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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I think this has come up before, as Snowy indicates, and I'm fairly sure it's usual come from some level of government or another.
  2. Smacks of the early footsteps of normalising paying for medical advice.
  3. BBC2's documentary on the Charlie Hebdo attacks was a harrowing hour of television. Exceptional, if that's the right word, though.
  4. The vaguely realistic military concern with North Korea is them marching on Seoul and sparking up the guns aimed directly for it. Them having a nuke is dangerous and potentially adds an awful strategic wrinkle to the relationships there, to say the least. But it's not the foremost concern. Were they to develop a nuclear weapon, them then selling to sometime like ISIS is nonsensical. Why waste the (considerable) money and effort to develop a weapon for sale? Nukes aren't cost effective weaponry if you're effectively going from scratch so to sell one after the cost and effort is daft. If you do sell it, you've effectively just potentially given a catastrophic weapon to someone who might use it against you. Particularly concerning when it's a non state entity that arguably answers to no master. And more over, from a practical point of view, what would ISIS actually do with it? You can't just light the end and watch what happens, you need infrastructure around a nuke to have it do anything. How would they transport it? Where do they store it? They can't launch it unless North Korea is providing a full service and chucking more money away building and staffing the necessary infrastructure to use it. Unless we're talking something like the Davy Crockett nuclear cannon, which whilst easy to use and move would also require ISIS to move around a small nuclear warhead and is the least practical weapon ever developed, and probably the only viable format currently for a non-state actor to attain. Or make a dirty bomb, which isn't really a nuclear weapon at all, closer to a chemical weapon really, and whilst horrendous, isn't a city destroying weapon. Which they could probably make far more easily without having to beg off North Korea. North Korea knows what's good for it, and that's play up every now and then to get attention, stroke their ego and hope it encourages China to hush them with more cash.
  5. No. Nobody cares about Labour reshuffles, despite the media's desperate attempts to make it into a drama. Meanwhile people mildly pay attention to Villa for the first time in years because we're a laughing stock. Even the Prime Minister is embarrassed to pretend he supports us these days.
  6. That's astounding. I genuinely would not have believed that was possible.
  7. My French isn't the best, but this video strikes me as a man that could be quite formidable when riled. I think it's quite easy to see the calm persona he appears to have and just assume he's a doormat or 'rabbit in the headlights'. I don't think he is. To me he has an air of quiet confidence and isn't one to throw toys out of the pram or have childish tantrums. He's less showy than that. But as the video shows I don't think you'd want to cross him as a player under his management.
  8. You do get your eye in with the controls eventually. IIRC one of the patches added an alternative control style for movement, which might be worth a look. It's a fantastic game, but certainly one that you have to look past more than a few flaws.
  9. Finally managed to pick this up. Put about 8hrs into it and already bouncing off it hard. Really, really struggling to get anywhere with it, enjoy it, anything really. Same thing happened with 3 - I could play Oblivion and Skyrim all day, but the Fallout games just don't grab me at all :/
  10. I've been watching it on and off myself, had a brief break for the traditional first footing, and despite not really being sat watching it Paul Weller has now done at least 3 songs. I can only assume either the Beeb is trying to get their moneys worth out of him or Weller is getting his out of the Beeb... It's driven me to open the Punk IPA that's been in the fridge for months.
  11. The Hootenanny being shit is pretty much a New Year tradition at this point.
  12. The Danish Girl might feature the best performances in cinema history, but I wouldn't be able to get away from the fact that it looks exactly like the movie you'd make up for a parody of worthy Oscar hopefuls for a comedy sketch.
  13. He's loaded the cards on his favour by starring in a film by an Academy darling. Innaritu's films pick up Oscar nods as a matter of course.
  14. The villain for the Defenders is an interesting one. This take on the Defenders is street level fighters (traditionally the team had a way more 'cosmic' make up, with the likes of Dr Strange and the Hulk involved) so you need something that fits. The problem is I can't think of many villains Marvel has that fit the standard and style required to match the Defenders. The Kingpin is a great villain and done very well so far, but whilst he's an imposing figure for Murdoch, the other 3 batter him in seconds. So if you go with him you have a figurehead villain with goons. Maybe someone like Taskmaster? He's a decent foe for all of them, but isn't a top tier villain that belongs in a cinematic release. Saying that I've no idea who has the rights to him. My bet is they do the Hand, if they continue to dripfeed that group through the series, or, if they use Iron Fist the same way they used the first Cap film, to act as foundation for a lot of the plot of what follows, they might do the Immortal Weapons and do a really, really loose 'inspired by the comic' take on that plotline. That would depend on just how out there they're prepared to play Iron Fist, though, as that comic really goes down the rabbit hole of daft and keeps going. Mysterious hidden kingdoms heavily implied to be in other dimensions, magic kung fu done by a character that is basically Tony Stark with blond hair, dragons... The Hand would be disappointing, the Immortal Weapons won't happen and would be too stupid or so far removed from the source its just a name... Kingpin and goons would be dull, Taskmaster is a good shout but is very e heavily against it happening... It's a difficult one.
  15. I think Nick Cage would kill to be in anything Marvel at the most. Except Ghost Rider again... Daredevil is definitely worth watching. It's quite Batman-y, has some very good action, and effectively acts as a double origin story for Daredevil and a villain. I just about prefer it to Jessica Jones. It's not faultless but better than it had any right to be. As for the wider Defenders stuff, there's a second series of Daredevil due next year which introduces the Punisher, played by Jon Bernthal of Walking Dead fame, a Luke Cage solo series is filming now (and may even be done) and they've just announced the show runner for the Iron Fist which should peg that as a late 2016/early 2017 release. The series so far don't have much crossover, besides Rosario Dawson's character appearing across them (she has a much bigger role in Daredevil), there are loads of references and Easter eggs to the wider universe - subtle references to Iron Fist in Daredevil, call outs to the Avengers, that kinda stuff.
  16. Christopher Nolan's next movie is going to be about Dunkirk. Change of pace for sure. Money on Marion Cottillard being cast as a French love interest?
  17. First look at Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr Strange Looks like a decent interpretation of one of the more absurd looking characters in comics...
  18. Rockstar should announce something in 2016 and Red Dead is probably the only franchise they have besides GTA that can get to serious levels of hype and sales. Word was a while back that the next thing they were looking at was a Bully sequel but Red Dead makes much more sense to do. Hopefully this time the engine isn't held together by spit and tissue paper, and they don't treat their staff particularly badly to finish it.
  19. Just finished Making a Murderer. It gets a little bogged down, by necessity, in the trial phase, but it's never less than gripping. I watched half of it mouth agape at what I was seeing and hearing. It's fantastic long form documentary making. Just beware that your blood will boil as you watch. It's one of the most infuriating things I've watched.
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