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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Has Trump managed to piss off the Jewish community yet? It might be one of the few he's not ticked off the bigotry bingo card yet.
  2. It could be Fantastic Four box office takings, mind.
  3. It'll never catch on. Not like proper movies.
  4. Not really. Elections tend to be about bigger ideas at their heart. In principle anyway. Your voting for an approach. You vote for the approach that you think best suits the way the country is going and you accept that your vote is for the party you think will deal with the problems for you best. All the nonsense every ejection year asking about positions on policies are less about what they actually feel about whatever soundbite legislation issue, and are more about gauging the kind of approach they take to things. And mix in some popularity contest shit. Referendums directly ask the populace to make a single decision. That works for simple things. Something is easy to have an opinion on. Do I like this flag, etc. With something like the EU... Nah. I spent a lot of time and money learning about the EU. I'm pretty unusual as far as the populace goes. I don't feel completely confident in my ability to make the correct decision in a referendum on it. Average Joe? He doesn't have the first idea of what the EU really means for Britain, what the EU really does day to day and what the problems are with it on any front. And we're asking everyone to say yes or no. With the popularity contest shit thrown in because that anyways happens. It's an absolutely awful decision.
  5. Dunno why they've not tried it before!
  6. 2 offers on the table for me. Offer 1 is sticking to my market knowledge, working for a respected name with a few less problems on paper than I've worked with before. It's a bit of drop in wage to where I was previously, but not unexpected and one I am prepared to accept. Offer 2 goes to a completely new market, with different requirements and more overtly client facing stuff, on higher wages with a global name. Support and training will be in place. It's a role they would expect someone to develop out of into different fields. Stick with the comfort blanket, or dive into the unknown to add a string to my bow? In both cases I'll be developing still as I'm not the finished article. I've turned down offer 1 before, not a slight on the company as I'd have happily gone there, but circumstances changed. Turning them down again is probably shutting that door forever. Equally I've been advised by someone I respect deeply that, being a niche specialist as I am, will harm me eventually and I need to add more to my CV. Offer 2 gives me that. But it is starting from scratch market wise and my general experience of this kind of role is still developing so I'm not blessed with market knowledge to back up failings in role specific ability. Although everyone seems to rate me as having great potential in such a role. My experience makes me valuable to Offer 1 as there aren't that many people about with my background. I've not got a clue. Good problem to have though I guess!
  7. All the talk today is that Warner Bros are rethinking their plans after BvS doesn't appear to have hit like they hoped. Their slate is going to change methinks. Some of its obviously to late to do anything with but the wider and more long term stuff might have just found itself binned. I'd wager they push up the solo Batman movie unless Affleck fancies doing a runner.
  8. I've had a letter from the Out campaign, where some bloke claimed he was going to tweet every day from March to the referendum a reason to leave. Even if you felt that the EU was the personification of Lucifer crossed with Hitler, there aren't enough reasons to tweet one a day without repeating yourself, of that I'm absolutely convinced. I've also had a Leave and a Stay leaflet, the latter of which was hidden in a Dominos flyer. I'm not sure if that was aimed to influence my opinion, and if it was which way it would work...
  9. So I started on the second series yesterday and have managed to slog through about half of it. Some of the writing in it is hopeless, it spins it's wheels far too much, and has loads of utterly pointless characters, usually female. But there are more than a few decent characters in there and when it does decide to do something it's usually half decent. Or also has a commendable and perhaps unique example of Chekhov's gun, Chekhov's barn.
  10. Chindie


    The guys behind Joypod (minus Michael, who is too busy making board games in the US presumably) are back with a new, apparently but in actuality definitely won't be, weekly games podcast, the Computer Game Show. First episode is a little bland, you can tell it's trying to get back into the swing of things and doesn't quite have the swagger or incredulous humour of Joypod (I think this might be a conscious choice to be different) but it's good to have them back. Midnight Resistance finally returned this week as well with a decent episode. They seemingly took 3 months off to update the website to a Square Space template, but never mind it's nice to have another British games podcast on the go.
  11. Bernie won't win. He won't give up and he might get reasonably close, but Hilary will win the nomination. She was going to win it before this charade started and that will come to pass. It's a shame because I think, like most outside voices I'd expect, he adjusts to be the least evil of the lot of them, but he's not electable in the US. He's also had an absolute disaster in the run up to New York with an interview that makes him look like he doesn't have a clue about some reasonably fundamental issues he would face as president. On the plus side, Trump appears to have finally proven less than Teflon. Unfortunately all of his opponents are awful as well.
  12. So far it's shown most promise in cockpit based titles, shooting galleries and anything with a table top or similar style environment. Anything else has been a bit slight and messy. The Vive seems a little more flexible with the room size stuff but it still isn't ideal - movement is always going to be a problem.
  13. In fairness the man is supposed to be Palestinian, so clearly the Heil would celebrate our progressive choice of of a dirty foreign saint
  14. Slayed a dragon. So nothing of note. Saint George is one of the more foolish patron saints. But strangely popular - also the saint of Georgia unsurprisingly, Barcelona, various bits of Germany, skin diseases, soldiers, leprosy and syphillis. Amongst other things.
  15. I've seen this in a few places, but it's a fair point. It's brilliantly ironic that the Prime Minister leading a government that wants to look at your entire online presence at will, has the brass neck to say his affairs are private.
  16. I'm not being entirely serious.
  17. How do you tell the real terrorists apart from everyone else?
  18. Wijeratna leaving in 5, 4, 3... I wouldn't say no to a new badge. It's not the most pressing thing at the moment but the last one was half arsed and that didn't help marketing the club.
  19. I don't think I could possibly hope more that you're right.
  20. Iceland's PM has gone. That escalated quickly. The Americans have succeeded in taking down a despot!
  21. Coughphantomtimehypothesiscough
  22. Please don't be shit. Or America based in any way.
  23. It's not going to be a huge hit, probably in and around Ant Man numbers I think simply because it's a bit weird. I think Marvel know that as well. They'll change his powers a little. I've been of the mindset for a while that they'll try to explain what he does in a pseudo science-y way (as opposed to 'it's magic idiot, shut up') via the quantum stuff from Ant Man. Strange's power will basically be described as him being able to manipulate reality on a quantum level, and his 'meditation' stuff will be him projecting himself into the quantum realm. Fiege said after Ant Man that we would see more of that kind of thing going forward and Strange makes perfect sense for that, and it gets by in from new and old fans. Still, it's not going to be a massive hit. Neither will Black Panther. But it opens up a lot of possibilities with the mystical angle and it's something different. I don't think a lot of the director but he's spoken about making it a bit horror inspired. It'll be interesting if nothing else, I'm keen to see what they'll do with it. My big concern is they could easily waste Mads. Those shots look like they might well do, unless I'm on the right lines and those are slightly misleading, in which case he's a great bit of casting. Marvel really have a problem with wasting villains and they need to fix that. Loki worked well, they wasted Red Skull and they'll run out of Hydra villains for Cap to punch, etc. The nature of most Strange villains should help there - he can defeat them and still have then return.
  24. Giant Bomb are doing a Vive live stream at the moment. Same story as the Oculus so far, the games are slight and very tech demo esque, but the Vive does appear to benefit from the touch control and 'room space' stuff.
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