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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. **** Yhorm. The fact he's an 'easy' boss makes the whole thing all the more irritating. Will to bother continuing fading fast. This entire section of the game is bollocks. **** the boss run to him as well. Laser guided fireballs with splash damage and a side order of fall damage. Utter horse shit.
  2. Universally accepted is so strong a term as to be wrong I think. The Wii U has a core handful of genuinely good, in a few cases great, games. But there's a long way between a few well regarded titles and best console. Nintendo won't be out of the console game after the NX. Unless it's an unmitigated disaster, and given that the Wii U was essentially still born it'll take a lot to be declared a bigger disaster, but Nintendo will be out of the game soon enough. It'll be a shame because Nintendo do have that special spark with their consoles, although that spark had been fading at an ever increasing rate across the company, IMO, but it's going to happen. The market changed and they've instead of keeping up, tried to take a different path and it's not caught on being the initial flurry of Wii sales.
  3. I don't think we're far apart. I've never felt Sanders was in the race and in truth he never really was, though he's done far better than anyone would have believed. Especially as he seems fairly weak in some areas, like international affairs, and hasn't hidden that weakness well. Clinton is the best candidate that the Democrats could back, she's an experienced and ruthless politician, a known quantity, and was always gong to have every deck stacked for her. There have definitely been some shenanigans, from straight up voter fraud, which I do think has happened to some small extent, and things like breaking electioneering rules (Bill has campaigned for Hilary at times and places he shouldn't, for instance) have gone on to give her a slightly better edge. But she was never in danger of losing. Sanders doing well suggests there's some appetite for something a bit different which gives some hope. The issue may be that Sanders is really an independent at heart and sticking with the Democrats is a bit of a marriage of convenience for him, there's unlikely to be the demand within the party for change like him in the near future.
  4. Dungeon done and only need to do the boss in the Profaned Capital, who rally irritatingly I've nearly beaten 4 times, only needing one more hit before he's managed to take me out. Really annoyingly the last time I had him, lined up the hit, and he moved just as I swung. The boss run to him is bloody irritating as well. It isn't far, but you WILL take damage 9/10 times.
  5. There are a bunch of open secrets about the NX that have floated around for ages - it's going to be a hybrid console with both a home and portable element, likely the controller can act as a standalone machine, the controller is exceptionally likely to be close to a tablet possibly with very few (or no) buttons. And it's very likely to be have an Android based OS. Even if that all turns out to be a good idea (and non physical buttons simply aren't a good idea in most cases), or even if all that is wrong, Nintendo aren't going to sell loads of them and become relevant again. The market has left them behind.
  6. There's been a lot of discussion of voter fraud etc. I don't know how valid that is, but it seems to have gained some traction. I doubt it's enough to have really changed things, Hillary was always going to win, and the way the party has pushed and used the system (which is ridiculous) made sure of that before the while thing began, but it seems something fishy was alongside that. An awful lot of people seem to have has their registered affiliations changed all of a sudden in some states.
  7. The Republicans are the party of the status quo. Cruz in office is more likely to try to roll back things Obama managed to get changed than really introduce anything that notably alters things. Trump is a wildcard because nobody knows what his policies actually are. And he's not popular with the Republican establishment (he's not really a party politician, his position changes based on what's good for Donald Trump throughout his life... Hence his campaign basically being say whatever is popular with the groups he appeals to), so Congress may revolt under him.
  8. You might not have all that much longer to wait. They're already doing mobile development, its only a matter of time before a Zelda title is on your phone. And the NX is, barring a miracle, going to fail. Sooner or later they're going to go full on software developer cross party. That Wii money isn't going to last forever.
  9. The Wii U is going to be allowed to rot for another year. Nintendo announced, via an investor report, the NX is out next March. The new Zelda is going to be a simultaneous release across both consoles as a launch title. And it also looks like one of the main things people had hopes for with E3, an NX reveal, isn't happening either. 2016 is going to be an even bigger disaster for them than expected, there's nothing coming out. This is the death throes of this company. The 3DS isn't turning out titles like before either to boost the sales numbers.
  10. Many Americans would tell you that this is a good thing, some of our members included. Many people think that a President hamstrung by Congress means change is minor and therefore the potential for things to go unexpectedly wrong is greatly reduced. Which tends to mean things tick along. Of course it also means bad rarely gets better, so if you're poor, you're going to suffer as much as you did before. But regardless, the status quo is always popular.
  11. Hilary is a deeply unpleasant individual, and allegedly has more skeletons than she had closets at this point. This election is farcical and has been since day one. The Democrats were never going to allow Sanders to win, hence some rather dirty tricks seemingly being played, and the Republicans know Trump is as a big threat to them as he is anything else so desperately are trying to get people to like the other candidates, who themselves are horrible people. Hilary will be the next President, barring something miraculous happening, like some of those skeletons gaining traction, and the Republicans will do well to not tear themselves further apart in the aftermath.
  12. As expected, Sanders slim hopes get slimmer by the second.
  13. Civil War won't have anything to do with the comic (bar Tony and Cap have ideological differences and fight) so it shouldn't matter F4 aren't there Doom and the Skrulls are the only reason I want them to get the F4 rights back. Doom is their best villain, and Fox have consistently **** it up. He can be an Avengers standard villain done properly and he's an easy multiple movie big bad. Doubt it'll happen though. They'll not use him as a mega villain. The Skrulls are just great for the sci fi stuff they're doing. Thanos... He's barely been on screen, less than 5 minutes across the films, and we don't know anything about him, beyond him seeking out the Infinity Gems. So it's hard to say. The first Infinity War movie has to establish his threat, and his motivation. The comics plot won't work on film (powerful insane alien is literally in love with the personification of Death, sets about becoming so powerful, through elements of a dead God, that he can kill the universe to prove his devotion) so they need to be very careful, and they can't just say 'he's really evil'. The screenwriters are the same as Winter Soldier, who've said they're absolutely aware of that and are coming up with great moments to show Thanos as this threat that had to be stopped. I've got faith in them. He's not quite as ludicrous as Apocalypse, certainly in the looks stakes, although a lot of that is due Apocalypse being born of the period comics went to shit, late 80s/early 90s.
  14. It absolutely was part of a strategy to borrow genre elements for their movies going forward. Cap does pinch 70s political thriller tropes purposefully (and it is true it isn't the popular with children), Guardians was a complete left field choice for a sci fi pulp comedy, etc. Dr Strange is unavoidably going to be fantasy (although I still wager they use the quantum stuff from Antman to explain it) but is said to have horror elements. Who knows what's happening with Thor, it's being directed by Taika Waititi of Flight of the Concords and has Hulk in it, and is doing a bunch of donkey work for Infinity War is been suggested. Black Panther stands out simply by being about a black African character. Captain Marvel gives them a female lead and a more serious cosmic sci fi entry... Etc etc. They can't rely on the same characters forever so phase 3 will certainly be a something of a passing of the mantle in many respects, but it also lets them mess with other genres even more. They've got loads of avenues to go down with characters they've not even considered.
  15. This isn't quite right as technically Hulk rights for solo movies are with Universal I think to some degree (same basis as Namor). It also doesn't list a bunch of minor characters and related properties (no Inhumans under Marvel, not that that's a bad thing, no reference to the associated elements each holds, I.e. villains associated with those characters). But it's mostly on the money. Interestingly the Sony deal with Spidey, which originally was described was Sony loaning the character but maintaining some creative control, is now being described as Marvel being able to do whatever they like with it and Sony very much being on the backburner. And I wouldn't be surprised to see F4 slide back across soon enough after last year's flop. Unless Fox are prepared to be as petty as Marvel are about things - they cancelled the F4 comic last year after years of publication for seemingly no reason. Given that they also in recent years refused to push Xmen toys and tried to replace that comic with the Inhumans suggests the real reason was the undermine Fox's films.
  16. Iron Man 2 is Marvel trying to churn out a sequel. It's arguably the worst film they've made, and it's fairly inconsequential in the scheme of the MCU, simply introducing a few supporting cast members. It's a mess but they needed something to plug a scheduling gap (Iron Man and Incredible Hulk are released in 2008, they'd skipped 2009 and Thor and Cap weren't due till 2011, they needed to release something in 2010) and Iron Man was the only thing they could do, conveniently he was also an immediately popular character. It's notable that Cap is so far the only MCU character to have a really great sequel, and I say that as someone who actually quite liked Thor 2. Winter Soldier is fantastic, and it sounds like Civil War will add to Caps record of being the most consistent character in the series.
  17. The enemies in the dungeon that drop your health as they look at you can **** off. Not only so they have very irritating powers, their hit box is bullshit and they have a very annoying habit of punishing you when you miss their shitty hit box with a move that holds you down and is basically a one hit kill.
  18. As V01 says above, Daredevil and Jessica Jones. There's 2 series of Daredevil (both very good) and the one Jessica Jones series, which is a bit different but still very good. Both shows benefit from superb villains, with Jessica Jones having arguably one of the more sinister there has been in any superhero show. There will be 2 more shows, Luke Cage (who is introduced in Jones) coming in the Autumn and Iron Fist, which is filming at the mo. They're then going to do an Avengers style crossover miniseries.
  19. I have genuinely never met someone who doesn't like Ghostbusters, it's an absolutely classic comedy.
  20. I'm persevering with the Flash more than Arrow at this point. Arrow massively lost me last series, which was dreadful. This series is better, it has a villain who is actually on screen occasionally for a start, but it's still has far too many episodes and characters that do absolutely nothing overall, and it desperately needs to drop the flashback stuff. But I'm sticking with it. The Flash is better IMO, it's thinner but more fun and less convoluted. Neither are great TV though and I'd agree Marvel's Netflix stuff has blown it away, although they're probably still better than Agents of Shield, which I gave up on after series 2, because that was weak and this third series appears to be all Inhumans stuff, which can 'get tae ****'.
  21. There were a few flakes of snow in the air earlier. It's nearly May for **** sake.
  22. Suffers the same problems as Arrow but less so - far too many episodes, too many episodes removing around characters being stupid. But it's much more fun and tighter than Arrow, a show that desperately needs to cull its cast. It does have a unique problem that becomes more apparent as the series progress (spoilers for series 2 in particular)
  23. I don't really much like either of the Ted movies but the second is absolutely weaker.
  24. It's a good loot area for sure. And some of it is quite deviously hidden
  25. Still need to watch the Witch. I'm not a horror movie fan, I can't bear anything that relies on jump scares because it's not really scaring you, it's promoting an involuntary reaction no different to if a shelf fell down in your house one night, but I can enjoy the more tense, unsettling horrors, with the Shining always being my favourite creepy film. So it should be right up my street. I have been told it's heavy on 'scripture', which is inescapable given the premise I guess, so I'll have to drag myself through that, but I'm quite looking forward to the home media release.
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