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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Kashmir - Led Zep. They could knock out some truly amazing songs, instantly recognisable.
  2. Cat Stevens - Wild World I never realised that Skins (never watched it so obviously I wouldn't) did an ensemble cover, and it's actually quite good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edE3cEhM0Mg. Really highlights the slightly uplifting side of that song. Almost makes me want to investigate the series... I also reckon Cat must be one of the most covered artists ever, people were coverin his songs before he'd even released them!
  3. Chindie


    it's interesting though that the conclusion that people appear to have come to was that it was a tax , even though my original post didn't mention the word tax could it just be a sign of how people view this government ? There could be something in this, but also it could be that myb introduced the idea of the government mooting investigating a tax hike on booze in the first reply.
  4. Chindie


    The government coffers must be a bit low, pick something the majority of people enjoy enough that they won't stop, and shove a bit more tax on it under the guise of being worried for our health. Anyway, raising the price, will I stop? No. I don't sit in bus stops knocking back hooch, I do however like going to a pub or a bar and having a drink and socialising, or having a couple in a club. Interestingly enough the price difference is already such across the country that in some places the prices cold end up verging on the ludicrous. I mean handing over a note at the bar and not getting any change for a pint mad. Which may stop people drinking (but not the ones they want to stop, rather people like myself and much of the rest of the population), but will also cause whatever withered faith the populaous has in the government to curl up and die. At best they'd be seen as even more of a laughing stock and at worst frauds, and perhaps if this kind of thing is to believed, some kind of governmental highway man, demanding money with menaces in an even more obvious way than usual.
  5. Jeff Buckley - Eternal Life and as I type Cat Stevens - Father and Son... Cat, guilty pleasure stuff, dad used to play it in the car when we went on holiday so brings back memories of summer hols. Shame he don't sing half the stuff anymore.
  6. Hopefully not :winkold: Led Zep - Kashmir and as I type that How I Made My Millions - Radiohead
  7. Yeah Boxer and Alligator. Alligator has some great songs on it too. Secret Meeting and City Middle especially. boxer is better though, so many great tracks. Ada, Apartment Story, Guest Room, Squalor Victoria... Gonna try and get hold of some of their earlier stuff as well. Heard its a bit different soundwise.
  8. Bloody addicted to this band. Great tune too.
  9. Chindie

    Do you read?

    I havent seen the adaptation actually... may have a mooch around in the unlikely event it's on the net anywhere. I loved the book, I'm unsure they could taint it. I do understand that feeling of having a book tainted by seeing an adaptation first though. I feel sorry for the people that saw the movies of the Lord of the Rings before reading the books (or never bothering to pick them up at all). As good as Jacksons portrayal was, whats in the mind would always be better, and reading them afterwards would definitely infuluence that perspective in the readers head.
  10. Chindie

    Do you read?

    The Wasp Factory is brilliantly written for such a messed up subject matter. It's very... real I guess is the best way you can describe it. I could imagine someone like the protagonist thinking and acting the way the book portrays quite easily. You should have a look at the Crow Road if you liked it, not such a mad basis for a story but a real page turner. I like the way it's structured, very rambling, hops all over the place in the history of a family, from the protagonist the youngest son to the father's childhood around the war.
  11. Chindie

    Do you read?

    I used to read a lot, being at uni means thats cut down and most of my reading now is academic (Leviathan right now is killing me). My favourite book is Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, incredibly funny and well written. Closely followed by the Crow Road by Iain Banks, the Wasp Factory by Iain Banks, and Nightwatch by Terry Pratchett.
  12. Amazingly good song. Guest Room - the National. Great band, thoroughly recommend them.
  13. Well it seems the black Hitler is doing things the wrong way round... Germany had the hyper inflation before the murdering.
  14. 18-The best age known to mankind :winkold: 19's better tbf mate. all the freedoms, with added maturity. so surely 20 is then better than 19? and 21 is better than .... and 22 ..... where does it stop? I'm gonna argue it stops at 21. The milestones there on in are bad news. Upto 21, you're invincible and a god amongst men :winkold:
  15. 18-The best age known to mankind :winkold: 19's better tbf mate. all the freedoms, with added maturity.
  16. 19. Although I apparently look and act older (regularly get people say I must be mid 20s. It's the stubble etc) so maybe that birth certificate is wrong...
  17. Heres one to piss off a certain poster... She's a Star - James
  18. They're not justifiying it though. Hvae there been any ministerial press releases or information programmes on "Project Griffin" to explain what they are doing. Search the internet and it will tell you how they are explaining to shopkeepers how to make their premises safer from terrorist attack. But that represents less than 5% of what they're up to. So far training has only gone as far as crowd control techniques, but the next step would be unthinkable. The war on terror reaches the high street. Crikey. As I said I don't know anything about this, first I've really heard of it tbh. May have a mooch about, it sounds rather shady. The whole idea of private security firms is one that doesn't sit well with me anyway, doesn't seem that far removed from protection money tbqh.
  19. I'll admit this is the first I've heard of any of this, but it is interesting... My immediate reaction would be it's an attempt to... pacify a public that increasingly feels unsafe everywhere. 'We want more bobbies on the beat' thinking is something the government can't really keep up with so they look for other solutions, get the Neighbourhood Watch sorting the petty stuff and the like. Add in the fact that policing these days is apparently (and annoyingly according to the police themselves) done with a pen and paper and filling out forms all day, and you stretch the useful of the force further. Flannagan appears to have a point. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone, drop the useless bureuacracy and help solve the first problem. Private security is a bloody terrifying prospect though. God knows how they are justifying that one. I'd rather not have safety in the event of a big incident put in the hands of the highest bidder... Interesting reading though. Worrying as well.
  20. Haha...erm... not as far as I know but it might explain why I love the book Good Omens and like the name Damian...:winkold:
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