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Hobsons Choice

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Everything posted by Hobsons Choice

  1. That Flamengo kit got enough sponsors, or what? They'll be selling ad space on the players foreheads soon.
  2. Glad you said that, I've been asking that for ages. I don't see how cutting tax would do anything but make inflation worse.
  3. According to Truss we are lazy and need to work harder. Said as the PM takes another holiday during a cost of living crisis. Whilst where we’re all being paid less and less for more work. Because the government did so little to pre-empt fuel costs. And because their Brexit bulls**t meant that all the foreign workers we relied on have left the country. And while people are struggling or are going to struggle to afford food, fuel and heating. Because energy costs have increased by 400%. I'm trying to think of another government that has so brazenly taken the everloving piss out of the population that in theory gives them power. Nope. Drawing a blank. F**k Truss, and F**k the tories. I've voted for them in the past, but they are just pissing on us and calling it rain.
  4. I do a lot of site work in rural areas away from postcodes. What three words makes my life a thousand times easier when setting out works when I don't have a GPS, or when I'm meeting contractors.
  5. Ahahahahahahahaha. Ha. Ha. Ahahahahahahaha. That is all.
  6. Hobsons Choice


    I'm glad I'm not on your tariff!
  7. Hobsons Choice


    Oh shit I didn't think of that. Gotta go. Must buy wine. Emergency.
  8. Hobsons Choice


    Massive wildfire in France, near Bordeaux.
  9. Reduced world stability for sure. Their withdrawal from the world stage under trump (and I might say their abstinence from global responsibility (climate change being but 1 example, but also with respect to military rhetoric)), has in my opinion been one of the factors leading to the current state of affairs we find ourselves in. Of course the pandemic has also led to economic instability, but had it been handled domestically better, rather than downplaying it, and suggesting bleach IVs, the economic picture may have been more favourable elsewhere also, and dictators may have been less inclined to be so bold. Of course there are lots and lots of factors at play here, but the irresponsible trump administration won't have helped.
  10. Good point. I guess like everything it comes down to controlling energy security.
  11. Fair point, but surely if the business is highly profitable, the equity which would need to be purchased would be very valuable?
  12. In fairness, the country is flat broke after covid. I'm willing to change my mind in light of a good argument to the contrary, but I can't see how we could bring utilities under public ownership at the moment. I can't see how we as consumers would pay less, anyway, as the government would need to raise capital to compulsory purchase?
  13. Truss not going to share policy info with her rival in case he uses it himself. Sorry to tell you Liz, but 'f**k the poor' is already policy.
  14. Everyone and everything should have oversight. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.
  15. It's also quite close to 'democracy' in Trump's America. He lost an election and tried to whip up his base to overthrow a democratically elected government. The guy should be in jail. He's a threat to everything the west has ever stood for (even acknowledging modern America has lost it's way).
  16. IIRC, Hillary was a shoe-in until the email server thing broke a week before the election. The irony is that Trump did at least 80 things that were more immoral and illegal every day he was in the White House than the thing that cost Clinton the election. And large swathes of the US public not only let it happen, but encouraged it. I think America is lost, honestly.
  17. Small point, but having spent time in Vietnam, they are not likely to go to war with anyone, not least the US. The US may be obsessed with the Vietnam war, but the Vietnamese are much more future facing in my experience.
  18. Depends on if there is any bad blood from last time, as irrational or rational as it might be.
  19. From the Guardian (I know, but it contains direct quotes) Astonishing that the government takes no responsibility for this, given that they are in power. It's like pouring wine all over your white carpet, and blaming the vacuum cleaner for not being able to deal with it.
  20. Inflation is predicted at 13%. So far the BOE has increased the interest rate to around 1.75%, but they will need to go way further to control inflation. This will filter to banks, and in turn variable rate mortgages.
  21. What's our inflation level compared to others around the world?
  22. She's an unprincipled Trump era populist. She'll do whatever is popular at the time in order to grab and maintain power, not because it's right. She's appealing to Conservative votes right now. All policies will change when in power. This has f**king disaster written all over it. If you have a mortgage, watch out. You are about to get bent over.
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