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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. A bit of both. I am enjoying it and an finding it fast less irritating to play than the others, hence now a good way into the game and wanting to press on with it. I liked the first game but it got to a point where I found it irritating to play that coincided with a moment where it began to perform appallingly. This doesn't suffer that so far. And I would like to finish one
  2. Pontiff down at the second attempt. Apparently there's a lot of people that struggle with that one but I quickly discovered if you buff in the right ways and approach it carefully he doesn't hit that hard.
  3. I think I can safely say that nobody else on Earth thought this. To the extent notsureifserious.
  4. I've discovered it's totally optional but the area is absolutely worth a look in, there is a lot of stuff about there. As for the boss... Typically, first time returning to it, and it's dead! Yes!
  5. Old Demon King.
  6. I've still not beat this guy. Seems he's viable to beat with ranged attacks, so I might take a look at my bows and see what damage I can do.
  7. Give the plot away trailer. Still looks... Weak. Also
  8. Traditional 'let's catch up with all your friends in Game of Thrones' opening episode which also ties up a few things from last season. The scene with Sansa Decent episode overall, although I'm convinced they've made a continuity error of a sort with the final reveal...
  9. Good grief the main event was grim. I don't like Jones but even setting that aside that fight was hard work to watch.
  10. Bit of fun. Didn't really ever recognise quite how many people Cap offs, even if you ignore the exaggerations here. He's nearly as bad as Batman in BvS... I hope Civil War keeps up his record of throwing people off flying things and destroying flying vehicles with abandon.
  11. Saw the Jungle Book earlier after the almost universal praise. It's probably the most successful of Disney's live action remakes of their classic library, largely because, from my memory of the original, they basically photocopied it with slight modern tweaks. It largely looks fantastic, it rattles along from the get go and doesn't let up, is genuinely funny... It's pretty good. The celebrity voices vary though. Some are in essence cameos, and stand out too much - Kingsley is fine as Bagheera, Murray straddles the line occasionally as Baloo, Scarlet as Kaa is just Scarlet talking to you (incidentally, the upside of this is the b roll of her doing her lines, where she is appropriately mesmerising). The real stand out, though, for the wrong reasons is, Idris Elba as Shere Khan. He is just wrong. I'm not sure what it is, whether his voice just doesn't fit, whether it's a poor performance, or is the spectre of the original over the whole thing, it doesn't work. He seems to be trying to play the part as an almost London street gang boss, but in the capacity of a children's film where he's playing a tiger, it's quite hard to translate that, so instead we get this weird mildly grandiose mildly threatening Landaan chap. It also seems curiously wooden. There's no conviction behind it, you don't believe the character is any more than Idris reading some lines. It's very odd. A couple other things. They've made a choice to have the animals not overly emote, sticking reasonably close to the actual abilities of the animals to portray expressions. Obviously they've had to stretch things but they've largely stuck to that, and it has 2 effects. Firstly, the animals look astounding. Secondly, they're all, bar King Louie and Baloo, stonyfaced. Almost every scene of Bagheera includes a close up of his face, and each time the face may as well not be animated, as panthers aren't known for their expressive faces. The movie is also dreadful to watch in 3d. I saw it at the Imax, so on paper ideal conditions for 3d. Nope. From the opening scene, fast moving action scenes descend into a blurry mess, anything black is crushed to nothingness (amplifying Bagheeras bizarre paralysed visage because you can't actually see much. More than once I literally couldn't make out the detail of aclnything below his eyes). A climatic scene I had to double take as for a moment I thought there had been an effect added to it in ghosting and almost a sight frame rate drop, but no it was just the shitty 3d in all it's glory. There are moments the 3d shines, slower scenes where depth can be exaggerated work well and there's more of a few of them, but otherwise the movie is a weird blurry mess. Overall though, it's a good movie and the first of Disney's live action adaptations to really succeed IMO, not quite as good as many would have you believe but is still a good watch and worth seeing. Just don't expect the classic with a big budget.
  12. That was what I was thinking of next I think... The boss of the lake is a bit of word removed... Nearly beat it first time out, every other time since I literally don't land a strike... I'm struggling hitting it because I can't seem to get an idea of where I am in relation to it, and some of it's attacks are extremely heavy hitters... Perseverance.
  13. As a brief off topic aside, I listen to a US political podcast where i was interested to hear the hosts be critical of TTIP because it lets us do the same to them, as it does to us.
  14. Im heavily dex based. I've upgraded a halberd and a great sword a little just in case. I've largely ignored the transposition stuff as nothing really grabs me in there, besides a certain ring I grabbed immediately The uchigatana is now +6/7 now I think, I've not infused it with anything yet. It hits pretty hard and I've not found anything it struggles with yet - a few enemies take a few more swings but nothing has really made me feel underpowered yet. The only thing it doesn't do well is crowds, thankfully my playstyle means the rarely happens... My concern was mostly that that might not last forever and then I'll quickly have to get used to something else. Anywho, catacombs done (second shit boss in a row), now clearing out the area nearby, which appears to be a treasure trove of decent gear and upgrade materials. Which has had the bonus effect of letting me tinker with a few upgrades.
  15. When I was doing runs to Vordt I Need to get back to the catacombs today... I'm trying to clear an area a day if possible, and had yesterday off. I'm also starting to think I might need a back up weapon with some oomph behind it. The katana has dealt with everything so far but I'm convinced that'll change.
  16. I don't know why he bothers with statements. The only statement he can give that doesn't get criticised or is pointless is the one that says 'this morning I've flogged the club to the first person who said the magic number that gets this midlife crisis millstone from round my neck as fast as possible'. Anything else he's wasting his time. Although of course he also gets criticised for not saying anything, so he's damned either way. He can't really say anything that isn't 'the sale has happened' with any good outcome. He can't say he's in the process with a party, because of it falls through he looks moronic, or it may affect deal processes with any interested parties. Anything else doesn't say anything. He may as well just shut up. Or release periodical one line 'yeah, still trying to flog it' statements.
  17. A place I used to work at had very simple kitchen facilities, basically a cubby hole upstairs with a kettle, ancient microwave, and a toaster. On my first day I was told the kettle was fine, the microwave shouldn't be used whilst anyone was in the vicinity, and never, ever use the toaster. It looked fine, but nobody ever used it. It turned out that a former employee had decided to use the toaster, on its side, to cook fish fingers. And subsequently it was less toaster, more fisher.
  18. Prince might overtake Tupac in the posthumous album release stakes - he apparently used to knock out hundreds of songs a year for the hell of it and not release them.
  19. Abyss Watchers are the first I've struggled with really, and I did that third time round. The Deacons on the other hand... I genuinely don't know how you'd struggle on that boss. I've got a fairly powerful weapon and I've specced to it, so I hit pretty hard, but even with a weaker weapon so long as you keep an eye on your stamina, you win.
  20. Peter Stormare has joined American Gods cast, amongst others. It's been a while since I've read it, but Stormare's role is the one you'd immediately think of if you said 'I'm casting for an adaptation of American Gods and have to hire Peter Storemare...'.
  21. Older members of my family have always called crumpets pikelets.
  22. Cathedral done, and at the first bonfire in the catacombs. The Cathedral is a bitch until you start to unlock shortcuts, then it starts to be more rewarding. The boss there is shit though - mash button, run away, watch light, charge, repeat. Catacombs on the other hand so far are more consistently straight up difficult, with enemies punishing overly aggressive styles harshly.
  23. I may have had an even cheaper way but requires some luck... The Cathedral is a bit of a difficulty bump, the run from the bonfire to the lift shortcut in the Cathedral itself is a tense bitch and the longest gap between a bonfire I can recall at this point...
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