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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. New album available digitally tomorrow, physical formats June 17. Hopefully with another special release, as the In Rainbows special set is still one of my most prized possessions.
  2. I like Vaati's stuff generally, but for one thing. I always get the distinct impression that if someone told him a clip show of Dark Souls deaths played over the Benny Hill theme would net him a fiver, it'd be on YouTube in the hour. You always feel that you're missing half the story because you don't back him on Patreon.
  3. That's my point. You can't make a Battlefield game in a WW1 theatre. That war is an artillery and attrition conflict with few different types of warfare on offer. So you have to step away from the WW1 setting to make a game in the style of Battlefield. So you do an alternative setting. But the alternative isn't WW1. You've moved away from what defines the nature of that conflict so much you aren't using that setting anymore. So why bother using WW1 at all?
  4. Boba has a cool costume and, particularly in the original trilogy, is pretty mysterious. He's an easy choice to expand on, because he's basically a blank slate that everyone already knows on sight. Lando isn't as iconic, Yoda isn't as cool, and Obi Wan has 3 movies of (bad) back story already and a middle chapter it's heavily implied is largely spent being a hermit in hiding.
  5. It should be a looker though. Especially as some DICE employees were cracking into COD's looks at that reveal. I do wonder what the point of doing an alternative take on WW1 is, when presumably the only reason for the alternative take is to get around some of the problems of that conflict, i.e. endless brown hellscapes with trenches and very limited weapon and equipment sets. So the alternative setting basically won't be WW1. So why bother calling it WW1 at all?
  6. 1 v Infinity... It's going to feature content 'inspired' by the Harlem Hellfighters as well. I dread to think.
  7. Agree it's compelling, but blimey can it be irritating. His sheer hubris is incredible. He constantly assumes he knows what's happening and he's always wrong. But that doesn't prevent him acting on his guesses for massive chunks of time. In the Pontiff fight he uttered the words 'ah I don't want to beat him with Second Chance anyway'. Then why the **** waste your time using it?! When he finally beats it he goes 'well we could have beaten that second or third time if we were really trying'. What the **** was the point of pissing about for the next dozen goes then?! And yet every day I'm watching the new episode.
  8. OK... I think ENB has lost me. He's made it to the Pontiff fight and appears to be trying to make out that he's not trying to beat the boss. For some reason. I can understand using the first attempt to learn the move set, but he's kinda making out he's taking it on half arsed for some reason. He appears to be absolutely obsessed with knowing it's entire move set to a tee. Anyone else would actually just try to beat it whilst picking up elements of when and how to didn't and when and how to smack it. Everyone struggles with the Pontiff. I fluked beating it second time out, but easily could have been struggling 10 attempts later. He's obviously a better player than I am, but if I approached every boss like he is the disc would currently be in a landfill in many, many pieces.
  9. Constructive suggests developing towards agreements. Extensive doesn't really suggest anything beyond talks are underway. Neither give you any idea whether a sale is days weeks or months away. And it's unlikely we will get such a statement until the sale is basically done. Sadly I don't think the march, or any protest, has crossed their minds in making such a statement. They've just tried to keep the idea of a takeover progressing in peoples minds and keep the fan base informed.
  10. It's set in a whacky alternative WW1, as some rumours a while back suggested. It may also be called, bizarrely, Battlefield 1.
  11. He's wearing a bucket on his head for 90% of the movie, so it probably doesn't matter
  12. All communication regarding the takeover that isn't 'I've sold to a bloke with all the money in the world, tarrah' is going to be met with with derision, unfortunately. There's literally nothing else they can say that will be met with much positivity.
  13. It's a good bet that there will be a Boba Fett movie, as well. They've announced 3 'anthology' projects, the moment they did that the rumours were one would be a steal the Death Star plans heist film, another a young Han Solo movie and finally a Boba Fett story. They've confirmed the first 2 so it's probably a decent bet Boba will follow.
  14. General feeling appears to be that the local elections are going to give Labour a kicking. But they seem to be a shoe in fit the London mayoral election to the extent even some Tories are attacking the Goldsmith campaign. I like Corbyn, but it's only a matter of time before they knife him. His Labour party isn't electable. The only thing he can call success I think is if he can even vaguely have a influence on dragging the party long term back towards its roots. But even that looks less likely by the day. They'll be desperate for a new Blair to arrive out of nowhere, they can't have anyone tainted by pre-2010 New Labour and they can't have a Corbyn follower either.
  15. Annoying kids are a massive bug bear of mine. A couple of incidents stand out. A few years back I was on a flight, sitting in the middle of three seats, the seat to my left was a spare. About half way through the fight, the family across the aisle and a row back, who had a toddler and a baby in tow, the former of which was an absolute nightmare from the moment they sat down, screaming and running around and irritating everyone, decided the best thing they could possibly do, was to sit the delightful toddler next to me in the spare seat with an iPad at full volume, to 'watch' Postman Pat. He proceeded to spend the rest of the flight kicking me, kicking the seat in front, flinging the iPad around, shouting and screaming, and generally making a great argument for him being allowed to take the express route to the destination via the emergency exit. Meanwhile his parents appeared to have a lovely flight having ditched the Antichrist on someone else. Not long after I visited Warwick Castle with the girlfriend, who has a higher child tolerance than me but even she thought this kid was a little shit, and ended up queuing for ages to get tickets. In front of us was a woman who was the kind of upper class nob who had decided to have kids late because it was something to tick off the 'life' checklist but obviously wasn't cut out for it. So her lovely child decided to basically spend the entire time queuing running around kicking the fixtures screaming shouting bumping into people and straight up ignoring the feeble attempts of mother dearest to control him. Which amounted to 'please behave darling'. The common thing between most of the poorly behaved kids I've encountered is they all seem to slightly uncommon names. I can only assume this is the embodiment of the parents making out that their child is special and therefore have fostered an attitude in them that they are above other children and things like proper discipline. As kids, all my siblings and I were well behaved simply because we knew it wasn't worth rilling up our parents. My dad never hit us, but we knew pissing dad off was Not Good so you didn't do it. All he had to do was give us a look, tell us to pack it in or at worst raise his voice, and you knew you were pushing it.
  16. I've spent literally all day mowing, strimming and trimming the lawn and hedges about the garden, and all that effort has given me is a garden that looks merely poorly maintained as opposed to abandoned, a broken hedge trimmer and a bad back. And my neighbour pointing out the bits I'd missed can sod off.
  17. I like elements of King of Limbs, but I think it says a lot that I couldn't name, off the top of my head, my favorite songs off that album, whilst I could easily do that for In Rainbows. I didn't like Burn the Witch at first, I thought Thom was almost a parody of himself and the sing didn't seem to have much to it but in each listen I've grown to like it more. It's never a classic track but a decent one. High hopes for the album.
  18. That's grown on after a few listens. It's feels like ages since we've had some new Radiohead material. But then I remember that I also really like Tool, and by all accounts by the time their new album comes out, we'll have had 3 Radiohead albums since the last Tool release...
  19. Beat both within half an hour just after saying that
  20. Think I've hit my limit for the game. Can't beat the Champion nor the Armour. Done far better than my usual Dark Souls experience. But smacking my head against 2 bosses over and over hoping I get a lucky run is not happening.
  21. Following yesterday's car debacle, I was up this morning early to take it for a service and once over with a mechanic family friend. Won't start. Great. Timing couldn't be better.
  22. Having a few pops at the champion tonight. Have got him to within a couple of hits a few times but just can't quite manage that final one. And even getting to that point I'm dodging like a loon.
  23. Radiohead have basically blanked out their entire internet presence over the last 24hrs. And they sent out loads of mysterious leaflets with what appears to be lyrics on the front over the weekend. That new album might be closer than initially thought. Fingers crossed.
  24. My drive is a bit of a nightmare to get on at the best of times. It's difficult to reverse onto, and if anyone is parked near it, it's a true word removed. Yesterday this happened because my neighbour decides to use his drive as an open air workshop and leave his van and car right by the end of my drive. So I have to drive on forwards, which makes getting out again a bit annoying, reversing out onto a busy main road. There is an alternative though, there's room to spin the car around and reverse back on if you have to... Today I decide it's a good idea to swing the car around, all of my family used to do it back in the day easy enough, how hard can it be? It's just a slightly complicated 3 point turn where your main obstacles are don't take the front of the house off and don't hit the wall of the drive. Easy. So I do this, get 1 and a half turns in, with some tentative manoeuvring and lots of watching front and rear wings don't do severe structural damage anywhere (the front garden however never stood a chance)... Then the car won't shift. It's like it's become beached. Shit I think. There is a bit of a drop as you back around... Hmm. Right. Use your brain, work the clutch, it nearly is getting back up just struggling for a bit of a grip on the wet gravel with the slight incline and slight drop in level between front and back. It'll be fine. Eventually with some effort get it done, ready to reverse nicely by the door all ready to go next time out no fuss, with the accompanying smell of mechanical things being very hot, but that's to be expected right, you're working the mechanicals hard. Pleased with a job well done, go to put the handbrake on... It's already on. Shit.
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