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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. French police seemingly have identified one of the attackers as a French national. I'd wager more will be found to be local.
  2. I'm really not sure that Islamic State has been around long enough for then to a) have many kids to teach and b ) time to develop specific indoctrination. Your concern should be directed at the wider issue of particularly nasty sects of Islam teaching the interpretation of the religion that ultimately leads to disenfranchised young men taking those teachings and murdering people. Hyperbole doesn't help.
  3. You're far more likely to die in any number of stupid ways. If you were American, you'd be more likely to die drowning in a toilet than in an international terrorist incident in every year except 2001. Terrorism is exceptionally unlikely to be the cause of your death. The NHS, your home, and the weather are more likely to kill you, magnitudes more likely.
  4. Depends what put you off Skyrim I think. Fallout 4 is Skyrim with polish, more firearm based combat (generally) with a subsystem that let's you pick areas to aim for on more of a dice roll, and bins the general fantasy setting for a sci fi post nuclear one. But the fundamental game (complete quests, loot stuff, improve your character, explore, find companions etc etc) is basically the same.
  5. I'd be a little cautious with whoever any taken alive claim to be allied with. The nature of the beast is such that they can claim to do something under the banner of whatever group, it doesn't necessarily mean they actually had any real contact with them. They just buy into the brand. If it is sometime with genuine links to ISIS, or the like, that can be shown, then that raises more interesting questions than some word removed claiming glory under a banner they want to be associated with.
  6. I'm not sure of your point. It's obviously terrorism. It's not particularly clear what else it is without making generalisations so broad as to be useless.
  7. Well that's the thing. We DONT know who is responsible. It's very, very likely it's Islamic in nature, but there's a small chance it won't be. Ignoring that small chance, if it is Islamic in nature, we don't know the origin. Is it homegrown radicals? Is it foreign insurgency? Is it a planned organised attack on direct orders from a jihadi organisation? It's probably the former, but we don't know. And we won't until these words removed are dead.
  8. A tweet from someone apparently in the concert hall, said he was severely injured and that people inside were being executed one by one.
  9. It's the most likely eventuality.
  10. They're storming the concert hall it seems.
  11. Most likely, indeed. We'll never solve this. I just hope, as a Brit, we continue to be lucky.
  12. That death toll will rise. The attackers will not be taken alive, for a start, unless they've planned this well enough that they can go to ground, assuming they even want that eventuality.
  13. Agree. It's the Mumbai tactic, although this looks a little more coordinated than that was. You'd stake your last penny it's an Islamic terror attack, given the style, where it comes from is impossible to say ATM. Given the history, though, the smart money is on home grown radicals because that is the al Qaeda trademark in the last 10 years, inspire people to take up the fight under a brand name in essence. It's the most likely, and it's the easiest from the attackers perspective.
  14. If you were to speculate, home grown radicals is the safe bet. Same as Charlie Hebdo.
  15. I'm not sure you can draw any conclusions about the attackers yet. I wouldn't jump to day it's a result of Syrian migration, without any lead to say so, and anyone who does has an axe to grind at this point.
  16. >_> ... More seriously, I don't think it scares me. As it says in one of Pratchett's books, people tend not to be really scared of death itself, it's the moments immediately prior to it that mostly pray on people's minds. I think I go along with that. I've been touched by it more than most in the last 18 months, I've seen both parents die. It was horrific. That process, those moments, are burned onto my conscious and the thought of it happening to me worries me. Not the end itself. I won't be aware of it, it's for those that follow me to worry about my actual end, a terrible but unavoidable thing. But immediately prior to it, the hours before and what will happen, that scares me on a very fundamental level.
  17. It gets better. It's very much 80 mins of Jeff pootling about in Fallout though, with little of consequence done, though. I can't decide if that's the purest quick look they've ever done, or if it was a pointless exercise in showing that Bethesda, shockingly, made Fallout 3.5...
  18. Interesting read, which reminded me more of a propaganda piece somehow. 'Retailers hate it'. Clearly they don't or it wouldn't happen. It's not some irresistible inevitable force of nature. At least some shops must be benefitting, and I'd probably guess overall they all do to some extent along similar lines to the thinking behind loss leaders. I remember checking a few sites last year on 'Black Friday' and can't recall seeing anything I thought was an astounding deal. And the nature of the thing is such that, if you do stumble on something that's a great price, it's gone already. Saying all that, I'll still look in the next couple of weeks on the off chance a decent bargain drops.
  19. Having watched the GB Quick Look, yep that's a Fallout game. I like the adjustments they've made, especially as they seem to have tinkered with the shooting mechanics to make it more enjoyable and viable as a genuine shooter. You can tell the bones of the game are old though, and it looks a little tired, even with the 4 years on Skyrim. It'll be polished by the community in a few days of release. Really want to play it though. I've got a doubt about it in the back of my mind as I dearly wanted to love 3 and ended up not going on with it somehow, so it's a concern this would go the same way...
  20. I bought a poppy and then promptly shoved it, and the pin, in my drawer at work. I guarantee that pin will be lodged in my finger before Christmas. Anywho... People that can't do really simple things properly. I asked a colleague to do a really basic but time consuming dull job that I needed doing, that I thought was impossible to do wrong. Not only did they not do it in time, to the extent I had go finish the job, I then noticed they'd, somehow, done it wrong. So I had to do it myself anyway and waste a whole morning. I genuinely have no **** idea how they **** it up.
  21. Nothing can be as bad as the LA Noire dialogue system. They may as well have labeled doubt as 'Psychopathy'.
  22. As a Bethesda game it will also run like shit on consoles. There's talk of it hitting 0 FPS on the Bone already, which is pretty damning. I think they're perfectly playable on a pad though. The real benefit of a PC is the modding scene, which even with sine modding on console will still be better on PC. Skyrim, 4 years old now, still can be made to look astoundingly good with some community mods and a decent PC behind it, which the consoles just can't achieve.
  23. I don't think I'd want to go through life crashing from one drama to another, seemingly always in the verge of crisis. I couldn't do that. It wouldn't strike me as a great relationship if that was what the relationship was, with both parties seemingly on a hair trigger with each other. At some point surely there's an argument too many, a falling out too far...? I'm lucky that in my relationship we've never truly argued but everyone has moments that strain things and times where you drive each other mad, but they don't define things and they aren't the meat of the relationship.
  24. Dylan's a great songwriter, on form, and an horrendous performer. His voice is... Irritating.
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