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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Erdogan will attack their constitution which had prevented him going further down the hardliner Islamist path he wants to go, which will fundamentally alter Turkey, and how it positions and aligns itself in the world. In short, Turkey is not going to be the country it's been positioning itself as for the past couple of decades much longer, and that's going to lead to civil unrest in the more cosmopolitan areas of the country even more than there already is, and cause more unrest in the region generally. Erdogan unchecked is unlikely to be good.
  2. If there was any third party involvement it's going to be a bomb on board which doesn't seem particularly likely, as a man mounted missile couldn't hit at that altitude and the Islamist contingent in that area isn't known to have more serious armaments. Russian airlines have horrendous safety records, particularly the smaller ones, and they're has been a lot of talk of the copilot saying the plane was in poor knick before the flight. I'd lean towards catastrophic failure of some element before saying this ones due to Islamist activity.
  3. Chelsea havent finished outside top 6 for 20 years. They were more than a decent team before Abramovich Bit late (guess it shows how often I check this thread) but of course before Abramovich came along Chelsea were bankrolled by another sugar daddy, one Matthew Harding. It was his money which paid for guys like Ruud Gullit, Gianluca Vialli and Gianfranco Zola to come to Stamford Bridge. It must be amazing to support a club who won the lottery, blew all the money and then won the lottery again. They were also a team that spent beyond their means to achieve success, I think what Bates and Harding did well was realise that there was a likelihood that things would change, so they gambled, they put the existence of the club on the line and created debts of £80m (I think) which at the time was enough to suggest that had their been no Abramovich there would have been no Chelsea. Their luck held. At the same time, we had a man who refused to let his staff get a coffee on expenses. Their luck is even tighter than that. There's long been a belief that Abramovich would walk away if Chelsea didn't qualify for the 2003 Champions League, which went to the final day of the season, and they didn't win convincingly either. Gronkjaer and the 'billion pound goal'. words removed.
  4. Just don't near it after 5 on a Friday. You'll need to go out of 1 door and in the other to go for a piss if you're stood in the wrong place as it gets so busy and is so small.
  5. ...As said in the ratings thread, Lerner could be holding that banner himself.
  6. You seem to view someone trying to get the best price for an asset as vindictive. I'll posit this - say you owned a house and after a couple of years you notice that it appears to be a pit for your money, the boiler went and the roof needed doing and the wiring was knackered... And the neighbours all hated you and you decided the area was bollocks in hindsight but at the time it seemed a good idea. Would you in that scenario right off loads of the money in the house just to be away from it all? Because that seems to be what your suggesting the owner do.I've no doubt at all that Lerner is a bad owner and is a root cause of most of our ills, but the man wants out, everything he's done recently it is effectively about reducing the cost of Aston Villa to him and improving the clubs financial outlook to flog it - and he's said in very plain language he is looking to get out. Whinging to get rid of him is going to be preaching to the choir. He wants his money, like anyone would, and he's happily out, won't be seen for dust.
  7. What's the point of a Lerner Out banner? The man agrees with the sentiment himself!
  8. They've announced that they're so miffed about the Lords stopping their evil hypocritical U turn on tax credits that they're going to look into how they can tell the Lords to 'Get tae ****' in future.
  9. Crimson Peak. Del Toro does a Gothic horror romance. Looks gorgeous, 3 great central performances, the plot itself isn't exactly groundbreaking but it almost doesn't matter. It has intense dread throughout and cloying, sickly atmosphere underneath the gloss, and builds to a classic shrieking finale. Worth a watch.
  10. It's nailed on to be shit. The source isn't very good, the design of every character is awful, the trailer was rubbish. The design of the Joker is particularly bad, as is Harley. They're trying to do something different whilst being 'edgy' and cool and missing by a mile because it's so obvious they're trying too hardhard and getting away from the basic tenents of the character. Harley just looks like a Suicide Girl model for instance. I think it's perfectly possible for Warner Bros to get a DCCU going, but so far it really looks like it's stillborn. Batman v Superman could be a good movie, I don't think it'll be more than that and the main hope with it is that Affleck is a good Batman, but that's not a nailed on success either...
  11. Chindie

    New manager

    Safe pair of proven hands. We'll get someone shit. ...It probably won't make any difference.
  12. If he said, and truly meant, that he 'couldn't get more centre forwards on the pitch' suggesting that is how to solve our problems, it would neatly sum up his absolute cluelessness. It's what a 6 year old losing on Fifa would do - throw on all the strikers, we'll definitely score then!
  13. First series gets better as it goes along but never gets beyond 'good throwaway fun'. Second series gets very good. Third series is crap bar 3 or 4 good episodes, but has crossovers with the Flash which is a very good fun. All the series suffer from being too long so have a lot of padding. It's most obvious in the third series, and the first has its baggy sections. Second series gets away with it with a good villain. It's a good 13 episode show spread over 23 basically, because US TV.
  14. Pryor is still hilarious. His best shows are all focused on his life and relationships and his troubles, and they haven't really dated at all IMO.
  15. I went to the last night at the Bay. Bloody loved that place. Great loss when it went. Aber is great place. Something like 50 pubs within 3 miles of the town centre, most of them literally seconds apart and each with it's own clientele and atmosphere. We had a regular run - Scholars (bit classy and more sophisticared, had a clear policy with barmaids - 1 blonde, 1 brunette, 1 red head, 1 East Asian, 1 Asian, 1 black or mixed race, if one left they were replaced with the same 'type'), Cambrian (for a Deathstar), Rummers, Ship and Castle if you're early enough, Academy, end in the Angel with a mezcal and vomit behind the public info sign outside. If you were lucky the Angel might have a social on, which basically was your entertainment for the night - we went on fetish night once and the horrors we saw whilst hunched over over quiz machine with a rancid pint will live long in the memory...
  16. It's an interesting trailer. It has the look, and moreover takes that look and makes it supremely slick and modern so it has that awe factor. It's interesting to me, as someone who isn't a massive Star Wars fan, that it's a very traditional trailer and that's a double edged sword. On the one hand it's a true old fashioned trailer, giving away very little but showing just enough without context to get you interested. Which is refreshing. But on the other hand today's trailers tend to basically be the movie in 2 minutes, particularly 'release' and 'final' trailers, which this obviously doesn't do and as a consequence I can see a lot of people finding that a little disappointing as a hype piece. I'll be seeing it , first time anything Star Wars has particularly piqued my interest. Eames is right to temper any hype though. JJ Abrams is very good at style (and more so aping style and convention) but he isn't a guaranteed knock it out of the park director, and the rumours of the plot for this don't paint the picture of a classic necessarily.
  17. There's quite a good series on the BBC at the mo on the Celts. Not an area of history I know that well, but it has been a good series filling in the detail of the stories you might know from the Romans encounters, like Vercingetorix, with the details of who the Celts actually were. I don't think I'd ever thought of them being so widespread a culture - they ended up in Turkey, surprisingly, meaning they basically spread across the entirety of the continent.
  18. it'll be early in the morning here. It's being shown at half time in the NFL game tonight, making UK time about 1.15am. Giants @ Eagles won't even kick off till 1.30 am . Halftime will be around 3ish. Just in case anyone was going to wait up. True, went off the kick off target than half time, d'oh.
  19. it'll be early in the morning here. It's being shown at half time in the NFL game tonight, making UK time about 1.15am.
  20. Chapter 2 is basically an epilogue. You don't have to replay the old missions on harder difficulty. There are about 6 or 7 new missions and a bunch of cutscenes and cassettes that round out the story in chapter 2, the actual final mission being 46. Listen to all your tapes, particularly any in yellow, and go through side ops, and it'll slowly open up the remaining missions without you needing to touch the replay missions. You'll have lots of times where you finish a mission and Miller or Ocelot will demand you come back to base which opens up new story cutscenes which in turn open new missions.
  21. I started watching Arrow the other day too after getting up to date on The Flash. Probably should have watched Arrow first since a couple of the Flash episodes crossover with it and didn't make much sense, but there you go. If you've not seen any Arrow the Flash might have spoiled you. Arrow is more up and down over it's series. Overall it's quite good fun but it's only has 1 great series, 2. 1 takes a while to get going and has an OK villain, 2 his the ground running and has a brilliant villain, 3 is a damp squib of a series with a couple of decent episodes that wastes too much time on pointless ploutlines and completely wastes it's villain, who is barely in it. All of them also suffer for being stretched too thin, too many episodes to fill. But on form it's very fun.
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