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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. If the original irritated you, this is identical. It looks prettier but the minute to minute gameplay is the same.
  2. You don't like them, then. That's fine. So don't watch them, don't consume any element of them. They won't last forever. Unfortunately studios have to make money. Without making money, you don't have a *insert worthy movie here*. Linklater doesn't get given 12 years to navel gaze making Boyhood if there wasn't the money being brought in elsewhere. So, superhero movies are a trend that makes money, some of them are rubbish, some are actually quite good, most are decent if that's your thing, but people generally want to see them. What's wrong with that? It's not preventing other things being made, it's driving money through the studio system. Take this year's darling, the Revenant. It was produced by Regency Pictures. Look at their filmography. There's certainly a few worthy gems in there, but they've also made some absolute tripe. But I bet the tripe made money. Ultimately giving you the Revenant, which had sloshed development hell for a decade. As for risk, there absolutely is risk. Warner Bros committed at least £250m to producing Batman V Superman alone. The reality is higher. Add on further costs, particularly marketing, and that film is barely going to turn a profit on cinema release. The same studio a few years ago lost at least £50m on an adaptation of Jonah Hex. As I said above, the argument is totally that you don't like them. In which case, ignore them. Otherwise I look forward to the diatribe against adaptations of novels in the future, which also happen to be a long running seam of ready made tales for lazy studios to mine. They've been doing it for years.
  3. Exactly. This year, there will be what, 7 comic book movies (if you call that purely on superhero stuff - as always, there's loads of stuff inspired by comics that aren't immediately obvious that they are) - Deadpool, BvS, Civil War, Xmen, Suicide Squad, Dr Strange, Ninja Turtles (and there's an argument to not counting that last one I guess). I'd wager that if you averaged out every movie released in the UK annually, to a figure per week, its in and around 7. The figures don't stack up. Even taking those 7 movies as the death of cinema incarnate, they are each very different. Deadpool is basically a satire of comics wrapped up in a comedy comic movie, Dr Strange has horror elements and weird mind bendy stuff, Suicide Squad is allegedly a comedy. Etc etc. I tend to ignore things I don't like, need or care for. That seems a pretty understandable approach. I don't watch soaps, I'm not calling for the TV industry to stop producing 3 hours a day of serialised family drama. I'm not whinging at the advertising industry for consistently advertising feminine hygiene products that make me cringe every time they appear on my TV. I don't like most rap and urban music genres. I'm not going out of my way to bemoan the latest release about guns bitches and bling. Grow up. If you don't like it, ignore it and go support some other genres. Perhaps they'll be the next cinema trend then. Westerns didn't last forever.
  4. Why? There's a very good film out called Midnight Special. It's a sci fi. It's been well received by critics. Go see it. It's maybe a bit too far away from 'an actual thing' to make a film about though, clearly.
  5. Apocalypse Now isn't quite simply a war film
  6. Beaten the first 'real' boss post Firelink, now grinding souls for the Tower Key as that's blatantly important. Using that task as a way of getting down taking down the knights, which currently I struggle with. With the added bonus of slowly getting bits of their armour set... Also the katana is pretty decent, have both it and longsword reinforced to +1 and currently just about favour the katana. I can already tell there will be a point at which I cannot get past something in this game but until then I'm enjoying loot and leveling.
  7. I like Prometheus but on the level of it being a dumb movie, which it never should have been and wasn't intending to be. The amount of stupid shit in that film is mind boggling. Looks awesome though. Like any Ridley Scott movie.
  8. Dr Strange trailer. Very Inception with the magic effects, probably not a bad move.
  9. Probably not sadly. Her contract changed very early on to be 'no bewbs'.
  10. Like D1 I thought you'd have your say I agree they can be irritating to play - the series pretty much mandates an approach to play that is different to anything else, and kinda trolls you with it. But I can see why people rate them. I can play them, I'm not great by any means and I do find myself fighting it all along - those controls etc. Certainly they aren't for everyone. After the crash (lovely of the game to inform me I should make sure to quit next time) I managed to get some hours in. I've reached the second Lothric bonfire and have done a few treks from there. I'm getting back into it but I'm still getting silly moments where I fail to lock on or hit the wrong thing (there isn't a person on earth that thinks primary controls in a third person game without guns or cars are on the shoulder buttons, sorry). Hardest enemy to date is the crystal lizard right at the start. Managed to kill out in a very cheesy way. The first Knight I encountered was no slouch either and currently leads matters in the kill/death ratio by a fair distance.
  11. Whilst there are criticisms of BvS due to it's take on the characters, it's been panned mostly for pretty large problems with most facets of the film. It's more than disingenuous to suggest people are down on the movie because they're fanboys who are pissed off that it's not a photocopy from the page. I didn't hate it, whilst not thinking it's great either, and my issues spanned both the adaptation and the film making. The latter is more important, and there really are elements of the fundamental fabric of that film that do not work. The twist the whole film turns on being a prime suspect.
  12. And it's just crashed and booted me from the game...
  13. Played for 20 mins. I am tired, which absolutely doesn't help with these games, but I just remembered something else that makes me dislike them. They control like shit. The (unchangeable) control scheme is awful.
  14. Series 8 is said to be the last, although they're almost certainly going to do a prequel series after that.
  15. I'd agree with D1 on his knowledge. He knows the most obscure movies in intimate detail, and the industry and the way it operates and that comes to the fore constantly. I think Collin has that as well, but more academically.
  16. I love the idea of Dark Souls, but I always end up smacking my head against it until I can't bear playing them further. I suspect the same will happen here. But hopefully I can enjoy the time until then.
  17. I've bought it. I may have made a terrible error.
  18. I like Robbie Collin and he seems a lot more settled in the role now he's had a few cracks at being on TV/radio. He's less of a personality than Kermode though. That probably makes him more useful as a critic and less as an entertainer. Kermode tends to settle into the same ruts. He has his opinions and his favourites and it takes something spectacular to break or change them. That sometimes means you can guess the review before he even opens his mouth. I can tell you now that Nolan's next feature will be a film of the year for him, and that movie is barely off the ground yet. I can guarantee he will have a lukewarm reception to Civil War. He'll adore Midnight Special and he'll give it a longer mini review on this weeks top 10. But he can be very entertaining. I would change a couple of things though. I listen to the podcast and the sheer weight of in jokes and slaps on the back the show gives itself is getting too much. And it's all a little too smug.
  19. The motion control stuff is going nowhere with it. It's an integral element of the experience for many games that will be using this tech. Oculus is launching it's own, slightly different, take on the motion control later this year, Vive has launched with it to apparently great effect and PSVR utilises the Move controller where necessary. That isn't to say it's a requirement though and anything cockpit based just utilises the ability to look around and the immersion that brings with enveloping 3D. By all accounts Elite with VR and a HOTAS set up is a revelation.
  20. Not played it myself but watched some gameplay vids and it's very much a walking simulator. Seems very, very dull.
  21. One of the movies I've missed this year I really want to see. Still astonished it was in the awards running at all - a comedy about guys who benefitted from a crash that made billions of people's lives worse simply because they saw it coming. But heard nothing but good things Think the bluray release it's still a way off unfortunately.
  22. I don't know whether its just the way I think and have learnt about this stuff, but I tend to notice lots of places that, if you were so inclined, you could bomb and cause major damage, and probably not have to dodge many defences. Thankfully our defence is largely about preventing any plot getting to that point. We seem fairly good at it.
  23. It looks better than BvS. That's not saying a great deal though. Still, has its problems. That isn't Harley. It just isn't. She might be a great character, but she isn't Harley. Harley has been quite consistent across her portrayals, and even if you move away from the traditional jester look, which had happened a bunch, she still has that voice and she still has the faux innocence. Robbie doesn't and send to just be playing her as crazy? Leto's Joker is just wrong. There have been more interpretations of the Joker than you can shake a stick at, and some have come closer to Leto's than others (I recently reread All Star Batman and Robin, Frank Miller and Jim Lee portray him as a sadist with an enormous oriental dragon tattoo in that story, and he's had a similar look to Leto in other story arcs) but it's still... Trying too hard to be edgy. The Joker doesn't need that. He should be genuinely disturbing just in his personality, which makes his clownish look all the more disarming. This look is just what you'd get if you asked a bunch of suits in a boardroom to create a modern 'Street' take on the Joker, when they had no idea what that works was. I'm not even particularly against a tattooed Joker, or a 'Street' Joker. But the tatts are shit and the rest of the look is painful. The rest are OK, Will Smith is fine as Deadshot, hrs such s bland character you can do anything with him and Smith might take to it. Not sure about the look. You can repeat that across the whole cast. I do agree though, that Jai Courtney might steal this movie. Nobody on earth has ever said that and nobody guessed they ever would either. But he's taken a really silly character nobody cares about, and taken him to a place that feels authentic, with him basically being a boozy Aussie thug. I quite like that you can guess that some characters will not be around for long, and I kinda like that we don't know what the suicide mission is yet. There's a few rumours, which I hope are incorrect because it would be a letdown, but for now the trailers seem to be going with 'look, it's fun! Honest!' first and foremost.
  24. When I say the feeling you've stumbled I mean that feeling within the crowd you're trying to attract - I.e. you need to fight the feeling that by going back to the initial protest that you've admittedly made a mistake which could hamper the faith in the ability of the priotest. I wasn't spun for a moment, incidentally :). It's obvious it's a poor move.
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