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Everything posted by ferguson1

  1. Not wishing to stick up for the board too much here but they did exactly what Grant has suggested we do! They gave Lambert a considerable amount of time to build a structure/winning formula and he failed. Sounds like someone sticking up for his mates in Mcleish and Lambert to me.
  2. Would prefer him not to be around the squad next season, regardless of what league we are in! Simply not consistent or good enough anymore!
  3. I was really unsure about Garde around Christmas time, I was also at Wycombe away and was having serious doubts about him at that point. However, I am starting to like his methods and the way he conducts himself. He may not wave his arms around like Tim as much or come across so well in the media but his football philosophy appears to be finally rubbing off on the players. I would be more than happy now for Garde to lead us next season and see how it goes! Maybe he just needed time and some of us (me included) needed patience? He may also turn some of the playing rabble into half decent players if they are willing to listen and learn from him!
  4. Glass always half full and all that - at least we haven't signed anyone shit this window!
  5. Actions speak louder then words for me, that's what we have to judge him on surely! So in the short to medium term let's see if he can improve things around the place and perhaps he should occasionally tell us, as improvements are not always visible!!
  6. No! Firstly, what would the point as I think they (the players) and the board already know that we arn't happy. Secondly, I'm sure if and when that day comes it will hurt them also, whether that be for some mentally and/or financially!! At least we appear to be trying to get out of this mess now with a bit fight, organisation etc - albeit late!
  7. Although not a win today and I am as frustrated as the next man, you can see the improvement out there. Before January we'd have lost that game! Real shame cos we are a striker short from being a mid-table team, you can clearly see that. We can live with teams outside the top six now we just can't score. Gana, Lescott, Westwood and Gil were the stand out performers today for me, against a poor Albion team it has to be said. Penalty for me! The guy next to me said it looked soft but if these decisions were on the half way line you'd get them every time - think refs are just scared to give them unless completely clear cut. Wish the board would just sanction a loan fee for a decent striker!
  8. villa4europe makes a good point in that Jack's mindset has to be right but also you'd hope people at the club and indeed family are working with/supporting him. I don't believe agents do as in most cases they are surely interested in moves and improved contracts. I for one am not defending his actions and recent attitude but am stating that if we continue to boo and knock him, it may eventually drive him away from the club which we could then regret!
  9. Think shit and crap are pretty much the same thing aren't they? Joking apart, I know what you are saying here and think you are right. Bit of PR spin for an hour and get an appreciative applause but in reality think they treat us fans as being a bit dim.
  10. Have to agree with you DC and think some of the comments on here a little disappointing. Yes he has been poor this season and may not have started the season in the right frame of mind after summer antics etc but how can we say - his attitude sticks/abysmal, he's cocky, he's this and that? How do any of us know what he's like day in day out? For all we know he could be doing charity work on his afternoons off! Bit extreme I know but how do any of us know what he's really like. What you can see for sure is a 20 year old with little confidence to even do the basics right at present and think he should be supported because of this. I remember Tony Cascarino missing a golden chance in front of the holte and getting booed, him looking up at us all in disbelief, then almost out of guilt the crowd chanting his name - what I am trying to say is boing wont help a player whose confidence is shot to bits! Chanting his name may just help though!! Get his mindset right and back on track cos boy think we will need him next year.
  11. Unfortunately, we have simply left ourselves with just too much to do this year! I am ever the optimist and am all for fighting until mathematics say we are gone but just don't see us doing it. Other clubs getting a result here and there isn't helping either. The last two games have at least shown to me that Garde could be the man to stablise the team and get us playing next year but he will need to be fully supported by the board to do this. Hope the players keeping scrapping to the death as would hate to go down at a whimper.
  12. With Albion at weekend I agree with most that we need to rest key players. Bacuna to play if Hutton not fit still. Not sure if Bennett can play but could be an opportunity to put players in the shop window (ie Bennett, Richardson). Personally would keep Kozak in as match fitness still needs to be built up and a senior goal would do him the world of good: Bunn Hutton Richards Clark Bennett Sanchez Lyden Richardson Grealish Gestede Kozak Bench: Guzan Okore, Bacuna, Kinsella, Agbonlahor, Gil, Sinclair
  13. Who said we came out the blocks and took the game to them? What we did do though is make top of the league look ordinary with good organisation and play a second half that we pretty much had control of! Like I said in an earlier post, we were playing an in form team, top of the league and matched them! Gutless - no way!!
  14. Not sure if this was written out of frustration and/or heat of the moment Woodytom but crikey, how wrong can you be! Moreover, Aly Cissokho has just played against two of the most in form wingers of the season in Zaha and Mahrez and has stood up really well to them!!
  15. Haven't studied every player intently but we are quiet on the pitch compared to the opposition. Richards especially unless something really winds him up! Clark is more vocal and probably the best of the bunch in this respect. Lescott less so I think but look for it yourselves. Midfield bearly say anything to each other! Like I said previously, we point and instruct but no one actually leads the team and commands - gets in the opposition faces and that of the referee. Some may say this is bullying but it can get you that 'decision'. If a Robbie Savage had been on the pitch yesterday for us and seen Huth do what he did on Kozak, he would have been screaming at the ref! You may not get that decision but then makes the ref think twice about the next one! Man Utd did this effectively for years with Neville, Keane etc.
  16. Honestly, no! He certainly doesn't lead or command the back line. I'm not saying for one minute that we are a mute team overall as obviously there is pointing and organising during a game but there is no real leader. Not sure the language even comes into it? Plenty of foreign players in the league who 'boss' their team. A commander on the pitch who influences the team and at times can influence a referee. A Joey Barton if you like!! We really miss this I think and could be invaluable next year whatever league we are in.
  17. One final point from me regarding today and this season is just how much we lack leaders/organisers on the pitch! I am in a fortunate seat position whereby you can here the real 'talkers' on the pitch and we are such a quiet team!! Drinkwater today never stopped talking to his team, us on the other hand have a midfield that don't speak. Okore Lescott partnership is probably our best at present - but neither organise/speak during games. It is a real problem and can be overlooked from afar ( ie TV ). This needs to be addressed with a signing or two because these types are just not in our squad.
  18. Completely agree! We have seen some complete dross this season and at least we are now seeing team selections that make sense and performances to match. Think today was decent just not as good as midweek for sure. Think we have missed a trick not signing someone before today's game as may have just given us that extra lift? Like I said earlier it's just too late unfortunately.
  19. Am surprised at some of the posts on here tonight? We have just played a team top of the league who have just come back off a win at Spurs and we are questioning their ability and ours? Don't know how we can call them 'limited' and say that it was a really poor first half? Perhaps we were scared of their pace as shown by their goal. Don't think we should disrespect the opposition too much but perhaps give more credit to us. Bottom plays top and we did do well - just because they are Leicester and not a Man City, doesn't mean to say that we should undermine! Both Palace and Leicester have excellent away records and quite frankly our home record is appalling, so 4 points from them is better than expected.
  20. Cannot fault the effort but we so lack guile and a cutting edge in the final third of the pitch, which has been really evident in the last two games. Partly down to the fact that we are keeping the ball better and not surrending it so easily as under Sherwood. During a period in the second half today we must have made about 30/40 passes without Leicester touching it, but no end product! No real stand out performances today but Ally in the last two games has been really solid defensively! Has stood up really well to Zaha and Mahrez, which has shown that he should have been kept from the start. Only slight disappointment for me over the last two games has been Gill - probably our best two performances of the season in a week and feel that our most creative player has been anything but and usually I really him. I'm pleased to finally see a team that most of us would pick on the pitch and that we are playing football. Moreover, we are standing up to teams and not rolling over but we are gone as there is just too much to do!! Too little too late unfortunately and a real shame. Should be pleased about today but feel really down about things for some reason?
  21. A late Spurs goal could be good for us, as it may take a lot out of the Leicester players!
  22. Did well last night but should be a squad player. 0 goals from central midfield this season is a big problem. He is not a youngster anymore and Veretout has the makings of being a much better player. We have no better at present and should be replaced in this window or the next.
  23. Don't think you can dislike the guy to be honest. Seems a likeable character and genuine when speaking. If we were mid table then he would have my full backing but not so sure he understands the fight required and/or the Championship should the unthinkable happen. Happy to be proved wrong though and should he keep us up then he should win manager of the year! Would be a monumental achievement!!
  24. Have to start with the same team otherwise it sends out a poor message! Put a real shift in and you play, simple as that: Bunn Bacuna Okore Lescott Cissokho Westwood Gana Gil Veretout Ayew Kozak Shame looks like Vardy being back. Wonder if playing 24 hours earlier than Leicester will go in our favour though? If we play with the same intensity and spirit then 2-1 to us.
  25. We were debating walking back to the car last night and you have to concentrate on the closest team to you, that is Sunderland at the moment and 4 points! Try to catch them one at a time!! I too think it maybe just a little too much overall but win at the weekend and results go our way, then it could be really interesting.
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