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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Given what we know of this case, Evans would need an astoundingly, supernaturally good barrister to get off this charge, or have some absolutely earth shatteringly good new evidence to bring to the table. He raped a woman. The end. **** his privileged life because he's a scumbag.
  2. Apparently it just doesn't have any depth to it and once the novelty wears off it's all rather grim. Hoth level seems to be the highlight.
  3. I've basically spent the evening with my feet up listening to my top rated playlist and reading my graphic novel and tpb back catalogue. This makes me immeasurably happy.
  4. Flash suffers from the same problem Arrow has in that it's a good TV show stretched a little thin, but still good fun. It's better than Arrow, it's stablemate, which is in turn better than Agents of Shield, which is shite. All cower in Daredevil's shadow.
  5. Sicario and the new Macbeth are on my need to see next list.
  6. Mad Max is fantastic. One of the best action movies in recent times. Very little wrong with it IMO.
  7. I never got the impression that Halo was all that big over here really. It's a big seller but never really got much buzz around it the way a CoD does. Personally, I never much liked the series. Epitome of a take it or leave it title. Never, ever got on with the multiplayer on it, I have completed the first a few times over the years, the third once and Reach once, and none of then blew me away, bar about a thus of the first which glimpses absolute classic brilliance, and then turns into an overly long corridor slog and then shits itself inside out with the Flood. Ill always like elements of the series but never really got on board with it.
  8. IS won't last forever. Radical Islam will be around for the foreseeable. IS is a construction of a band of idiots and zealots that came together inspired by common ideology to fill a power vacuum in the territory of a failing state and another in civil war. It's a guerrilla force, whilst very difficult to fight you can certainly 'disband' IS. What you can't do is make all the ones you don't turn into a smouldering patch of glass into well adjusted non religious nutters. Islamic State will be destroyed, the ideas behind it are going nowhere.
  9. It's also unlikely to make the IS problem go away irrespective of what any nation is prepared to do against them. Ideas are bullet proof, and IS is founded on ideas rather a lot of people like. It's impossible to wipe out. If you do manage to take the territory back and decimate IS, which given that they're basically a guerrilla force is easier said than done as the Russians and the Yanks know all too well, you end up back where we were 3 years ago with a vast territory with noone capable of administering to it. So you have another vacuum creating another crisis waiting to happen. This whole thing is a several generation problem to solve and nobody thinks like that.
  10. The Martian is the best nerdy film ever. It gets increasingly silly and Watney is a slightly irritating character and the humour is destined to be Marmite but that's a bloody good bit of film making. It's got all the hallmarks of a Ridley Scott movie, looks fantastic and has brilliant sound (bizarrely reminiscent of Alien at times) but it's a supremely confident and rounded movie that plays like a science geek watched Gravity and said 'Pfft, I can do something more interesting than that' and knocked up a pulpy science fiction yarn that tapped into near future yearning and the wider Mars zeitgeist and mashed that into a treatise on how to use really boring science to survive in a place eminently hostile to life. There's some nonsense in there (the opening 'event'can't happen) and it does get silly, including one of the oddest Deus Ex Machina you'll find in movies this decade at least,, but it's a cracking film.
  11. My one issue with the Lost and Found is that the gents are in a different county.
  12. DC is very keen to keep it's cinematic and TV world's separate, unlike Marvel. Although saying that whilst Marvel's stuff is in the same universe, they've remained very very separate beyond some mythos and some very flimsy minor window dressing.
  13. Mad Max Fury Road tonight, stands up to home viewing very nicely and the bluray release is basically reference quality. Excellent.
  14. Prepare yourself to be surprised and disappointed. He will be in charge after the break. And very likely for a few games after as well.
  15. Its a bloody miracle we aren't there now. We probably should be, that win at Bournemouth was bloody lucky. We've been awful all season, game after game. Of course or could all be part of Sherwood's plan to play badly for the first half of the season and lull the league into a false sense of security...
  16. I think the odds on Klopp are just slightly longer than Brian Clough.
  17. This is what we should do but I agree whole heartedly that there's no chance we will. I think that a few of the powers that be will know it as well, but will avoid the cost of booting him until their hand is forced. Maybe not even then, in all honesty, they might gamble on the idiot being able to cope in the Championship...
  18. This is the year. We've flirted with it for too long, and this year we're performing worse than before even. Down with a wimper.
  19. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. You need to tackle why Americans are quite so keen to kill each other as a first option.
  20. Finished mission 31... This game. Best game. Even if that's about the easiest Metal Gear battle in the series beforehand.
  21. At the time I thought he'd be a good signing but looks like you're right, he looks awful. I was on board with the signing, but starting him again after Tuesday is a sign that Sherwood's lost the plot. I don't think he ever had the plot. Not to worry though, we're going to come out second half like the bastard child of 70s Brazil and Barcelona. It's all part of the plan.
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