26 year old with injury problems. It's unlikely we'd spend the figures bandied around for him on any player now, but if we did at this point it would be for a younger player with resale value that we would anticipate flogging for profit in 2 years. So with that in mind, Austin won't be coming in unless we significantly depart from what appears to be The Plan now. Which looks very unlikely as we are clearly after more than a just striker.
  7. Strange. That hasn't happened to me at all and I'm about half way on my second time through. May I ask what happened and when? My only (slight!) grievance is Roach. That animal is f***ing useless. The boot to update happened during the Imlerith fight. Couldn't believe it. Just in the middle of the fight up comes the update screen. I've now finished the game and adore it, still, but it is buggy and had some rough edges. A masterpiece still, it's got a few flaws.
  8. I don't like to do this but what's the go to Android tablet these days? The girlfriend is looking for a new tablet, having had a Samsung Galaxy something for a few years that's showing is age. She likes larger tablets, ideally would like expandable memory, decent battery life is a plus. I've completely lost track of Android tablets and anyway, given that my tablet is currently subject to a recall probably means I shouldn't recommend anything anyway...
  9. I was given some codeine for an ongoing problem, and following that I've only ever taken a few tablets when I absolutely need to. The thing that always struck me with them is that, asides from stopping the pain eventually, I've never felt anything else from them. I read about people basically getting a mild high off them or whatever and I've never once felt that. I was never sure whether that was a good thing or not. I take shitloads of painkillers so sometimes wonder if I've built up a tolerance, or maybe I just don't notice the high.
  10. £20 each, or a tenner to both? Each. I really, really don't think there's any danger of us buying Charlie Austin.
  11. Disney did their annual D23 event yesterday, and amongst their usual fair they had Star Wars and Marvel. Not much revealed about the Force Awakens, but they did show a few things from the spinoff coming next year and also revealed that Jurassic World's Colin Trevorrow is picking up Episode 9. As for Marvel, a sizzle reel of production art was shown for Doctor Strange (as it doesn't even begin filming until November) which seemed to show a few interesting tidbits. Firstly, it looks like this movie is going to be appropriately weird - concept art of the Ancient One, a big deal in the Doctor Strange mythos, was shown, looking like the expected stereotyped Tibetan mystic. But in the movie that character is played by Tilda Swinton... Also it looks like it's going headlong into the freaky astral projection shit Dr Strange is renowned for, which seems to be following lines we've seen in the Marvel movies already... Then they shifted to Civil War. They actually showed a trailer of this and word is it's looking very good, and, as expected, it's shaping up to be an Avengers movie in everything but name, pretty much the entire Avengers lineup appears and we add some new faces as well. Black Panther was shown and reaction to that appearance was universal praise, which is a good start for a character that could be very important, and of course Spiderman makes his MCU bow. He wasn't shown however and Marvel are guarding the character very closely, odd really as there's not much to surprise anyone with a Spidey suit these days. The rest of the footage seems to suggest this is a darker, more grounded Marvel movie, in the same vein of Singer Soldier, but still lighter than the original plotline. Rumour has it that this trailer will be released soon so the build up to Civil War shouldn't be far away...
  12. If we buy Charlie Austin I'll give Acorns and VT £20.
  13. What did she say? Something along the lines of, yes we must look after disabled people but we must look after ordinary people too These people are prize idiots Excuse my ignorance but what is wrong with that? It suggests that the disabled aren't 'ordinary' people, and therefore can be treated differently to anyone else, which creates a justification to attack them, both by attacking any benefits they receive and opening the avenue to abuse being justifiable. It's basic Othering. Politicians tend to be fairly good at it. Although in this case I actually think it's more Liz Kendall being a moron.
  14. nope thought it was garbage myself Must be something in the water on the Emerald Isles, as you're very much in the minority. Personally think its in with a shout of being the best action movie of the last 5 years, and certainly the best of this year.
  15. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is surprisingly good fun. Very old fashioned weekend caper style of thing, but really enjoyable for it. Everything about it is beautiful, its shot with the look of a 60s film, and the sets and outfits and style of of all are brilliant. Very good performances too, the while thing hangs off the interplay between Cavills Solo and Hammer's Kuryakin. And good action. And unexpectedly funny. A light hearted bit of entertainment to while away 2 hours, I think it's been reviewed a little sniffly. I hope it sparks a franchise line Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes did.
  16. In the middle of a boss fight just, the have threw me out to an update screen... I swear this game wants to make you like it less with it's weird bugs and glitches and quirks.
  17. 3-1 Manchester United. They could field 6 blind guys on crutches and do us over, same as every year. I'd never be happier to see us win though, if by some miracle we could manage it.
  18. My commute. Its **** shit at the best of times but with the M6 trouble, I've not even gone halfway through the journey and it's taken longer than the entire journey does usually. Somehow, and I've no idea how, Birmingham needs to sort out travel into the north of the city. Last year it was brought to a standstill by a single road flooding which had a knock on throughout the city. Anything happens on the route and it gridlocks. Anything happens on the M6 nearby and the same happens. It's **** shit.
  19. Been in the new job about 6 weeks now and its been a good experience. Very similar to what I was doing before but a different pace, more overtly commercial, and a little bit more to it. But it seems there could be developments. I've been asked if I might want to follow a slightly different path, shadowing a really experienced guy in the office who is one of the few in the region doing what he does, but he's getting on and slowing down. It's not an easy thing, it's a completely different skill set and, more over, an enormous new knowledge base I'd need to build up, but is more challenging, probably matches my personality more, and is potentially a career definer if I can get to the standard of the chap they want me to learn from. Things just got interesting! The whole thing has to be on hold at the moment, as my current role is what the business needs me to do. But potentially this could be big for me. Great stuff.
  20. It really, really doesn't matter if Corbyn is elected as leader. He won't last to an election. He isn't supported by the power within the Labour Party. They will do away with him at the earliest opportunity, preferably in some way they can save face (bad run in council, etc elections) or otherwise by some dark arts back stabbing at the appropriate time. So nothing will change. I actually think he is capable of winning the race, and he might well do, wheeling Blair out to spook the horses suggests desperation on the part of Labour's established elite which makes me think he might do it. And in the right circumstances he could win a general election. But on the latter he won't. He won't have the opportunity. They will stifle him, prevent him revolutionising anything and they be rid of him before anything of any substance changes. Personally I'm not sure how much I agree with him, he has some ideas I can support on real basic, fundamental level and others I think are mad. But if by some miracle he manages to make real change happen, it'd be an interesting wildcard on the UK political stage.
  21. Don't do what a couple did when I was on a flight a couple of years back. They decided to abandon the toddler next to me, a row away and across the aisle, with an iPad blaring out Postman Pat, completely ignoring the kid while he proceeded to have a tantrum, kick me numerous times, cry the entire plane down and generally piss off everyone bar them in the entire flight.
  22. https://youtu.be/a1aHADL2a24 Huge explosion in China.
  23. Chindie

    Top Gear

    I always understood that the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car section was only there because it was a cheap way to fill 10mins every week. The talk of how much they'll have to spend per episode makes me think they probably won't really need to penny pinch 10mins anymore.
  24. Ian Taylor tweeted we were in for another centre-back about a week ago. I think we will bring another one in and loan Baker out. I can't see Baker being loaned out, IIRC Tim's comments when he signed the new contract seemed to suggest he wanted to work closely with Baker to improve him. So with Richards in to be a CB, Clark, Okore when he's fit, and Baker, together with Crespo able to cover there if needs be (no doubt he will) I don't think we'll get one. I'd be far far happier if we did though so hopefully Taylor is on to something. It looks like Lennon has legs and we're clearly keen on another striker, the goalkeeper rumours keep rumbling on and we could easily strengthen at RB... 2 or 3 out of those and we'll have had a decent window.
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