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Hobsons Choice

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Everything posted by Hobsons Choice

  1. I'm 100% reserving any judgment on our transfer dealings until we see both halves of the equation- up to the end of June, and after June. Clearly this is a highly unusual window in that we can't just get who we want off the bat, so I'm gonna wait to see all the variables. If our early dealings are just squad building/PRS negotiation, and adding quality comes later, then the whole perspective of the window shifts and a few could be left with egg on face at going ballistic early doors.
  2. Failure to remember the lessons our ancestors fought for, means we are doomed to repeat them, unfortunately.
  3. I'm surprised that people are surprised that it's not been red hot entertainment, or played with much effort. Can you imagine if you were a retired footballer, and you sit down with your grandkids to tell them the story of how you were selected to play in a major tournament for England, but had to go home because you injured yourself in a pre tournament game against Iceland.
  4. A bit like his 'crest will be ready in a couple of weeks' type remark, made in January.
  5. My stance is softening a bit on getting him back, but I don't want Man City Robo-Jack, I want 'wtf is he gonna do next' Jack. I love the idea of old Villa jack being coached by Emery. Unstoppable. Whether we would see that is another matter. Plus I don't think I'll ever hold him in the esteem that I did, due to his departure. There will subconsciously be a bit of a bad taste no matter what.
  6. In fairness I freaking loved this shirt.
  7. Ramsey can kiss his senior England career goodbye then.
  8. This is why I'm arguing for greater regulation, just not this in this deeply unfair configuration. I'm not in any way financially minded, or legally minded, but how about something like- whenever a team buys a player, a percentage of the fee is distributed amongst the remaining teams in the league, based on where they finished the previous season or estimated squad value. It would mean that the big boys could still swing their dicks around, but the rest of us still get some possibility of getting some talent in. It also means that an expensive flop (such as some of those going to Chelsea), or superfluous spending actually hurts the big teams. Plus this recompense would not be big enough to cause teams to deliberately finish lower.
  9. The folks who say it is fair, because the big teams bring in more income, generally neglect to speculate how one becomes a Big Team. You don't catch up by going slower and spending less. That's why this version of FFP is not in the slightest bit fair. It punishes ambition and success, unless you are already successful. It HAS to go, and needs to be replaced by something which is fair for all teams, not just Man City, who breach them anyway!
  10. So could we sell Doug in June, and buy him back in July? I must be honest this FFP thing baffles me. I know it's on a 3 year cycle, but it seems so silly.
  11. Hard to see how we improve our squad depth and quality this summer tbh. Hopefully we can do some moneyball shiz, and find some gems.
  12. Cool! let me know how it is. I stumbled onto the Stanley Dragon Boat races while I was there, which was awesome. And the Peak. And Yoshinoya! All awesome.
  13. Spent a bunch of time in India. Mumbai is like an enormous barrel of f****d up snakes. Can't say I liked it much. I was there for a week, and it was incredibly draining. Hampi on the other hand was incredible.
  14. Have you been to Hong Kong recently? I went back in 2008, before it got quite 'fruity' with China, and I also loved the constant motion and activity. I was wondering- how much it has changed in the meantime?
  15. Ach. Why did they only put the % sign in the tackle section? Bloody stats monkeys ruining my day. I'm going to have to speak to them about displaying their UNITS!!! As a scientist I really want to poo in their cornflakes now.
  16. I don't care what we are officially saying as a club, the Premier League needs more financial regulation, not less. It just needs to be equitable. Clubs, like all businesses know what they want (complete monopoly), but need to be saved from themselves. If the clubs in the PL got what they want (free reign and unlimited funds), it would completely ruin the sport. It would become completely homogenous, boring, and no-one would watch it (see Red Bull and F1 for details).
  17. With those stats he could just BE our midfield.
  18. He still makes nearly twice the forward passes that Doug does, even if they make up a lower % of his game. And with way fewer minutes. Those stats are stratospheric.
  19. Box to box midfielder with 29 goals in a season. Yikes.
  20. Starmer should just go into the debates and say 'hands up if your party had a leader that broke the economy in a week'. And leave it there.
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