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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. They'll have targeted football and other sporting events before now. Terrorists want people watching, sporting events represent a perfect opportunity to cause a horrifying event to be seen by potentially millions, and catching absolutely everyone unaware. All Paris changed is that they got close to succeeding. I wouldn't worry.
  2. It's appropriate a Hershey bar tastes like cheese. The company makes its chocolate with sour milk.
  3. That is how it comes across, especially when you start to take into account the other comments. It's easy to build up a picture of a wider perspective of someone's viewpoint, which may be ultimately wrong.
  4. Media in 'relating and milking news story its audience will have a greater relationship with' shocker. Unfortunately, one of our closest neighbours, a country we're not far removed from culturally, which many Brits will know intimately, in a city that is considered amongst the greatest on the planet, had a terrible incident happen in an ongoing sensational scenario. Our media is obviously all over it. Of course it'll overshadow an event in a place we feel more removed from, on a continent where every day has a new tragedy, replaying a story we've heard variants on many times in recent years. The Boko Haram incident is a mid tier, 'also today' story on a normal day, maybe headline news on a really slow day if there's considerable threat to British lives, and is otherwise an addendum to a story in 2 months when the next thing happens. In light of Paris, in light of the lack of a globalised 'we feeling', it's no shock there's no big deal. Saying this just seems to try to denigrate the horror of Paris by chastising people for caring about a stab to the heart when they've taken a flesh wound to their foot. I'd also feel a little uneasy at the seeming suggestion, to use a metaphor, that you can't cry at your cousins funeral because you don't care so much about brother in laws second cousin's funeral.
  5. I think it's a poor comment because all the language and rhetoric you use makes it sound like that's a tidal wave of hate speech terrorists in waiting coming to out shores, thousands upon thousands waiting to evolve once they get their first lungful of British air and is a massive problem stating us in the face. When in actuality it's almost certainly such a minuscule amount of people as to really be nothing to overly worry about. Yes ideally it'd be none but unfortunately there's words removed in every creed.
  6. That's a really, really poor comment, IMO.
  7. It's a severe interpretation of the need to dress modestly. I don't like it. I suspect a lot of wearers are compelled to wear it, and a few do because they believe they should and choose to. I think we should try to educate it out of society. But for now it's just a garment some people wear because of a daft interpretation ogf another stupid book. You might want to consider the Othering you're buying into, with 'Them'.
  8. I think they might have had to ask them to do the same for God Save the Queen. That was a bigger damp squib than usual as well. Part of me thinks ITV must have **** up the audio, in truth.
  9. As an aside, this was today's Heil cartoon, apparently. It's like something from 30s Germany. Disgusting.
  10. I hope there's not something wrong with my ears, because both anthems were particularly poorly performed. 80,000 mumbles. It makes the media's big deal over the Marseillaise being sang strangely odd. It was sung with less gusto than usual. I at least expected to hear some horrendous butchered French.
  11. I'll be damned if I can figure out how to make this work. Search YouTube for Dan Carlin Paris. Interesting listen on the conflict between the gut reaction and the thoughtful considered reaction to Paris.
  12. I don't doubt this but it would be interesting to see what they defined as 'foiling an attack'. The term conjures up images of guys getting raiding as they're soldering the wires to the c4, whereas I'd suspect that the more accurate take would be that they've picked up a load of guys who popped up on a list as having looked at dodgy material the intelligence services have flagged. It doesn't remove the great standard of work GCHQ and co are doing but probably ranks down the threat mentally when it's actually more often than not picking up guys that present a risk rather than an imminent threat.
  13. Muslims are magnitudes more likely to believe in conspiracies, I seem to recall reading it's been discovered, so you're probably not far off...
  14. Loads of things survive a suicide vest exploding. The head usually gets blown off intact so they're usually easy to identify, limbs turn into human shrapnel, small light weight things tend to get blown away largely intact, etc etc. Finding a passport isn't unusual in that respect.
  15. Assertion. I actually think the media would all over that like a rash. It's hypothetical though either way so rather pointless to debate. We have no real evidence that refugees are any significant threat yet, even one of these attackers hasn't been confirmed as coming to Europe life that yet. There's a nasty undertone in all this.
  16. I dunno. My comments don't sound like they come out of Goebbels playbook. It sounds like you just don't like Muslims. That you don't view brown people as true Swedes. That the refugees coming to Europe to seek a better life are actually in your opinion an army to knife Europe and bleed it dry and pick over the righteous white folks corpses. I might be wrong, I guess. Language issues.
  17. They must have kept the flood of terrorists quiet. Maybe it's more a drizzle of terrorists? Or maybe this is a silly comment. I'm not sure.
  18. My understanding is that the person on the Been was speaking about one of the areas away from the stadium, where you would expect a lower police presence.
  19. I have no idea. That isn't what you were getting at though. You said they should 'ship them off to whatever shit country they're coming from'. That country, in at least some of these guys cases, was France. The soil he was standing on. Whether they saw themselves as French is neither here nor there.
  20. I think you must misunderstand the comment there. The point is that they are 'local'. There isn't anywhere to ship them off to because they are from where they are. I.e. the local attacker in Paris they've identified was French. Unless you're going off the deep end in which case... Well...
  21. This was always going to happen to Rousey, and I'm glad it has. Rousey was always going to lose once someone who was a better athlete and a more skilled fighter in a field that wasn't judo. She was never a great striker and everyone could see she would take punches. Holm was the perfect match to take her. An elite striker and obscenely good all round athlete. The moment Ronda couldn't just take her down and do the same old arm bar, she was in trouble. Ronda has also looked bad recently, I think there's going to be question of where her career is headed, its looking increasingly clear she wants to 'go Hollywood' with her going on and on about various movies (she's effectively a 1 woman campaign to be Captain Marvel for instance) and it looks a little like that has combined with some hubris to bite her. Saying that, Holm beats a prime fired up Rousey every day of the week, Holm is exactly the fighter to dominate her.
  22. That would tie up with what a witness the Beeb interviewed yesterday said, that they had seen unusually large police presences in the locality immediately before the attack began, which they felt was strange and guessed something was up.
  23. It changes the approach to refugees, makes Europe's approach much more careful. I don't think it changes much in Syria. There's no will to put boots on the ground. And the whole thing is a prefer keg waiting to go wrong. The West won't commit to a full operation there for the foreseeable, IMO.
  24. I think everyone's heard of Sharia Law. There are billions of Muslims on Earth and I don't think all of them follow the Sharia to the letter. If at all. I think most of those people would be pissed off if you told them they aren't Muslim. Sharia isn't all evil either. It deals with really mundane stuff as most laws do. Stuff like wills and probate (although I don't like how it deals with that). Which a lot of Muslims follow. They aren't all cutting heads off, and they don't even agree with each other on any of the daft laws and tenets of the Islamic faith. And yes there are sects that do follow it to the letter and they're the sort of people that cheer blood running in the streets of Paris, and would happily tell all those billion Muslims that they aren't really Muslims, which is why IS keeps killing other Muslims. I hate all the religions with equal fervor. The Abrahamic religions all have horrific stuff in them - the Torah and Old Testament has some absolutely brutal laws and guidelines in them, most of Leviticus is full of it, with laws ranging from no sideburns to when it's OK to stone women to death or how to desecrate the body of some criminals. However I don't hate most followers. Every creed has it's words removed. A hundred years ago Jews were running around Palestine bombing hotels. Islam needs to combat an issue staring it in the face, true. And it needs to do that. And in the meantime the globe has to combat the fount of the problem right now, but that doesn't mean all of Islam is evil and all Muslims are sleeper agents waiting to knife the west.
  25. French police seemingly have identified one of the attackers as a French national. I'd wager more will be found to be local.
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