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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. There's absolutely no benefit to relegation, none. No fan should be contemplating it as in any way a good thing. It could destroy the club entirely. It could condemn us to perpetual time in the lower leagues with every second sapping whatever we have left to try to turn or around. Relegation is unacceptable, unjustifiable, and simply cannot be allowed to happen. To that end we have to give ourselves the best chance of surviving and to do that we need a proven manager, a safe pair of hands, and that certainly isn't Sherwood.
  2. ... Do you reckon he'll be better in the Championship?
  3. You don't need to do any of the missions where you redo an older mission with a harder difficulty. Listen to cassettes and do some side ops and you'll have the new proper missions slowly unlock. Particularly do anything in yellow. I didn't bother with the 'Subsistence' missions and still got the true ending, it just isn't clear about how to progress after mission 31.
  4. You can pretty much ignore most of the FOB stuff once it's done tutorialising it. It's useful developing the one the game gives you as it effectively means you've got 2 bases so can boost your staff and the level of each department accordingly. The rest of it is apparently fun but you don't need to touch it to finish the game in its entirety
  5. Marvel want all their rights back. The reason why they'd particularly want the F4 rights is they gave away loads of associated rights with them, which means they can't use whole swathes of their established canon. They can't use 2 of their biggest villains, they can't use a whole race of aliens that have been in loads of plotlines, etc etc. The actual F4 isn't what will interest most people, though Marvel will take some pride in getting their 'first family' back and they'll use them. They don't add much to the current roster as it stands, but having Dr Doom back does. And post Infinity War they might be a bigger deal. FF are an odd one for me. They're seen as somewhat of a 'red headed step child' by many Marvel fanatics but i've always been a fan of them. I certainly think there's the scope for a decent movie in there and I had high hopes (given the director and the cast) for the latest incarnation but my lord was it dismal. I'm not a fan really. I think the issue is there's never been a defining F4 storyline, and as characters they're often a bit bland. The archetypes they explore are relocated by other characters and there's rarely a problem that can't be solved by another character who is more interesting. Hence in big events in the comics they're forever supporting cast - Reed Richards in Civil War for example is little more than a scientist and could have been replaced by anyone really and the story doesn't alter.The best things about them have always been their villains. But theres nothing to say you couldn't make a good movie with them. Fox just consistently **** up. Saying that, I'd love Marvel to bring in some of their more obscure characters to either the big or small screen. I want an Ellis type Moon Knight damnit.
  6. Marvel want all their rights back. The reason why they'd particularly want the F4 rights is they gave away loads of associated rights with them, which means they can't use whole swathes of their established canon. They can't use 2 of their biggest villains, they can't use a whole race of aliens that have been in loads of plotlines, etc etc. The actual F4 isn't what will interest most people, though Marvel will take some pride in getting their 'first family' back and they'll use them. They don't add much to the current roster as it stands, but having Dr Doom back does. And post Infinity War they might be a bigger deal.
  7. Infinity War? It wouldn't be a shocker. Would also go some way to explain why they aannounced 2 new movies out of the blue the other day for 2020.
  8. Marvel might have the Fantastic Four rights back... Rumour suggests that they've agreed a deal with Fox to allow Fox to make a couple of XMen TV series in return for the Fantastic Four rights, after the Fox reboot tanked this summer. Which means Marvel would get one of their best villains back together with a bunch of other wider universe stuff. Fingers crossed.
  9. FX are having a look at making a Y: The Last Man series. That's a damn good story toto put on filmfilm... Added to the pile of 'please do it right' projects in the go.
  10. Macbeth is a very good, if quite traditionally arranged, take on the Scottish Play, that just so happens to be absolutely, staggeringly, jaw droppingly gorgeous in absolutely every frame. Brilliant, brilliant cinematography. It helps that Skye is one of the most achingly beautiful places on Earth, but every shot, even draped in blood and mud and smoke and mist, is arresting and thoughtful. Exceptional stuff.
  11. Accumulator? 1981, Highbury.
  12. I don't agree with this, but it's an interesting take on gun control from the perspective of someone very much against it but a little more nuanced than the usual arguments (although they are takes on those usual trains of thought). It's a long listen and the first 10 minutes are skippable as general whinging. I like some of what he says without necessarily agreeing with almost any of it.
  13. It don't think it'll make much difference. The stuff coming out of the club suggests they know he's a busted flush and a win might simply delay the inevitable for a while. A loss keeps us on the path that suggests he's out on his ear, and an absolute humiliation, which is certainly possible because this team, and certainly the man in the dugout, doesn't have the resolve to withstand a goal or 2 against a team with Chelsea's ability without the wheels falling off and turning into an absolute humping, could see him unceremoniously chucked before he's left the stadium. For once, with Villa, it might be win win.
  14. Theres been next to nothing that suggests he has any idea what he's doing. His own comments, contradicting himself in some cases, and generally coming across as an idiot, support that he doesn't. The run we're on is disgraceful, a considerable part of the responsibility for that run is his decisions, or lack of them, absurd chop and change lineups that he himself has effectively described as names out of the hat, absolute nonsense about playing badly in 1 half as part of some insane plan... the list goes on. Some of the things hes done are absolutely baffling. The perfomances are infuriating. The results shambolic. And there is nothing, nothing at all, to suggest thats going to change. Unless he flukes a good lineup. I'd rather try to reduce the luck variable if we can... We've been shit all season, snatched a win at Bournemouth and since then we've looked hopeless, bar 70mins at Leicester where the clown got out thought and reverted to type. He isn't a Fergie, and he needs to be binned. Now. Every second he isn't binned is driving the nails further into the coffin. And it is simply unconscionable that we are relegated. It cannot be allowed to happen.
  15. Emily Blunt is very very good in a thankless role in Sicario too. And knaw your knuckles attractive as per.
  16. Can't disagree with much of this but should clarify that Turkey is still a secular state - it's secular nature is enshrined in its constitution. Despite Erdogan being clearly an Islamist, he's been frustrated by the constitution when he's tried to legislate throughout his reign. It's given Turkey a slightly eccentric position politically, they voted for a man that is at odds with the country's written foundations at a fundamental level.
  17. If i was to only watch one of these... which one is better? I've not seen Gotham, but irrespective the answer is Daredevil.
  18. It gets more out there than the water pistol . Although the water pistol has more uses than you'd think...
  19. There are a lot of hidden bits in it. Particularly hidden cutscenes. I managed to have a slightly creepy weird scene with Quiet on a return to the base which a lot of people seem to mud, I've had the birthday scene with its additional ending, etc etc, and I'm sure there's others I've missed. It also goes increasingly mad if you delve deeper into the development trees - there's some absolutely daft stuff in there, in some cases so daft they become very useful...
  20. I don't know... It's a sequel to Peace Walker really, but more elaborate. It's still a Metal Gear game in my view, it just hides a lot of the token Metal Gear madness and it's main plot is curiously downplayed compared to how they usually are in these games.
  21. Konami own the property so the split means Kojima won't be making another gave any time soon, but interestingly it's unlikely Konami will either - they're in essence out of the game industry, instead focusing on their other markets, notably pachinko machines. Which they've already earmarked for a Metal Gear iteration. So there's that... But yeah in essence this is it for Metal Gear. At least it goes out on a helluva high note, and nicely builds on, develops and to an extent troubleshoots the whole series and it's storyline. Brilliant, just absolutely brilliant.
  22. Just finally got the true ending. This game... GOTY. So good.
  23. Sicario is an astoundingly tense brilliantly shot slice of war on drugs thriller. Go see it.
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