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Hobsons Choice

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Everything posted by Hobsons Choice

  1. Was there enough time between blasts for it to be a single actor? If not, it's co-ordinated, which would suggest a larger organisation.
  2. True, but without a pipeline there would be literally nothing they could do to reestablish a supply with Russia, even if there was citizen protest. You are right, though, it would weaken the EU right when the States would want it to be strong, so long story short, I have absolutely no clue. Rogue Russian hardliners? God knows.
  3. Could this be an internal power thing between Putin and the oligarchs running the gas companies? I just don’t see how anyone wins from this. Surely if Putin wanted to turn off supply, he could just turn the tap off, without blowing the pipes up. Unless the US want to guard against anyone in Europe getting second thoughts in opposing the war when things get tough in the winter? All just complete speculation as it doesn't seem superficially to make any sense at all.
  4. Tbh I can't abide the idea of automatically voting for a party just because I'm pre ordained to because of class etc. I actually read the manifestos. I have a mate who votes Labour, always has always will, because his dad did. He lives in a massive house in the country now, but come rain ot shine he'll vote Labour. Even if they totally s**t the bed like they have done in the past. I'm extremely glad they are becoming electable again, not least because I kind of blame a lot of the tory nonsense that has happened over the last 10 years on the fact they were a very weak shadow government for ages. That's how extremism takes root. No one calls them on it. Or rather they do but no-one cares.
  5. Playing devil's advocate, why would China not reinforce russia's threat, creating an axis? Could they not see this as a way to precipitate a new world order based on their ideals? Russia would lose against NATO but China could challenge it, no?
  6. Ah, that makes sense. Are we sure he wouldn't though? He's pretty much cornered at this point.
  7. So if they don't fix the leak soon the whole pipe will implode? That will mean replacement. Germany must be pretty worried.
  8. I thought there was gas escaping? It looks like that in the pictures.
  9. I kind of wanted folks on here to ease my fears a bit, so thanks.
  10. That's a fair point but you could argue that he (quite rightly) has limited faith in his troops. Plus he would need troops to be on the ground fighting in Donbas to exemplify an attack by outside forces on that area. This feels very worrying at the moment. Hopefully it's all a storm in a teacup.
  11. If he nukes Kyiv would we not respond in kind? If we attack Russian troops in Donbas would he not threaten WW3. Imo if he nukes Kyiv it will 100% be ww3
  12. Well to date it's been mainly implied threats. What will we do if he says flat out that attacks on Donbass will be met with nuclear attack on Kyiv? What will we do? Is it a bluff? Will we call it? These questions scare the s**t out of me, to be honest.
  13. Brace for a tough few days. Putin will annex parts of Ukraine and hard threaten the use of nukes.
  14. 98% voting for Russian control. Ahahaha. Nothing political is ever anything like this. It couldn't be less genuine if all the ballots only had one possible choice.
  15. I'm not a natural Labour voter, I vote on policy, but I just listened to Starmer, and I thought it was a brilliant speech. Absolutely smashed it.
  16. I dunno, man, I thought when he got the Captaincy we saw a (temporarily) more mature Jack. Seemed that responsibility was key for him. He has very little responsibility at Man City.
  17. Temporarily taking this thread further ot, I did take away from Sweden a liking for food I'd never otherwise try. Raw herring with mustard is improbably delicious. Anyway I did the VP tour a while ago and it was excellent.
  18. The papers today are very interesting. For the first time in my memory, the usual paper equivalent of doom scrolling (doom turning?), the Express, has abandoned it's usual fear mongery and said on it's front page 'Don't Panic! We have a plan to cut debt'. I'm not sure how that was written with a straight face if I'm honest but everyone expects them to be a little bit bats**t crazy. Worse still the Mail writes 'Fury at the City Slickers betting against UK PLC', which is not only a blatant attempt to switch the discourse away from something they previously doubled down on, but also makes absolutely no sense, given that it's Bankers jobs to make money however they can. This fact being recently prioritised by Truss over having the poorest in our society eating snd staying warm. The Sun, however, gotta Sun and lead with a story about a 'love rat' who dumped his partner for a Ukranian refugee.
  19. 26 mins 54 secs, and 44 mins 58 secs. Two of the best goals I can remember seeing Villa score. If either of these were scored by Cantona or Bergkamp, they'd be on all manner of highlight reels.
  20. Pope should have that. Well who would have thought that after that absolute vomit stain of a first half, we would see 6 goals? I'd like to thank the Brewdog corporation for their help tonight. 'If it's a dog, make it a brewdog'. I think I need a lie down.
  21. Gareth: do more of 77 mins to 85 mins. Do less of 0 mins to 77 mins.
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