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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I disagree, but I don't have any intention of arguing with you. I understand your position. I don't agree with it.
  2. I've answered this already. And I'm not alone in feeling there has been some improvement, so whilst you might not agree, it isn't bollocks. But I don't want to change your mind.
  3. You won't let that personalities thing go will you? It isn't about that. If you want some evidence, I was a big fan of O'Neill. He is quite different to Garde. In both cases I saw benefits to the club in them. O'Neill obviously had far more success but Garde has shown he could be good for us as well, in my view. He won't be now because it's been obvious for weeks he's done here, but he could have been. And it isn't because I like his personality, so stop it please.
  4. And you're welcome to that position and as I said before I understand it. But accept people are seeing better elements of play under Garde. And accept that people that would like to see him stay, are not saying that 'because he isn't Sherwood', or 'its personality'. That's misrepresenting what people's opinions are based on, and it's frustrating.
  5. You're welcome to that position and I understand it. The results have been bollocks. And I'm not trying to persuade anyone otherwise. I'm just fed up of 'oh is because he's not Sherwood' or 'it's just personalities'. It isn't. People are seeing more in Garde than results suggest, and I'm tired of that being dismissed and people's views being misrepresented.
  6. It isn't personalities. I know it isn't because I'm sat here telling you quite honestly what my position is on Garde. To repeat myself for the final time hopefully, and for reference I know you won't agree so save me the same argument back, I've seen with some of the performances under the current manager a far more professional, considered style of play than we ever saw under Sherwood, who didn't know what he was doing so is a bit a surprise. The midfield plays with more of a brain, more like you would expect of a 'big' club target than the smash and grab crap you expect of a lower league side on a cup tie. Unfortunately it's completely undermined by the standard of players, they seem incapable of taking the next step, and have been for years. The team doesn't score enough goals under Garde, but they haven't scored enough goals for season on season - without Benteke we'd have been down long before now. And the defence is riddled with moronic individual errors that I genuinely don't think you can 'manage' out of them, and then loses their head the moment one goes in. So, whilst the results haven't improved over all, there's enough hints from Garde that, given time and importantly given resource to overhaul this side, we'd benefit. Whereas Tim clearly was flailing around without a clue and seemed to just throw a team out and say 'play'. He didn't have any game plan, and by the end was looking like he was about to have a breakdown (his final few post match interviews he looked like he'd slept in a ditch and didn't seem to have the faintest idea what to do - he wasn't coping). His style of coaching was clearly all about adrenaline and emotion, which doesn't last. But he was liked by the team and when a different style arrived in Garde they've not bothered because he isn't their best buddy Tim and the wheels fell off even harder. You disagree and that's fine. But accept it isn't about personalities, please. I see more in Garde than I do in Tim Sherwood. And that will be reflected in their careers, I believe, away from Villa Park.
  7. Conversely I think he'll be happy to bide his time and wait for a decent opportunity somewhere. The only way I see him taking this job now is if he was destitute. Which to my knowledge he isn't. I wouldn't touch this job in his position, he needs a stable platform he can walk into and quietly succeed for a bit after a couple of perceived failures. This job is a come in and try to fix a mess with your hands tied poisoned chalice. He'd be a moron to take it.
  8. I'd question how gettable Moyes is in current circumstances I think. He's out of work, but he rates himself higher than Championship clubs and he must realise the car crash he'd walk into here would be a bigger hassle than it's worth. Unfortunately I think we're fishing in a pond we'd rather not be. But even that shouldn't prevent us from ignoring the likes of Nigel Pearson. Even a beggar can have his standards.
  9. People have explained time and again that they see more in Garde than Sherwood, because there have been improvements, however small, in our play. It's more than personalities - nobody is that stupid, everyone would be delighted if we had the best manager on the planet even if they happened to be a complete tosser. Now you can reject that, as no doubt you will because he isn't Ron **** Saunders, but have some more respect for your fellow fan to spout this bollocks that Garde is only liked because he seems nice or isn't Tim bastard Sherwood. Garde won't be here much longer whether he's sacked or walks so it won't matter shortly, but for pities same can we cut the bollocks?
  10. He couldn't be further away from it, as people have explained time and again.
  11. Pearson is an unhinged embarrassment. He can't act like a grown man let alone someone in the spotlight. He shouldn't be anywhere near this club.
  12. That's the same name and details given in the article DK82 posted. All jumping on the bandwagon of the original source I suspect. Agree that subtitle is atrocious though. If there's any truth in this, that has to be a working title. I also would expect another 'R' name.
  13. GDC has been VR central this year with the Rift launching shortly, details confirmed on PlayStation VR and a few weeks back Vive also having details sorted. Exceptionally few titles shown, to me anyway, look like anything beyond tech demos, and often bad ones. I think VR is going to have a very bumpy first year, with only PlayStation offering anywhere near affordable and accessible, and no killer app in sight...
  14. He won't be sacked, but I still see him walking in the off season. He (completely correctly, IMO) is going to want support to rip this squad apart and bin the vast majority of it, and there is next to no chance of that happening. There will be squad upheaval this summer as rats leave the sinking ship but the kind of backing Garde will want is not going to happen.
  15. Daredevil has a cracking opening couple of episodes to series 2 and yep, Frank Castle steals the show instantly. John Bernthal was always going to be a cracking bit of casting, and he really shows it. On the basis of these 2 episodes, he's walked straight off the page. It still suffers with the same problems of series 1, there's some absolutely clunking dialogue still and the performances are uneven (Foggy is much improved thankfully though!), with a few too many caricatures in the supporting cast, but otherwise we're back to great dark action series it seems.
  16. Hmm. Rockstar traditionally don't do much/anything at E3. And why would a tipster go to a website I've never heard of to offer scoop? There's so many better known places to take it, although they may also treat it with short shrift without any corroboration. There is some work going on with RDR, Microsoft had the original running on the Xbox One recently which accidentally got revealed. I hope it's right (and increasingly I think RDR might Rockstar's next title) but I think this might be more guesswork than anything confirmed. But I'd delighted to be wrong.
  17. Jackman is on to do a third solo Wolverine movie (allegedly and appropriately inspired by the Old Man Logan storyline) and then he's done apparently. He'll be a difficult act to follow, for sure. Funny really as he actually looks nothing like the character should do. He's far too tall for a start. But he's made the character his own and basically become the de facto main character in what should be an ensemble in every film.
  18. They've been very quiet about it. Rumour was he is in it, in a smaller role, and possibly in a more traditional costume (if that's true, he will wear it for 15 seconds, max). I think Singer is aware the films to date have been a bit Wolverine and friends so they've scaled him back, and he doesn't fit as well with this films focus on the new generation (Cyclops etc) as teenagers. Be very surprised if he's not in it at all though.
  19. You may be well right, the details I've read up on it are quite confused. Not a shocker with this government.
  20. Verdun is probably the biggest WW1 FPS. That's a different thing to a Battlefield title though, more methodically paced and I seen to remember pretty brutal in its difficulty.
  21. It's free money when you're 60. And only free money upto the amount you've put in till your 50. And if you need that money before you're 60 your charged 5% and lose the bonus and ask interest related to the bonus free money.
  22. The lifetime ISA isn't quite as great once you delve into it. The bonus 25% is only paid up to the age of 50, and if you take money out you lose the 25% bonus, and any interest relevant to that bonus, and get charged 5%. They appear to be pushing it as a pension top up or mortgage part off fund, but I'm fairly sure there's better investments out there if you could afford to make the most of this. Which a lot of people won't.
  23. In fairness any flat rate tax increase will effectively attack the poor more harshly than the more affluent. So the sugar tax is an attack on the poor. It's unlikely to be as bad as VAT is but still.
  24. Some disabled people don't need a bike. They've already got wheeled transport. No excuse to not get out there and pull their weight.
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