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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Chindie

    Do you read?

    I've owned Blood Meridian for quite literally years and I simply can't read it. I despise McCarthy's style and I can't overcome it. I dragged myself through No Country and that is the best I could do. Shame because everything I know of it should love it. But just cannot get past the style.
  2. He has absolutely no chance of being elected so I wouldn't worry. I don't think if he did we'd be that weak. He'd position us even further away from 'power' status on the world stage, but I don't think he'd weaken us to the extent we'd be vulnerable. He would shift the military balance significantly which an awful lot of people would dislike. But, as said, he will never, ever get elected. He knows it too.
  3. It looks like work in all honesty. Apparently it builds to a greater... 'thing'... But everyone seems to have realised that the moment you spoil what that is, there's nothing to bother with in the game. Unless you love those line puzzles. I swear had it been made by someone other than Jonathan Blow or some other indie darling, nobody cares about it.
  4. Every single 9/11 conspiracy has been debunked to ****. There is basically nothing, at all, about any 9/11 conspiracy theory that holds any water once looked at with any depth. The building falling like a demolition? As Tony says the structure was weakened internally by the immense heat of the fires caused by the crash. The towers design was such that it's strength was as internal steel web that relied particularly on a small number of steel beams, which in the heat effectively buckled, the steel having lost it's rigidity, the weight of the floors above forcing it down. The floors collapsing acted like a syringe that forced air out of the windows, which looked like small explosions immediately ahead of the falling floors. The buildings also, contrary to the conspiracies, didn't fall straight down. They lent backwards as they fell, unfortunately most of the footage was shot from an angle were it's difficult to see this. And so on... Honestly the whole truther thing is nonsense.
  5. I have absolutely, entirely no idea why.
  6. I wouldn't compare it to Skyrim either, they're different types of games really. If you expect Skyrim you're going to dislike this. I can agree with D1 that it's possible to burn out on it. There's a lot in the game and it's main plot isn't it's crowning jewel (although parts of that plotline form great side quests) and it does take it's time getting there. The other quests and the world are much better draws. It probably could have done with a few hours trimmed off it. A lot of people have said exactly what D1 has said, got obsessed with it and then walked away and couldn't really go back somehow. I loved it and did basically play nothing else between it's release and Metal Gear, but I did drag myself through some of it. I didn't really like Skellige much and tended to do quests and leave, and I did have those buggy quests... It's also quite difficult in spots and, for me at least, had a bit to much pissing about with inventory. But is still in my top 3 of last year. I loved it.
  7. It gets better. It was pretty much universally considered one of last year's games of the year, sometimes the game of the year. But not for everyone either way I guess. The controls were patched to offer an alternative which might be worth a look incidentally. They changed the way movement is affected by animation which makes it much more responsive and 'gamey'.
  8. Chindie

    Ultra HD

    UHD content and content streaming mostly. Stream recordings to your tablet and that kinda stuff.
  9. The comparison to Red Dead is a shallow one, it's what you think of when you first start the game but quickly dissipates. They're not similar titles at all. The game rewards persevering with it. It's rough in places, very rough, the controls are ropey, it's buggy as **** (you'll be lucky to make it through the whole thing without a bugged quest. I had at least 3) there's a lot of pretty unintuitive stuff in there that the game basically forces you to fudge through until you get it, but underneath that is a beautiful, well written and developed world with excellent characters and interesting narratives.
  10. He may win the award for Worst Touch of the Season following one attempt to control the ball on the second half. The ball bounced off him so far it would be doing a disservice to everyone to say the the West Brom player dispossessed him, or was now picking up a loose ball... It's a shame he's technically limited and slow, he's otherwise what we could do with at the moment.
  11. I was thinking this earlier. If we had someone whose instinct in midfield is to make those runs, we'd look better. That and a decent striker and we aren't where we are now. The midfielders we have don't have that mindset though.
  12. I can't recall a manager who seems to talk quite so straight whenever he speaks. It's refreshing. He's also obviously aware of the issues we need to overcome and very simply states that.
  13. We're looking a much better side overall, but we're toothless. We don't have the personnel to do anything about it either. Kozak is the closest thing to an out and out striker we have but he's incredibly rusty and even on top form probably isn't quite enough. We really, really need a striker. Shame then Remi's chances of getting one are slim and none.
  14. West Brom are happy to let us have all the possession on the world, they know in all likelihood we won't create anything and even if we do there's very little chance the goalkeeper will have anything to do. So we look the better side but you could keep playing until Monday and we won't have scored.
  15. This is going to an horrific watch. Loss.
  16. FF8 becomes mildly more interesting when viewed through the lens of the fan theory that half the game is played out in the moments before death of one of the characters.
  17. My nephew just got this. Unfortunately that meant that I had to spend the last hour trying not to go chicken oriental with it. He's has the Xbox One version and can't do anything with it. 'Online features are not available' is all that it says every time he tries to access the online features, which is the only reason to own this game. It seems that the EA account that is required to use the online side of things ties to the Live account which recognises it's a children's account (he's 10, which basically makes him Star Wars primary audience) and then simply will not allow online, whatsoever. I've googled how to get round this and I'm **** if I can work it out, and the controller was nearly embedded in the telly as a result. I simply could not do anything, I couldn't use the what I understand to be the parental account to assist the age, his Live permissions are fine for online play, I've absolutely no idea how to unfuck the **** thing. word removed.
  18. Tom Fox appears to have made generating bigger commercial income a priority, not a surprise given his background. As for the deals being the biggest ever over the years, assuming that's entirely true, the difference between a big deal for us and a big deal for say Spurs is astonishing. And more so for the real big boys. Manchester United's current shirt deal compared to ours with Macron is terrifying, and the Macron deal is the biggest we've ever had IIRC. Now repeat for every deal the club can do. And bear in mind there's probably deals the fashionable clubs get money from we can barely dream of. It adds up quickly.
  19. I can't be certain but I'd hazard a guess that the spending comment will be something like gross investment from the owner spending, basically saying that because we don't make the kind of money the big 4 do, for example, Randy over 10 years had made a greater investment directly than most of them. It's a spin but not inaccurate.
  20. Putin no doubt quaking in his boots that Theresa May has told everyone he's a very naughty boy.
  21. Chindie

    Science Thread

    The theory, that's been around for a while, that there's a new 9th planet beyond Pluto (which obviously got demoted from 9th planet a decade ago), seems to have gained some credence this week, and there's now a push to get as many people as possible looking for it... I wonder what the name would be? Who's the next Roman deity in line? Or do we go new age?
  22. Better than the first trailer, but that really isn't saying much at all. I'm also getting a massive 'Guys, remember Guardians of the Galaxy? What do you reckon to making that, but with a bit grittier? Cool right?!' feeling off that. And the character design is still atrocious. Particularly Harley Quinn, who they appear to have just decided to bin the character canon with entirely. She doesn't look like the character, she certainly doesn't sound like the character has always done and she doesn't act like the character either in any of the trailers. They might as well have not bothered. Leto's Joker still looks shite as well.
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