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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I had a quick look. It's better than the usual standard but there's still some of the maddening stuff. The couple of posts you raise I don't think particularly break the argument. They're nits to pick. Norway isn't without influence and to say it is a simplification, but the point is that Britain sits at the table in the gang, we do better in that position that we do outside it. Norway is so different to us the deal may be better for them, in their view, to stay as they are, despite what Exit argues is a bad thing for Britain - the need to be beholden to European Union regulations etc. The point on 'unanimous' is really, really nit picky. It's a simplification again and it's wrong, but it doesn't change the argument really again. There are arguments in the comments against which have some traction but again I don't think overall it outweighs the Remain angle. But I am biased, of course
  2. Chindie


    Another of the 'fastest of all time' 100m sprinters found to have been doping. Bolt is very lonely on that list.
  3. I've always been clear as to how I'll vote I don't bother to read the comments on more or less anything online and I won't be starting with this. The comments on anything 'Brexit' from both sides of the coin are tragic in the little I've seen and risk me hurling the device I'm reading on through the window and then running into traffic myself.
  4. Brie Larson is the front runner to play Captain Marvel, it seems. Wouldn't be the first person I'd hire. Good actress but she isn't Carol Danvers IMO. Rebecca Ferguson is more like it.
  5. Comparing costs and benefits is not as exciting as a rousing political speech, but is the right way to approach a hugely important decision. For me the balance of arguments is clear: the economic and foreign policy costs of leaving are large, and on my reading the gains in sovereignty in today’s connected world are limited. The issue is not about the older generation’s past but about our children’s and grandchildren’s future. For those reasons, I shall vote Remain. An LSE professor on why he will vote Remain. Pretty decent summary all in all.
  6. Yeah it's out at Christmas. That's a lot of work to redo. It probably adds some credence to the talk that Disney didn't like the tone and want more McQuarrie influence in there from his late script. They also want to shove in Han Solo.
  7. Forgot about this thread. Anywho... Rogue One reshoots are reported to be 40% of the movie being redone. Jesus.
  8. Paying £17 to send a fairly small parcel out simply because I'm so untrusting I want full tracking, insurance and signed for delivery.
  9. I just don't like it. I avoid playing it in the game entirely. I never bothered to collect the cards and thusly never win, and I can't be bothered with the game shoehorning it into the stuff I actually want to do. Thankfully so far, apart from the specific Gwent quests, which I've ignored, every time the game raises playing it you can either wholesale refuse or losing doesn't seem important.
  10. I think people might be getting tired of the Ubisoft open world format which I'll be shocked if they markedly change. I also don't think you can immediately assume that it'll follow in Assassin's Creed's footsteps. It might be better - doesn't necessarily mean it's going to become a new Assassin's Creed. Which is all by the by as my point was more that Watchdogs wasn't a game people engaged with terribly well, it's been pretty much forgotten. It's not a shock that they're bringing out a sequel, but equally it's not something that would be on more or less anyone's list for a sequel.
  11. Drive is one of my favourite movies of the last few years, and also one of the few, if not only, movies where I have integrated the soundtrack into my playlist. The director has his next film, Neon Demon, coming up. It's not going to be Drive, but it might be interesting. Has a great look to it if nothing else. Whether there's any substance, who knows.
  12. This discussion has made me realise that I think I could count the number of times I've drank any booze for pure pleasure, as opposed to work related 'working lunch', team building, relationship building, or such, in the last 18 months, on the fingers of 1 hand... I've got some beer in the fridge now, that I quite like, but I'd wager good money it'll still be there in a month. I'd literally drink everything else in the fridge before I'd drink that at the mo. Odd.
  13. Watchdogs 2 is going to be part of Ubisoft's conference by the looks of things. Hey guys, remember Watchdogs?!
  14. The bits in the studio only improve if someone takes away Evans' 'sharpener' (/takes him outside with a revolver) and sends LeBlanc to the bar for an hour before filming.
  15. The story changed yesterday to Disney wanting to make it more 'Star Wars' in tone. Its completely normal for blockbusters to reshoot but it's odd to have that story become that there's a problem and that so many reports were that Disney weren't hair with what they had. I don't think that contradicts what is said by the chap on AICN, but more of a change in spin...
  16. A few menus and loads are definitely slower. The overall improvement in layout it is good but it's back to chugging along like it did in the weeks immediately after release. A very minor niggle with the expansion, they've got one of the most clunkingly bad references in anything ever shoehorned into this. It's absolutely dreadful Also they have already had 2 'hey let's play Gwent to decide this thing' moments. And that's 2 too many. No more please.
  17. This world is one of the best fantasy worlds around. I'd love to see a movie based on it. Anywho... few quests down and it continues to deliver. Excellent stuff.
  18. CDProjekt are famous for supporting their games long after release. They don't just abandon them until they can charge you for DLC. A developer worth supporting I think.
  19. Microsoft have changed the Xbox 'closer' branding slightly but perhaps tellingly. They've used 'XBOX ONE: Jump Ahead' since the Xbox Ones release. But they've now shifted to just 'XBOX'. Seems to tie into the feeling that they're shifting focus to Xbox as a service and away from a console alone.
  20. E3 is nearly here and rumours and leaks are everywhere. New hardware! Maybe. Shock reveals! Maybe. And whatnot. Sony may announce the Neo console update, and presumably show some of the titles announced last year and desperately not say the words 'No Man's Sky'. Microsoft will allegedly be showing a slim Xbox, and possibly other devices, unlikely to be their own update console though. They will also certainly double down on unified Windows platform and PC cross platform stuff. And they'll reveal Forza Horizon 3. Which'll be good. Nintendo may as well not bother. They're bringing new Zelda, which is a big thing, but nothing else. The Wii U is dead and has been for a long old while, and Zelda is cross platform now with the NX, but they're only showing Wii U Zelda so straight away you know you're not even seeing the best iteration of the title. Elsewhere, Ubisoft will be their usual nuts self, with Ghost Recon Wildlands certainly getting some time on stage, Rockstar is rumoured to be showing off something somewhere (unusual for them), and EA's conference will be shit, with the same FIFA 15 mins as every year and only Mass Effect in with a shot of saving it. So... this year's e3 is either going to be dreadful given how many companies just don't care anymore, or it might be a fairly exciting one with the big players essentially announcing the end of traditional generations of consoles. We'll know in a couple of weeks.
  21. I was recently stood behind Malala Yousafzai in a cinema.
  22. Next year. I'd probably just about bet against it being announced at e3, although wouldn't be surprised to see them give a nod and a wink to 'more exciting things to be announced later in the year'. This year is going to be the slim Xbox One and whatever other devices they've got, Xbox as a service, UWP and some exclusive games stuff (Forza Horizon 3 is nailed on, Sea of Thieves maybe, something Battletoads as an outsider?).
  23. Neither are particularly useful as examples to the UK in this debate, other than as a 'name' to attach to the type of deal we'd be signing up for in the eventuality of an exit. Neither is anything like the UK hence neither has a similar relationship with the EU as we do. Norway is a comparatively tiny country that has an economy based on very different lines to us (including using large fossil fuel reserves and other natural resources we don't have to the same extent). Etc etc. Leaving the EU proper isn't going to turn the UK into Norway. But we will have a relationship on similar lines, still paying into the pot, still accepting most of the requirements, but having no seat at the table. Similar to being a client of the EU rather than a director. The Swiss are such a bizarre country politically is unlikely you'd find a decent comparison anywhere to them. But certainly not the UK.
  24. Listening to a podcast earlier the phrase 'on the sniff' put a smile on my face for hours.
  25. There's also the issue of the actual logistics of bringing about a European Superstate. The EU can't turnaround one morning and say to the best part of 30 countries 'lol we're all one now , burn your flags and present your leaders for reallocation'. There'd be an enormous legal operation that would take decades have to happen, in dozens of different systems. And that's assuming no country in Europe would have in its constitution or legislature the requirement for referendum in the event of any major change in the country's status. And even then that's assuming that both the people of all of these states want it, and that their political leaders are prepared to do something politicians rarely do, which is give up power and status. I'm absolutely certain there are people who would love a United States of Europe. Unfortunately for them I'm also absolutely certain that there's so many other interests at play that doesn't want that that it'll never happen. It's a red herring.
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