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Everything posted by ferguson1

  1. His crapness is totally infectious to the rest! What a twonk!!
  2. Not worth giving a sensible post match review is it! Surprised it wasn't worse to be honest. Richards should not play again for this football club. Can't even think of a MOTM? Who care's!
  3. Diamonique Spectacular on QVC right now! Never too late to buy a gift for someone special.
  4. Would not be sorry to see him walk now.
  5. Gabby should be given a custodial sentence!
  6. Has to be replaced by Okore in the next match and for the remainder of the season!
  7. Westwood first touched the ball in the 29th minute! As bad as Gabby so far, but we are drawing so can't complain.
  8. Yep, couldn't agree more with this! Should be the first two out the door in the summer, closely followed by at least five or six others. I still think of that Laursen and Mellberg partnership - now those two were polar opposites in every way.
  9. Can't disagree with any of the post above to be honest. Richards is quite simply a terrible club captain and must be such a poor influence on the rest of the squad. Petty of me here I know, but the fact he chews gum during games really bugs me too, smacks of cockiness and arrogance. As I said in my previous post in this thread, our first signing in the summer needs to be our new captain! Again, I am really not sure who or what position but we need a real leader and someone that sets an example to the rest. Quite simply, we so lack a Barry, Petrov etc
  10. Nothing but a Man City win here. If fit, Okore has to return and Richards to RB in the hope that he will want to put in a performance against his former club: ---------------------Guzan------------------------ Richards------Okore-------Lescott------Cissokho ---------------------Gana------------------------- -----------Bacuna-----------Westwood--------- ------Ayew------Gestede------Agbonlahor----- Think Garde may just stick with the five at the back though, but would rather see us play with a four! Little bit of pace playing off Gestede could cause them one or two problems possibly? Bench of: Bunn, Hutton, Clark, Veretout, Lyden, Gil, Sinclair. 5-1 to Man City unfortunately!
  11. Here, here and spot on! Thank you again to you and all those involved!! Standing still won't change anything and momentum is key as you quite rightly say. UTV and OTDO74.
  12. I do agree with this I really do but as I said above and on page 410, does Garde actually have a pattern of play and idea of how he wants to see us play now and next season? Really starting to have doubts about him to be honest. Yes I would like to see Lyden, possibly Mason and Sellars etc introduced but then again are they ready for it?
  13. Whilst I agree with you to a point about planning now for next year, it is difficult if firstly you arn't sure who may remain within your playing staff? All well and good a player saying "I want to stay" but if good offers are received we will take them, make no mistake about that! Secondly, the current manager may not be here, either because he walks or the club have a change of heart about him. Just too many if's and but's I'm afraid to make any real plans.
  14. The club is just rotten isn't it and do agree with you Woodytom. The problem is not just with the board, manager etc. I'm not even sure who a good influence is amongst our playing staff? Who is vocal and leads in the dressing room? Who is vocal and leads on the pitch? If I was a young player coming through who would I want to influence me? Players with experience, know how and have seen it and done it. Richards, Lescott, Hutton, Gabby - no thanks! No wonder we are a mess!! I only wish we could have a jumble sale in June but realistically that's not going to happen. However, first signing I would want to make in the summer should be our new captain! Not sure who or what position but someone that is an influence to the rest and a good one at that.
  15. The table doesn't lie does it! Best team finishes top, worst team finishes bottom and quite simply we are the worst team. Whether it be Garde in charge or someone else, I still think we would be going down as this team is just so mentally weak. As I have said in the Garde thread, my concern now is whether Garde is the man to bring us back?
  16. First time I have ever left a Villa game before the end and in all honestly felt pleased that I did! Even missing a bloody goal. A good number seemed to leave for what I could see. Fantastic achievement from all those involved and to think that this was only an idea week or so ago - well done guys!!
  17. Have to say that changing your managers regularly is usually a recipe for disaster but I am now starting to doubt that Garde is the right man to significantly change the culture of the team etc. There were glimpses after Christmas (especially after Wycombe) that he may have finally got his philosophy and ideas across but we generally look as clueless now as we did last year. Can fully understand if Okore cannot play three games in a week but why then revert to three at the back? Midfield huff and puff but create nothing and we have a forward line that is just toothless! I just don't see how we are trying to play? Also, I hadn't realised until a bloke behind me said tonight that we had finally got our first corner in three games!! Now i'm sure Garde knows most of the players are simply not good enough but surely we should now see improvements across the pitch and a pattern of play to take us forward next season? We have to question the training methods and are the players simply not getting the approach suggested or do they not want to hear it from Garde? Sorry for the rant here guys but I am just fed up of coming away from a game so annoyed at our short comings. Most weeks, including tonight I feel the opposition arn't even that great either but they simply find a way of scoring two/three goals against us. I have fully accepted that we are going down but now worry that Garde is not the man to bring us back!
  18. Honestly thought we were OK at times tonight but we must be so mentally fragile as a team? Without playing well by their standards, Everton had I think three chances in the first half and scored two of them! Cissokho, Gana and Ayew are the only ones that can take any credit from tonight. Special mention and well done to the guys who organised OTDO74, probably a couple of thousand left I reckon? At least I guessed the correct score in the pre match thread again! Really not sure now if we will win another game this season as we are that bad!!
  19. Toasties! Love them to be honest but hate cleaning the bloody toastie maker afterwards. Had a ham and cheese one tonight but do like to put some Branston pickle in sometimes as well. Have to let it cool though otherwise it can strip the skin off your lips!
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