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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I love the story about his book launch at Bayern when he told the directors they could learn something from reading it My favourite, and it's probably a myth, was his actions when at Bayern there was talk he didn't have the balls to drop the big names. He heard about this and in front of the entire squad at training says 'you don't think I have the balls to drop you? You tell me' and drops his trousers. If it is true, it's not a shock.
  2. Van Gaal inevitably pisses off his players and gets booted. He's apparently a very divisive bloke that eventually rubs too many people the wrong way and quickly gets shuffled off.
  3. Having one of those weeks were you have a difficult fractious day, people getting irritated and the annoyance in yourself building, but you leave having cleared the slate and you get home and plonk yourself down and have a big sigh and chill. And then you come in the next day to discover a whole new drama that's getting people upset and adds new wrinkles to the whole difficult situation and the whole thing starts again...
  4. This. I saw Hitman the other day. It's remarkable how bad that film looks. Theres CGI work that'd embarrass mid 90s TV. Everything appears to be cheap. UUnsurprisingly shit.
  5. They'll certainly **** it up, but there's hope of a decent show there. Its basically not possible to do it accurately.
  6. This whole situation is an interesting one. From the parliamentary angle to the validity of it at all. I can't say in that I'm that bothered that either of these 2 has been splattered across some interesting new crater in the Syrian landscape, but equally I'm not too sure I want to justify that with the government telling us 'these guys were a threat, OK?'. I'd like to see some evidence they had planned to attack the UK. I'm not sure that just going to Syria and flapping your idiot lip about ISIS bollocks is something that cashes in your life card. Don't get me wrong, if you're going to Syria to join up, I think you're a word removed and your options no longer include returning to the UK, but I don't think that means the UK has carte blanche to kill you. There are plenty of people worldwide who talk a big game about threats to the UK but that doesn't give us the right to remotely remove them from the earth. If that was the case Anjem Choudhary would have been a smoking crater of slowly cooling glass years ago. If, however, there was credible evidence they did pose a threat, by which I mean plans were in place and work begun to implement them in earnest, given the situation whereby we can't really secure these people to go through due process, I don't think I raise an issue. Either way I don't think there's many people shedding a tear for 2 words removed tonight
  7. Regarding the R3 auto assign, it doesn't dismiss anyone, it just rearranges what you have to the best positions for them. It doesn't do a perfect job but good enough. You have to manually dismiss recruits. I dismiss pretty much anyone with a trouble maker attribute every few hours, although it seems there are recruits you can't dismissdismiss to prevent you having a perfect team. With the other stuff, I've definitely got side ops I've done which still show as active. Not sure why.
  8. This is one of the best missions I've come across. But I've always been surprised by how people handled the skulls. I just pegged it.
  9. Just came here to ask a question about the tranq sniper and you referenced it in the last post. Anyway, I am on mission 5 with all side missions done that it will allow me to do and my medical level is still on 0, R&D is about level 10 now I think and i've just built my first base expansion. Have I missed something huge with this? I've been fultoning every enemy i see yet no improvement on the medical side of things? Progress some missions. I'd got up to story mission 10 or so, with a lot of messing with the base and so on, before I could get it. I can't recall the exact requirements to get the first tranq sniper but you need your R&D and med team level increased a fair bit. Keep doing missions and the game starts to open up things more, you start to encounter more high ranking soldiers (upgrade the binoculars to allow analysis!) and you open more options. You can also fiddle with the staff management to get each department optimised.
  10. The game is spectacularly easy if you treat it like a shooter. But that has the downside of undercutting your ability to develop your base, which is compelling just trying to upgrade your tools - I've spent a chunk of today working through side ops and a couple of main missions (of which I'm still very early on) to get my Fulton developed higher to be able to pick up vehicles and also developing a tranq sniper. It's very, very more-ish, even if on paper there isn't that much to it. As an open world it's entirely a playground to mess with stealth and various ways to take out missions, and otherwise is very empty. But it's brilliant. I now have D-Dog , who basically breaks the game a little, but can't complain as it's still fun
  11. Scout from high nearby, then sneak in, carefully taking everyone down with tranqs and chokes if needed, try and interrogate a couple if opportunity arises. Saying that not every base can be taken like that, and some missions don't require it. A couple of the 'extract high value soldier' side ops I've fast tracked things, quickly scouting it before basically storming through taking out who needs to go and snatching the target as quickly as possible. If you are very much a sneaking player the game gives you perks and tools that assist that as you progress...
  12. A perfect infiltration foiled at the last minute by knocking over a lamp whilst peaking round a corner to pull off a headshot... This game
  13. Ground Zeroes was overpriced but there is a fair amount of content in it if you're prepared to absolutely rinse it. The additional missions add a few hours gameplay and the game is effectively set up to be replayed multiple times in different ways.
  14. I was glad to see a reference to Escobar's hippos with a couple of episodes of Narcos.
  15. Discovered last night that the game learns from you, makes me change my tactics. **** up is part of the joy of this. A mission last night started brilliantly ghosting into a base but then couldn't find my target, ended with a gun toting dash prisoner over my shoulder gunfire all around to a jeep before speeding away to a waiting helicopter.
  16. Nothing on PS4, they've done 2 collections on the PS3 but the new gave is the first true jump to the current gen. It's a great series, if absolutely nuts
  17. It was a good window completely hamstrung by the failure to get a decent striker. We've taken 2 punts instead and that concerns me, even of getting a decent striker was always going to be difficult. Ayew, Gestede, Gabby need to start performing.
  18. Get hold of Ground Zeroes to see if you'll like the gameplay. Beyond that, the position in the storyline means it reference s MGS3, Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes and no others, and having not played Peace Walker I don't think I'm missing out on anything major. And the game itself has little recaps in it, a character gives you a cassette briefing which gets you upto general speed on the exact situation the game is set in if not the exact details of the previous games. Besides that YouTube is full of Metal Gear story recaps, including at least 1 vid that just turns Peace Walker into a movie.
  19. Had similar happen to me. In one of the very first side op missions I was sent to extract a high value soldier. I was given a rough area to find them and set off on my horse. Finally manage to get there having put a couple of guard posts to sleep and dodged a truck that came hairing round a blind bend, I stumble upon a fort in the region the guy is meant to be in. I scope it out but can't get into a position to fully survey the area. After a while I think I'll just stealth it on the fly. I sneak across a river, pop a tranq in the head of a guy who nearly rumbles me, then sneak up behind another guy, grab him, drag him out of sight and interrogate him for the location of the target. Then a guard on a wall sees me with a knife to his buddy and ask hell breaks loose. I storm the fort as a sandstorm blows in, blindly firing and flukily managing to clear it out. I search the place high and low as a guard patrol searches for me. Target nowhere to be seen. I decide to call it, book it out of the fort including a dive to cover through the gate to take out 2 guards still searching for me, sprint for the river and grab the horse to try again later. I turn a blind corner. There the bastard is. A sniper unit, watching a bridge on the other route into the fort. I drop off the horse, crawl to a rock, heart in mouth amazed they've not seen me. I pull out the tranq gun, there's 3 guys and 4 darts left, they're quite a way away, and the silencer is about to go... I nail the first guy, but it alerts the others. I get the second with a headshot. The target has spotted me, is readying to fire, I fire the shot and the silencer goes, the shot misses. A truck passes by us and hears the shot. I take the second final dart and get the headshot, Fulton all 3, jump on the horse and gallop away, calling in the chopper as the guys in the truck just reach where I was. I basically completely **** up. But it turned into some of the best gameplay of recent times, I was always seconds away from messing up entirely and managed to to fluke it to success by the skin of my teeth. Brilliant stuff and this is literally one is the first things proper the game allows you to do.
  20. Having put a few hours into it... No. The game makes a few passing references to the events of Ground Zeroes, but so far very little of any weight. To be honest so little happens in Ground Zeroes that it'd be difficult to do anything of any significance with it. In essence GZ sets up the situation that Big Boss finds himself in in MGS5, and it appears that's about it...
  21. The Wii U is dead, arguably was never alive. Mario Maker is its swansong.
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