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Hobsons Choice

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Everything posted by Hobsons Choice

  1. Does anyone remember a time we played united and the ref wasn't giving them a bj every decision?
  2. I hate Man U with the fiery passion of a thousand suns.
  3. I'll never get back what I lost. There is a family funeral next week that I am not invited to that is testament to that.
  4. And this is how I am also torn internally. As I said I'm normally extremely tolerant and easy going. Look at my posts over the years, and I'm always firmly planted in the rational (I am a scientist), but man this divided my family and friends in ways I never thought possible, and it's hard to be rational on this subject. Hard for me anyway. It runs too deep and caused too much hurt.
  5. Look, sympathy is a personal thing. You can't make people feel sympathy. It's not a religion, it's me saying I'm not accepting an apology that has not been offered, and I'm not sympathetic to people who have yet to even realise the ways in which they have hurt others, and frankly don't care. Do I sympathise with those who voted remain, or even did not vote and who have been affected? Yes absolutely. Do I welcome and encourage a change in direction and mindset by former brexiteers? Yes absolutely. Do I sympathise with people who should have known better and did nothing but vote with vitriol toward foreigners to get a blue passport and bendy bananas? No. Not if they still think they are the principal victims here and have been done wrong. I appreciate you are trying to be the bigger man here, and I am also trying, but I can't make myself sympathise with these people if they don't give a shit.
  6. I hope you are right, but don't people voting for folks like Trump as a response to the crisis in 2008 caused by banks and businesses realise that a vote for Trump is a vote for banks and business? It makes no sense at all, unless there is something else going on.
  7. I will forgive them in time, of course, and perhaps I was being a little hyperbolic. But sympathy in this case must for me go hand in hand with responsibility. When the penny drops and people involved accept their responsibility for it then yeah, absolutely, but there has been no contrition at all. Taking the Brexiteers in my family as an example, the blame has so far been levelled at; Boris Johnson (not implementing it properly), Liz Truss (Likewise), tories in general for not explicitly telling them the plan they hatched was shit, immigrants (yes according to some in my family immigrants are the reason Brexit hasn't worked), the French, the Germans. Not a single one of the Brexiteers I have EVER spoken to after brexit, and now think it was a bad idea have said that 'maybe I should have looked into it a little bit before I voted for' not a f***ing one of them.
  8. I appreciate that but on a personal level I find it hard to forgive the damage to my mental health caused by the back end of 2016. Brexit tore apart my family, split in two to this day. I'm not convinced those people who voted Brexit have learned anything whatsoever. They are not changing their mind because they realise they were wrong. They are changing it because it is hurting them. Maybe we all need some hurt to make it sink in, or no lessons will ever be learned and this will happen bigger and worse in the future. We deserve everything we get as a country as a result of that disastrous decision, and I'm pretty sick of people absolving their responsibility for it through pleads of ignorance. Ignorance is not an excuse. Yeah. I'm still f***ing angry.
  9. I'm usually very forgiving, but I'm afraid I don't feel much sympathy for those who voted Brexit and have been f***ed over by Brexit. See when I am asked to give an opinion on something that I don't know much about, I either 1). Find out more about it until I have an opinion I can defend, or 2). Don't give an opinion. I don't pretend I know when I don't. In the case of option 1, even the smallest amount of research, or even thought would have exposed the nonsense that the Brexit side was peddling. Brexit won because of people thinking they knew what the argument was about, but they didn't.
  10. If there is one team in this whole league I would like us to beat, just one, It's Man U. Bunch of sham, cheating prima donnas. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase!
  11. We played Carlos in defence and Dendonker in for Kamara for the Man U game. Against Newcastle we had to play Konsa in the middle and Cash out wide who got mullered by Gordon and Burn. In neither game did we have Pau or Tielemans. I see your points, but we've not had a first team defence and/or midfield now for weeks. Most of our defensive prowess came from offside traps and the high line. Our first teamers are just far far superior at that than our reserves. Also, when Pau is in we have a much better out ball which stops our midfield dropping so deep and takes the pressure off them. Against Chelsea- Makeshift defence Against Newcastle- Makeshift defence Against Everton- Makeshift defence Man U in December - Makeshift defence The sheffield united game in december was when most on here have said we started to drop off. That was the first game after we lost Pau, who'd played in most of the previous games, including the wins against Arsenal and Man City.
  12. I don't agree that there are many factors. I think if you lined up a graph of 'injuries to first team players' and 'form', they would correlate very nicely. There is pretty much one reason we've seen the dip in form, and that's the injuries to players integral to the way we play. Pau and Konsa being the obvious ones.
  13. I would suspect all systems are undone by this. Kamara has been especially guilty of this recently. He's a great player but needs to work on distribution, even if he just gives it to Dougie as his pivot-mate.
  14. I would like someone who has played BG3 to tell me whether you need to be into a fantasy setting to like it. It's not a theme I generally vibe with, but if the game is good enough I will happily make an exception. I could do with knowing as it's still quite expensive, so I don't want to buy without knowing whether I'll like it.
  15. Fear is all they've got. It's all those right wing parties always have. Fear and anger. Us vs them. White vs. Black. Christian vs. Muslim. Native vs. Immigrant. Britain vs. Europe. Play to the basest of human emotions, create a disparity, engender fear of this disparity and weaponise those who are vulnerable and impressionable by making them afraid and angry, whilst ensuring the campaign continues by destroying or discrediting education systems and information channels, thereby creating more vulnerable and impressionable people. They do it not because they themselves are vulnerable or impressionable. They don't believe the crap they peddle. They know it's false and still say it to acquire power. Anyone with even the slightest semblance of a braincell knocking around in their head will realise (independently), that you don't solve problems, be they economic, demographic, environmental, or cultural that affect all of the groups mentioned above- in fact problems that plague the world, by division.
  16. I would go one further and conjecture that their mothers were prostitutes.
  17. You do realise we're close to being pumped up the jacksie by FFP, right?
  18. Lacking passion. Haha. The guy works 15 hours a day trying to improve us.
  19. Nice response. I'll draw some comfort from this.
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