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Hobsons Choice

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Everything posted by Hobsons Choice

  1. After Trump Mk 2 you'll be lucky if you have a supreme court. Or anything even close to impartial federal apparatus. Or a democracy. We're all rooting for you. Sort your rednecks out.
  2. Apparently nukes can stop a hurricane.....in bizarro-world. And with absolutely no ill effects in the long term! Hurrah!
  3. I like the tagline. Prepared is soooo 19th Century. This is for da youff ting innit.
  4. This is the most cockney thing to have happened since Mary Poppins ate some jellied eels while walking down the apples and pears.
  5. I would guess that it's taking this long because they were not expecting the utter horror that greeted the earlier leak. Hopefully they have spent the intervening period actually doing something about it.
  6. "And on today's episode of 'let's elect a fascist', we have an orange man from New York who's hobbies are s***ing on the poor, and trying desperately to find an excuse to use nuclear weapons to ravage the environment. Welcome Donald."
  7. Welcome Kosta! I mean, welcome for the future when you actually arrive.
  8. Hobsons Choice


    Guy ruined a perfectly good ice cream for that joke. Sigh. He could have at least used one of those horrible foot shaped ones.
  9. Fair enough, I didn't know that, although it makes sense.
  10. Is that true, I couldn't find reference to it? That said i'd say it's arguably unsportsmanlike conduct, which while not formally defined is a booking.
  11. Sure, they might have been watching more diligently, but if they set up correctly when the ball is placed, why would they need to continue to watch to make sure that the kick taker doesn't move the ball when he's not actually allowed to. That's the ref's job. A kick is awarded in a position, and that position shouldn't change. As the ball is not taken from the location of the foul, it was an illegal kick. It should not have counted. Many laws of the game are open to interpretation, but that one is not. It's not the job of players to police the situation and account for illegality, it's the ref's. It's awful reffing.
  12. Yeah you might be right about the defense. I've been quite impressed by Lenglet, but I must admit Diego has been disappointing for me since his return. During our capitulation against United he gave the ball away several times, including one which led directly to the goal. I think Pau, with his progressive passing adds so much to our build up, and Konsa has a turn of pace, so, yeah hopefully we can get back to where we should be soon.
  13. I get that, sure, and it's a fair point, but my thinking is- should we be trying to increase chances created even further, at the expense of defensive solidity, when the stats already have us on a par or better than our peers on that metric. xG is telling us there that we have had enough quality chances to beat everton there easily, but we've not taken them. From a purely aesthetic point of view, when I see a striker from any team spurn lots of chances, I don't watch a game and think 'he needs more chances', I think 'he should be putting those away'. I'm not sure how you coach that in honesty, or if it's just a matter of personnel, but I don't necessarily think we need a radical overhaul of the system to create more. The stats show we're doing fine. Maybe call it an off day, against Everton, I don't know. Our goals for/against in the league don't really point to a defensive or offensive weakness either, really. nb while looking at stats just I've noticed that Bailey is smashing his personal xG. Most other folk are there or there about. Cash is underachieving in terms of goals.
  14. Hobsons Choice


    Theoretically they anthropomorphise storms so that people will take more notice and take safety precautions. That's why it doesn't work in the UK. Half of Kent end up belligerently standing on their doorsteps holding banners which say 'foreign wind, f*** off', and 'Piss off back to the Azores, you windy Portuguese B****rd'. You don't get this with British wind. Know where you stand with British wind. British wind has manners.
  15. Well no, why should Forest have to account for Brentford breaking the rules. That's why there are rules.
  16. Hobsons Choice


    Well yeah. Jeff, a delivery driver from Romford, not so much.
  17. Hobsons Choice


    Ffs. I mean who has time to give a f*** about the naming of storms.
  18. To me, the Toney thing depends on how you look at the foam. Is it a formal marker denoting the location of a free kick, or just a handy guide? If it's the former, to me it is more akin to trying to move the corner flag to improve the angle of the ball in. If the latter, it's just like trying to move the ball a few yards at a free kick as is done frequently where no foam is used. Law 13 says nothing about the use of foam that I can see. Technically the ball is not being taken from the site of the offence, which is marked by the foam. As he moves the foam, and the ball, by the letter of the law the goal should not have stood. For me, if Toney had moved the ball but not the mark, i'd have said that it's on the ref for not spotting/enforcing it. As he tried to move the foam, i'd say it's probably not on. It's not a massive deal to the player, perhaps at most a caution for dissent (unsporting behaviour)? The goal should not have stood though, really.
  19. Sounds like Alonso could be a good one then. Interesting. You can never tell, can you?
  20. I don't really follow German football, so asking those who do- is their success down to a system, or is Alonso the real deal?
  21. Well just looking at those stats the most obvious thing to me is that the other teams shown, Liverpool and Man City, had scorelines which equalled or bettered their xG, and we didn't. That suggests a lack of clinical finishing, rather than a lack of chance creation. We had a greater xG than Liverpool, and they scored 4!
  22. I was thinking of doing this, now the remaster of part 2 is out. It's been years since I played part 1, but I remember it being tense to the point of stressful. It was amongst the best story and voice acting I'd seen in any medium though, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've never felt 'ready' to dive in to part 2 but it's getting past due.
  23. Law 12 says that it's a foul if you impede the progress of opponent without contact, 'impeding defined as : 'moving into the opponent’s path to obstruct, block, slow down or force a change of direction when the ball is not within playing distance of either player.' GK was blocked off the ball.
  24. That goal looked like a foul on the keeper to me.
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