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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. High Rise is one of my most anticipated films of the year. Everything salt it looks absolutely bang on. I'll be shocked if it's not good. Very good director. A Field in England is a miss for me, but Sightseers makes up for any miss for the rest of his career.
  2. Have to agree that postponing the protest will only serve to kill momentum, which already was at risk given the gap between games, amongst other things. I don't really see why you would postpone. Yes the appointments today are positive, particularly Bernstein, but at the end of the day the protest wants rid of Lerner. An appointment to the board doesn't change that, whether it potentially improves the club long term (perhaps making a sale easier) or not. It seems that you would want to use every opportunity to protest until you meet your ultimate aim. But again, I'm not involved in the protest and don't back it as much as others may so my perspective is skewed.
  3. Sony hold the movie rights to Spiderman, the reboot with Garfield in 2012 was partly done to maintain their holding the rights as they were about to expire (as Daredevil did - Fox didn't use the licence, Marvel got it back and made the successful Netflix show. A bunch of licences are out there for Marvel proprieties and they're quite keen to have them back, unfortunately they did some very stupid deals years ago when they went bankrupt where they make next to no money off a lot of their characters movies). Both Amazing Spiderman movies didn't perform as well as Sony wanted, commercially and critically, and that seemed to shoot down plans they had for a 'Spiderman Universe' of movies. So Sony struck a deal with Marvel whereby Sony maintain holding the rights officially and hold final sign off on any creative decisions, but Marvel can use the character pretty much as they like. So this is a reboot, but really it's more a hard 'Spidey exists in this world' shift rather than a whole origin story again. So far anyway. There's a new solo movie planned for 2018 which could be an origin I guess. Doubt it though.
  4. He's rattled that one off a few times, first started a couple of months back, on a call to a news show I think. It's not an original idea, the Israelis have done similar, unofficially, punishing the families of terrorists. Trump is just the mouth piece of the idiot on the street. Stupid 'policies' like this will play well to his audience. They'll play well to a few here as well, undoubtedly. That's Trump's strategy, just spouting any old right on nonsense that plays to the crowd.
  5. Little is the fabled 'football man' on the board I suppose. Bernstein is a sharp appointment though.
  6. It's been delayed a couple of times, currently sits on May 10th.
  7. I've said for a while that this is the kind of decision a referendum is really, really bad for. It's too complicated, and can't easily be parsed down to sound bites and slogans without being ludicrously inaccurate. It's also bloody boring for 99% of the public so nobody is going to bother doing any research. It's going to turn into two camps lying to voters to push one way or another.
  8. I'm not sure it is the Ultimate version of the character, is it? I'm not that familiar with the Ultimate line, but even if it was it wouldn't make that much difference really in reality would it? I know the Ultimate line did shift a few things with different characters having different plots and origins to the 616 equivalent, but didn't Bendis stay very faithful to the Peter Parker plot? Of course ultimately things take a drastic turn, hence Miles Morales, but otherwise this is just the usual Spiderman everyone knows. I can agree to an extent with the suit. I like it as a bit of a throwback to the 60s, 70s style (just missing the web wings!), but I dislike the black additions which remind me of the modern Ben Reilly suit and also the Superior suit and don't look like a classic Spidey suit. I think the ASM2 suit will be the high water mark. That was basically bang on for the look of Spidey in the modern era.
  9. Spiderman 3 is bad. Raimi didn't want to make it, and didn't want to make the movie Sony wanted. So it turns into the mess we have today, which used the be one of the highest grossing movies of all time. Sony wanted to do the Symbiote story and have Venom in it, Raimi doesn't like that character at all and had it forced on him, and shoved into the movie as it stood. The Symbiote story is a full movie in its own right, combine that with the Sandman story they were planning and it's all huddled and mashed in there, and Raimi seemingly not knowing how to tell that story (and moreover not really caring) lead to all the worst parts of it. Emo Peter just doesn't work with his style for the Spiderman movies and comes off stupid. But even with all that considered, Spiderman is a 50 year old character, one really shit movie shouldn't taint the fact that he's Marvel's poster boy and an enduringly popular character. He's so popular even the weird spin-off characters are popular. Edit - Ginko got there first seemingly!
  10. Johnson is a bit of a running joke. He's very good, but nobody cares. He has absolutely no audience draw whatsoever.
  11. I don't particularly like either man but Cormier is the lesser of 2 evils so I sincerely hope he embarrasses Jones. Unfortunately I expect Jones to use his freakish reach to nullify Cormier and it'll turn into a shit show.
  12. You should enjoy Civil War - a fair amount of it is Stark being hit in the face ;). I do like Stark as a character though and RDJ has basically become the character at this point so I can't quite understand the hate Spiderman is fairly integral to the original Civil War plotline so he does belong in this, although it's pretty unlikely they'll be able to do the full Spiderman arc. I'd wager they do do the 'big thing' Peter Parker does in that story though. If they don't do that it really is just a case of establishing him as a thing in the MCU and add a bit of an afterthought in the movie and will be very disappointing.
  13. Very very Romita Snr looking Spiderman, in the mask at least - the small eyes were always his thing. I think the ASM2 suit is closer to the look I immediately think of with him but this could have been a lot worse. ASM1 worse. It seems right to finally have him join up with the MCU. Good trailer though. An awful lot of the plot is still in the dark - we've still not seen the villain, Bruhl's character, we don't really know anything about Black Panther, who looks surprisingly good... Etc. Good action, Tony works and is believable which was always a bit of a problem with this story and RDJ's Stark, Bucky looks good and looks like they're playing up the loose cannon angle which really works for his character... Really looking forward to it. Oh and the Antman arrow classic moment from the comics happening
  14. House of Cards series 4 is definitely a return to form although does start to push at believability a little too hard. Finale does suggest the direction next series will be at one and the same time very interesting and also annoying taking the show in a direction that makes sense but also will be irritating, and probably to the detriment of the show as a whole.
  15. If it's off shelf in a shop, no. If it's over the counter or prescription, yes. Usually to see if it's going to clash with booze or other pills. I think what pisses me off more about the instructions in the box is without fail, I will close the box up and open up the other end to get at the pills. I could just bin the instructions, as I won't look at them, but I never, ever do. I always leave them in the box and switch ends whenever I open the wrong end.
  16. When you open a pack of tablets and you get the end with the instructions wrapped around the blister pack.
  17. I'm the Juggernaut, bitch! Origins is just so bad I can't place it ahead of anything. Even the good ideas in it are dreadfully implemented. The new one I expect to settle in ahead of First Class but I'll be surprised if it's any better than that. It might be the first movie in the franchise to have a credible villain that isn't Magneto, which could help it.
  18. Undeservedly kind to Origins there, which is an abomination of a movie. I'm to this day astounded at how bad the effects were on the blades in the bathroom scene.
  19. That's the one. Absolutely terrible. I think Whedon was credited with it, which I think can only mean he was having a bad day or drunk at the time he wrote it.
  20. You're literally the only person I've ever seen that thinks Xmen 2 on a par with, let alone worse, than 1, I think you'd be in an exceptionally small minority on that point :). As I said it's generally considered as one of the better comic book adaptations there is.
  21. JK Simmons has been cast as Commissioner Gordon in Justice League. Brilliant actor, but I just don't see him as Gordon. He'll forever be J Jonah Jameson.
  22. I listen to an American comedy politics podcast and the reaction to Hillary, and the activities in the nomination run up generally, have made for fairly grim listening.
  23. Xmen 1 famously has some absolute clunkers of dialogue. The worst is probably the line from Storm when Toad is electrocuted. Absolutely awful. 2 is regarded pretty well though and thought of as one of the best comic book films. 3 is hopelessly bad, Origins is legitimately one of the worst films ever made, First Class is half a good movie, the Wolverine is alright, DOFP is good but lacks a great villain. The Xmen films are a bit all over the shop really, even as a comic geek. They also increasingly suffer from a reliance on Wolverine. He's one of the best Xmen characters and enduringly popular, and Jackman does well in the role, but the Xmen are about team work and his character dominates all of the movies bar First Class to the detriment of everyone else.
  24. He won't win barring a complete miracle on his part. He has very poor cross demographic support. He only gets support in core Republican demographics. Outside of that the numbers suggest not only does he not have much support outside of the usual groups, he's actually actively disliked, which suggests he's not terribly likely to draw many swing votes or many undecideds, because chances are most think he's a clearing in the woods. It should be a win for Hillary. The Republicans are going to tear themselves apart and look absolutely farcical, and Sanders won't get the nomination, despite doing surprisingly well so far. Hillary winning isn't a good thing either in fairness. This is a bizarre election, even most of the nominees are shit.
  25. Might be first true Xmen movie that isn't just Wolverine and chums. Shame that Apocalypse is a daft villain that they've somehow made look even worse than normal.
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