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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I think a more pertinent question for anyone who is unsure is 'What do I know and understand about what the EU is, what it does and how it does it, and what that means to the UK?' followed by some time on the net reading from a variety of sources. Then ask whether the benefits of leaving outweigh the benefits of staying.
  2. Following on from the casting news on Thor 3 last week some rumours have come out regarding the films plot. They're smashing elements of Planet Hulk into it. This is a stupid idea. Thor will also be rocking a skinhead for some reason. And Valkyrie will be given a more native American look with warpaint as opposed to her usual look (given that they've cast a black woman to play her I don't think anyone was expecting the usual pale buxom blonde so hardly a shock). Also the villain for Guardians 2 has been revealed rumours suggest. The villain is only interesting, however, for their importance to other Marvel cosmic storylines and characters, and more importantly because it's very likely the stunning Elizabeth Debicki is playing her.
  3. Funnily enough I think he probably doesn't care. Or even know. In recent years he has an almost supernatural capacity to not give a shit. Incidentally, the Rebirth thing was the stupidest thing I'd seen in comics for years for about 3 days. Marvel's new Steve Rogers Captain America reveal stole the show instantly. Steve Rogers has been an undercover Hydra agent all along. It's stupid on so many levels. It's meta stupid . Morons.
  4. There's probably something those leaks for sure. Major Nelson replied on Reddit to someone saying 'Scorpio confirmed!' with a smiley. Obviously ambiguous but I've no idea why he'd want to stoke backlash if this doesn't happen.
  5. Day of the Dead covers of Althea and Loser. They're both awesome.
  6. Aid isn't altruistic. That money isn't going for some 'hippy ideal'. It's to develop relationships, ultimately creating customers, clients and partners. Or the environment to brain drain. It has the benefit of making us look good (allowing us to leverage the moral high ground whenever we might need to) and, yes, ultimately making some other people's lives better. If that was the only benefit, we wouldn't bother. Besides which, whilst we may be a generous aid giver, it's still a pittance in the grand scheme of government spending. The EU does the same thing. Spain used to be the poor man of Europe and got lots of EU money spent on it. Then it wasn't any more as new nations joined and as Spain had developed infrastructure and the money shifted to get the new poor men on their feet and start selling them things and put more money in their pocket to buy things from us, and also maybe encourage some of their people to take a chance on a better life now to ultimately improve wherever they end up... As said, aid isn't altruistic. Pretty much nothing is altruistic. But in politics? Nope. Anywho... Having mentioned it the other day I was going to link to the article on sovereignty I read. But it turns out it was in the FT and I'm not paying for it. Suffice to say it was a good article though.
  7. Put an hour or so into Blood & Wine. Having been away from the game for a bit, and played some genuinely brilliant stuff in the meantime, coming back to it... it's just so good. 30 hours gameplay they reckon... fantastic.
  8. Rogue One looks like it might be in some bother. Reports came out over the weekend that Disney aren't happy with it and extensive reshoots have been ordered to bring it up to standard. Reshoots aren't unusual to fill gaps or polish scenes but this is being reported as trying to fix a substandard movie rather apply some extra shine to things. Hmm. Gareth Edwards might be in danger of binning his career. Godzilla missed the mark for most people, he backed out of doing a sequel a couple of weeks back, and now Star Wars Rogue One is seemingly not up to snuff.... He might not be cut out for blockbuster fare.
  9. I accepted a new job 3 weeks ago and I'm still waiting for a start date. I also had a nightmare with reference checks. Jumping through very specific hoops to explain career gaps, including one that I'm on now due to the waiting for the formal offer and for reference checks... On the other hand it's given me time to spend £50 on a tiny book that explains my new market that I will get round to reading.
  10. An extension to that, I tend to think of craft beer as more microbrewery fare, less mass produced industrial scale produce. Which of course ties into it unlikely to be available on draught... Although saying that I once had a straight pint of Sam Adams which was described as a craft beer... Coincidentally also one of the worst pints I've ever had. Tasted like they'd brewed it in the trap one of the gents whilst still in use.
  11. I probably enjoyed that more than last week overall. Didn't have the high of the finale last week but was more consistent across the episode. Lots of development across the different arcs and lots of set up. But a decent episode. It's not a flashy one at all. But doing some interesting donkey work.
  12. And done. Story finished, all collectibles, all challenges, all runes upgraded and weapons mastered. Absolutely fantastic. Brilliant. Awesome. This is a shoe-in for game of the year talks. Looks incredible, plays brilliantly from the get go, sounds spectacular... Suffice to say I liked this a fair bit.
  13. Jesse Eisenberg looked like he'd like to join LeBlanc in the shit.
  14. Just watching now. Chris Evans is a pretty irritating bloke . Chris Evans doing a caricature of Jeremy Clarkson can be dumped in a bin on the far side of Mars. Matt LeBlanc looks like he'd rather be neck deep in horse shit than in that studio. Sabine, as likeable as she is, is not cut out for this. Her English is fine, but she unfortunately speaks like she's hosting a Bavarian edition of Playschool whenever she has to act out enthusiasm. It sounds really really false. The studio 'banter' is worse than ever. They got away with it before because the personalities could carry it (just - Hammond was always bollocks at it). Now the only thing that would feel natural is if Evans and LeBlanc just awkwardly ignored each other. By week 3 they might have started hurling insults at each other and by the end of the series a knife fight could kick off with the Star Trek duel theme. They needed to cut the whole format loose. They were never going to. But they needed to.
  15. Take a look on Xbox Price Check. They'll list most places it's sold and where its cheapest. Worth nothing that XL is just Mortal Kombat X with the character expansions included.
  16. I guess that depends on your definition of a convincing argument. I think there are arguments out there that make the case to Remain pretty well, or combat the Leave lines that have been established. But whether you call them convincing I don't know. The arguments made that make the headlines are dumbed down to such an extent they aren't particularly helpful but there are things out there that go into a bit more detail. There was a very good article that binned the sovereignty argument for example a few weeks back.
  17. You may be right on Corbyn, but I'm fairly sure Cameron would vote Remain in every eventuality except if he were in Boris' position trying to become leader. Cameron is money/business focused, the EU is good for the pockets of many big businesses. He's only an old fashioned Tory in some respects, hence why so many back benchers hate him. As for Corbyn, I think if the referendum was suggesting 'stay in the EU, or shut the EU down and start again with less business focus' he'd vote leave, as it is Remain is the lesser of 2 evils for him. And we all know how you're voting Tony
  18. Both sides have been called out for (shock horror) lying in their respective campaigns by the Treasury Select Committee. Leave particularly for the £350m a week nonsense which they know is astoundingly misleading, and Remain notably because they are portraying a GDP per household loss as a loss of disposable income for householders.
  19. I'm not sure if I'm valid in this pissing me off or not... I live on a busy main road. It's the kind of road that is consistently busy from 7am to 11pm every day and at night you'l regularly hear someone doing triple the speed limit fly past. I also have a drive way, so off road parking. You can easily reverse on to the drive pulling up in front of the house and reversing round the corner onto the drive and not need to worry about traffic. However that relies on the road directly in front of my house having just enough space to reverse from. Otherwise the options are dodging traffic to pull out onto the other lane and trying to quickly reverse in, which is a nightmare due to the traffic, drive on forwards and then have a nightmare manoeuvre trying to do a 3 point turn around the house, or alternatively reverse onto the main road next time I leave which is asking for running down a pedestrian or getting smashed by someone nipping into the lane as visibility isn't great (besides which reversing onto a main road is a no no generally anyway). Unfortunately lately my neighbour has started parking their car directly outside my house. So the good option is impossible. My neighbour has space to park on his front garden, but uses this as an open air workshop. He also has a work vehicle, which he parks in front of his house. They park the car behind that, with a big gap, in front of my house. I know they can park it on their land as they've done it before. But they don't. They also only use the car about once a week so it sits there being annoying 99% of the time Which **** me off. It also irritates the neighbour on the other side of me who basically has the same issue. Tl;dr - my neighbour makes getting on my drive a nightmare but isn't doing anything strictly wrong , just inconsiderate.
  20. This continues to be excellent. I'm convinced at some point id just said '**** it' and shoved in stuff they just thought would be fun whilst breaking the challenge of the game. There's a couple of runes that you can unlock that combined basically turn you into an unstoppable killing machine provided you play the way the game has taught you to play for the entire game to that point. The rune challenges are decent as well with a couple that are near pad breakingly devious (**** you 'kill everything with the machine gun with 1 health before time runs out' challenge...). And even the story is fun, for what it is. And it plays brilliantly. And it looks great. So far my main criticism is the super shotgun is too powerful. Where the **** did this come from?!
  21. Chindie


    A couple of Pratchett quotes on cats... 'In ancient times, cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this' 'If cats looked like frogs we'd realise what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember'. Suffice to say the man liked cats. Even if he could notice their flaws... he describes a cat in one of his books as 'a scarred ball of inventive malignancy'.
  22. The swamp is irritating initially but you can start to get your bearings quite quickly and the poison is less of a problem once you've leveled a bit. I probably found the dungeon more irritating, because despite is length the jailers are amongst the worst enemies in the game.
  23. Have they realised they need a couple of months to add in the gameplay?
  24. Believe it's out next week, 31st.
  25. Unified Windows Platform means Xbox on PC is basically nailed on. The talk has been that Microsoft is developing it's titles across platforms now and expects others to do the same, with a bit focus on cross platform multiplayer. As for the rumoured upgrade console, I expect it'll be a 2 year thing where your console is good for 2 upgrade cycles before being retired.
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