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Hobsons Choice

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Everything posted by Hobsons Choice

  1. I didn't say that TLJ wasn't shit, I just said that I quite liked it (largely the visual element), and that it wasn't safe. And I pretty much agree with your other points, although I maintain that in absolutely no way did the fans (for the most part, although I appreciate you may not be an example of this) want originality from the series. It was pure nostalgia, and I think you hit it on the head there- a theme park ride. To some degree, that's what JJ Abrams does, although I have enjoyed a number of his films in the past, notably MI3, which I think is about the best one of that series.
  2. I appreciate that it's not for everyone, but might I ask at what point you jumped ship on Wanda Vision? I ask, because really the early episodes are almost intentionally banal, and the later ones ramp up the action and tension. As an aside, I'd never really thought of Elizabeth Olsen as a good actor beforehand, but I thought she played the tragic/abusive backstory incredibly well. I have heard though that much of that goes out of the window in the new Dr Strange, but I've tried to avoid spoilers.
  3. There is a thing in a place, and we need to go and get the thing and take it to a place.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz TFA was safe, very safe, and people liked it because it was essentially identical to episode 4. I mean the plot beats are EXACTLY THE SAME. TLJ took some risks with the plot.....so everyone hated it because entitled fan pressure really just demanded Empire with a new name. Except they would have hated that more, because it would have been EXACTLY THE SAME. So because of said fan pressure (literally the worst thing to ever happen to the creative arts), they went even more safe for the final episode to the point that they were sh*t scared to even have a plot because it would offend someone, who made up a plot in their head anyway. Absolute tosh, and case in point for NEVER remaking anything.
  4. I thought it was better than the bulls**t macguffin hunt that was Rise of Skywalker.
  5. Oof, Star Wars. I am in the minority of 1 human in earth who really liked the Last Jedi, but I couldn't finish the Rise of Skywalker. Appalling film.
  6. I'm kind of with you in that I've not been able to get on board with the TV stuff. I kind of only really engage with the movies, and even then I'm struggling to pick up again after Endgame because the arc was just so perfect. That said, I also agree with the other poster, as I did watch WV and I thought it was great. The first episodes almost intentionally slow and reverent, but then the cracks start appearing. I missed Dr Strange 2 at the Cinema, so I'm looking forward to it. I'll watch it tonight after the kids are abed.
  7. I would recommend watching it anyway tbf. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I found it's ambition as a TV series to be staggering.
  8. The Leicester sponsor looks so amateurish to me. Just looks like absolutely no thought has gone into it at all. Looks like an '80's kit.
  9. I genuinely think that the quality of players in the Prem this year is going to be the highest ever, and the competition is going to be fierce right through the league. Even more so than ever the Prem is the place where top players want to test their mettle. Haaland is further evidence of this. I'm just glad we came up when we did, cos I think it's nailed on that the promoted teams are going to go back down again. I just can't see Notts forest getting anywhere near safety unless they spend 100 million plus.
  10. I'll see you in a couple of weeks, folks. This forum has become unbearable over the last few days.
  11. Don't think there are any 10s in there. All 8s and an occasional 6. Kind of meaningless really, as there was no concept of those roles at the time. If we're talking about who could play a present day 6 role, I'd say Rico, maybe Houghton. 8's - Draper, Townsend, Taylor. If I had to say the name of a possible 10 from the past I'd say Lee Hendrie.
  12. That is good news, but it will be a challenge getting it out of Ukraine, come harvest.
  13. Isn't that where it's held in the Netflix movie? Art imitating art.
  14. Or put another way, which would you rather get cut out? Your left eye or your right eye?
  15. Can we move this to other football yet? It's starting to smell a bit ripe.
  16. I'll give them that one and raise them 100 million for Jack Grealish.
  17. If his tactics are up to snuff, he'll be a cracking manager. By all accounts a great leader, which should translate to man management.
  18. I like the home kit a lot. Looks reasonable quality when you zoom in.
  19. I think that's very classy personally. Edit- although I have to question whether in the famously photogenic city of York they may not have found a few better locations for the photo shoot. 'Yeah it'll be fine here, lads. Factories and that.'
  20. I can't hold any ill will toward Tekkers at all. He stayed way longer than was good for his career, and was absolutely tremendous for us. He was a light year ahead of the quality of the rest of the team at the time.
  21. Ashley Westwood is a poor man's Ashley Westwood.
  22. Watching this, I think the takeaway is how far we've come since then. To reiterate- Scott Hogan scoring for Villa in a game against Bristol City in the league! Now we have Coutinho playing for us against Man City.
  23. Was just about to post this. Cripes what an appalling team.
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