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Hobsons Choice

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Everything posted by Hobsons Choice

  1. The fact that I have never before seen a press statement reassuring people that someone will be bid on and sold probably tells me all I need to know about this one.
  2. I love it. Feel bad for him, but give me 1 honest player with big hearts over 10 talented mercs. We just gotta give him the love and that passion will be like an extra 15% performance. Edit, I meant that the other way round. I got no sleep last night.
  3. They are always so good with these designs. They look like no one else.
  4. Oh god that Freiburg kit just gave me eye cancer. And how cheaply made does that Southampton shirt look? Sponsor will be off in one wash. Actually quite like the Leeds one. Can't go wrong with that colour combo, really.
  5. Ah, I see Sevilla are going for the 'ruptured blood vessel behind the retina' approach this year.
  6. Felix is almost tailor made for our system, and where we need to improve. Getting him would be fantastic. Attitude wise, I don't know, but I'm sure Unai does.
  7. Have you SEEN the cost of stamps these days!?
  8. Well at least the weather's nice for him today.
  9. Nah, PSG had an agent in the boardroom. He switched contracts just before Pau entered. He just has signed for PSG.
  10. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssss!!!!!!!!! Get in. Massive welcome, Pau.
  11. Oh s***. Those will be prised out of Carol Decker's cold dead hands. Signing is as good as cancelled. Oh GOD!
  12. I was toying with the idea of using size 70 font. Tbh i'm just bored. Work is boring. When VT is boring as well then I'm forced to resort to interacting with my coworkers.
  13. Fair points. In terms of transition to net zero, for me it has to be top down, starting with the energy producers. I mean it should be a no brainer. Renewable energy is (once infrastructure is in place) essentially deriving a saleable product for free. It must only be resistance to change that is keeping the big oil folks from switching wholesale to renewables. We're relying on governments to get them to make this switch and to ensure they price energy at a level which is reasonably close to cost of production. Do this, and it's your carrot. Significantly cheaper energy, significantly cheaper travel (as vehicles will be electric), and significantly cheaper prices on goods, as they will cost less to transport/make.
  14. Take a tablet and drink lots of water.
  15. If you are talking about predictions in the media that's one thing, and I'm not sure any scientists will have said categorically that x or y event will occur. That's not how science works. They work in terms of risk potential, and there is significant potential risk. The models have been pretty accurate in terms of predicting temperature rise. This is from the NASA website on climate change. It basically takes climate predictions from aggregated model runs done in 2004, and measures performance against observations. I do, however, based on the potential outcomes both to us and the environment from ecosystem collapses, think you have drastically underestimated the effects of climate change. Sustainability of forests, sea ecosystems, crops, pollinators, etc etc are all a threat to us and the environment. If we get widespread ecosystem collapse, aircon ain't gonna save ya. I would urge you to watch the attenborough documentary 'Climate Change- the facts', which whilst a little glib, was a reasonable entry level investigation into the potential systemic effects of climate change, and our current status against indicators in those systems.
  16. I appreciate where you are going with positivity, and you are right to an extent, but it really has to be both carrot and stick. It does no-one any favours by ignoring the severity of the problem. If someone is in the middle of the road with a car barrelling towards them, you don't get them to jump on the footpath by telling them that they can admire the shape of the wing mirrors better from the verge.
  17. Unpopular opinion probably, but I don't want the words 'player cards', 'boosts' or 'packs' anywhere near football, or another sports games.
  18. The money that these folks have, can you imagine the potential for corruption in this league. Expect strange 30 yard backpasses to get corner kicks in the 37th minute. Still, it will be funny to watch 4 owners attempt to buy the league at the same time.
  19. Very very late to it, but managed to get hold of Apple TV yesterday, and wondered about Ted Lasso, as I'd heard about it. The premise sounded a bit silly, and I thought it would be a hokey American take on football which would seem to be wholly ridiculous to actual football folk. I watched 7 episodes of the first series back to back. It's absolutely fantastic. One of the most positive uplifting things I've seen in years, and straight into my top 5 TV shows.
  20. It is in an ATC control zone. The pilot will have no control at all over it's flight path. ATC will tell them exactly what route to take. Unfortunately.
  21. Oof. He came from Valencia to Birmingham. Valencia is lovely. Hope they take him to Bodymoor via Solihull and Sutton Park, and not on the M42.
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